
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 4

Chapter 4; The Gaunts, Diagon Alley

When they came to the living room, the two sat opposite each other. Alvin looked at Snape across from him with a little emotion in his heart.

Snape is a character he liked very much when he watched movies in his previous life, although Alvin didn't like this character well in the previous movies.

But as he gradually learned about Snape's life, he gradually understood why Snape treated Harry like this.

After all, the father's debt is repaid.

This is a character with a tragic life, because of himself, he killed the only love in this life. Since then, he has lived in remorse and self-blame, and the final death may still be a relief for him.

Snape, who was sitting next to Alvin, didn't notice Alvin's thoughts, and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Gaunt, your surname is well-known in the wizarding world. Your ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, is one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the founder of Slytherin Academy."

"Due to some reasons, your family has declined in recent years, but the glory of pure blood still flows through your body. I believe that at Hogwarts, you can also make this surname great again."

Immediately afterwards, Snape began to explain some common sense in the magic world.

Alvin suddenly realized that he had no impression of his surname.

But after Snape finished speaking, he remembered that Voldemort's mother was from the Gaunt family, and the resurrection stone in the Horcrux was the ancestral treasure of the Gaunt family.

Now he is still in the old house of the Gaunt family, lying quietly.

As time passed, Snape also slowly stopped explaining.

"This is the general information. For more information, you can also find out after going to Hogwarts. I don't know if Mr. Gaunt has any questions."

"No, Professor, I'm looking forward to my future life, and I can't wait to go to Diagon Alley."

Alvin is not lying, his curiosity about the wizarding world has already reached its peak.

"Then ask Mr. Gaunt to stand by my side and grab my wrist."

Snape was also resolute, and when Alvin grabbed his wrist and stood firm, he used to Apparate.

Immediately, the figures of the two disappeared along with a whirlpool that appeared when the toilet was flushing.


Diagon Alley

Alvin looked at the scene in front of him curiously. This was a long cobblestone street full of pedestrians wearing wizard robes, coming and going very lively.

"Let's go to Gringotts first and get some Galleons. Although the Gaunt family has fallen, as the Holy Twenty-Eight Family, there is still some heritage over the years."

With that, Snape walked towards Gringotts.

Entering the hall, Snape walked to an empty counter and said to a goblin sitting inside

"We're going to the Gaunt family's vault, this is the heir to the Gaunt family."

The goblin inside glanced at Alvin, let him squeeze out a drop of blood, put it in a magic container, and fiddled with it for a while. After confirming for a while, he took them to the vault.

The Gaunt family's warehouse is at No. 710, the deepest part of the ground. Alvin also experienced the feeling of making a small minecart, but the fire dragon didn't see it, maybe it was sleeping.

Opening the door of the vault 710, the two and the goblins walked in. The entire vault is very large, but because the Gaunt family has fallen, there are not many Jin Galleons, and they are only stacked two meters high.

"About 50 to 100 Galleons, that's enough for the next year." Snape's voice came from behind him

Although Alvin drew a lot of gold Galleons, it was inconvenient to use them now, so he left after packing two in a bag.

After leaving Gringotts, the two came to the door of a small shop. The gold sign on the door had peeled off. ].

As a wizard, wands are part of their lives, and Snape naturally brought Alvin to pick out the wand first.

Walking into the store, Alvin found that it was much larger than it looked from the outside, and it should have been cast a traceless stretch spell. The shelves in the store are full of slender boxes.

"Good morning, Mr. Snape, it's been a long time since I saw you, let me think. Birch, the dragon's nerve, thirteen and one-half long, right?"

A soft voice came from Alvin's right, and an old man with bright eyes appeared beside them.

"Yes, you remember correctly, this is Mr. Gaunt. I brought him today to choose a wand that suits him."

Snape replied emotionlessly, as if he didn't seem to be having more discussions with Ollivander.

"It's the wand that chooses the wizard"

Ollivander didn't care about Snape's indifference, but he was very serious about what he said later. But after rebutting, he began to look at Alvin.

"Mr. Gaunt, I see, boy, what is your dominant hand?"

With a wave of Ollivander's wand, a tape measure flew to his side and floated.

"Right hand" Alvin replied

Then the tape measure "worked" on him.

Retracting the tape measure, Ollivander took Alvin to the shelf area. But before he could pick out a wand, the wand box on the shelf trembled.


Almost one-tenth of the wand box was flushed open instantly, and countless wands rushed to Alvin's side, floating and spinning.

"Oh my Merlin"

Ollivander showed a surprised expression and released his inner shock.

"It's a miracle, let me see… these flying wands are all made of phoenix feathers."

"Son, your fit with this type of wand has refreshed my understanding. You must know that Dumbledore's wand was sold by my grandfather back then, and the scene at that time was far less shocking than it is now."

Alvin knew that this must be because of Furui. Thinking of Furui, if he made a wand from Furui's feathers, would it fit him better.

Then, Alvin's thoughts moved, and a fire instantly appeared in the air. Under the surprised eyes of Snape and Ollivander, Phoenix Fury flew gorgeously onto Fred's shoulder.

"This is my buddy, Fury, and she showed up at my house two days after I received my Hogwarts notice, and we became buddies."

Looking at the phoenix in front of them, the other two said that they had seen each other for a long time today. They did not expect that other than the Dumbledore family, there would be people who would be recognized by the phoenix.

Alvin took the opportunity to ask, "I think it may be because of Furui's reasons, so I am more suitable for a wand made of Phoenix tail feathers. I wonder if Master Ollivander can use Furui's tail feather to customize a wand for me?"

Ollivander's eyes lit up when he heard Alvin's words.

You must know that in recent years, Dumbledore's Phoenix, Fox's temper has become more and more serious. He hasn't provided him with new tail feathers for a long time. He has not much stock in his hand, and he doesn't know when it will be out of stock.

Now that there are more phoenixes, how can he be unhappy.

Immediately Ollivander took Alvin to the studio behind, and the old and the young began to discuss.