

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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100 Chs


When the goblin, who had been murderous before, saw Felix chanting incomprehensible incantations and noticed his team collapsing, he became furious. He raised his wand and pointed it at Felix.



Blood marks suddenly appeared on his raised arm. The goblin turned pale, watching helplessly as a large amount of flesh and blood was cut out in an instant.

"This is - wind?!"

His thoughts became chaotic. Looking at the figure's beard and hair flying wildly in the storm, he could no longer feel the arrogance and anger he had before. Fear replaced those emotions.

Run away, quickly!

However, he was already one step behind his companions, and the dark thundercloud threatened to overturn the sky. Where could he run?

Besides the wind, there was rain!

As the first drop fell, the goblins felt true fear.

This was not light rain; it was as if sharp arrows shot straight down, splashing blood mist.

"Armor protection——"

"There are many obstacles -"

Countless spells came from the goblins' mouths, but none could withstand the violent wind and rain for long.

Felix evaluated the technique in his mind. It was a fusion of Thales's storm magic and this world's advanced weather spells.

The power was considerable, with a wide range. Although he had tried to modify it to spare vegetation and inorganic objects, for now, the wind and rain couldn't distinguish friend from foe.

Some goblins tried covering their heads with tree bark to lessen the damage of the rain.

Felix smirked. He hadn't expected such quick reactions.

His eyes focused on a goblin in the distance, likely the group's leader.

He was also the fastest.

The goblin held a piece of tree bark, turned into black mist, and fled.

Curious why they couldn't teleport, Felix followed.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed, and the escaping goblin fell with a wail.

A powerful roar echoed!

Felix raised his hand and turned towards the sky.

[Clear the clouds and the fog ]

The rain and wind subsided, replaced by snowflakes.

As the view cleared, Felix saw the approaching figure.

A dragon's head with sharp fangs and bone spurs.

Followed by warriors with muscle knots, huge brown beards, and facial patterns painted with bluestone dye.

Felix's heart skipped a beat.

In this world, only one group dressed like this.


Unexpectedly, in an era where the Vikings had been assimilated by the Germanic peoples, there were still Viking tribes in the wizarding world maintaining their traditions.

About ten Vikings attacked, each astride a dragon. Among them was a child, wearing a horned helmet and a fur coat adorned with runes, wielding a single-headed axe in the siege of the goblins.

The leader flew straight towards Felix.

Felix waved a hand, covering his blond hair, and awaited the visitor.

The leader, muscular and bare-chested, wore only a bearskin. His braided hair matched his beard.

The flickering silver light came from the flying axe in his hand.

"Did you kill these goblins?" he asked.

Felix nodded. "Are you the Vikings that the goblins mentioned?"

The man affirmed, "Yes, we're from Loland. These goblins killed our dragons and stole our dragon eggs, so we pursued them here."

Felix was surprised. "The International Federation of Wizards allows you to raise dragons?"

"Some Viking tribes have the custom of dragon-raising, with special approval from the Federation," the man explained. "My name is Evan Maxson. Thank you for your help."

Felix waved it off. "My name is Felix Peregrine. Those goblins stumbled upon trouble themselves."

As they spoke, they noticed something below.

The child Felix had observed approached the castle and met Harry.

"Are you a wizard?" The child's axe was stained with goblin blood, a goblin head tied to his waist, and a wand in his hand.

Harry confirmed, "Yes, I am." Despite the bloody scene, he remained composed, viewing the goblins as enemies.

The boy scrutinized Harry, then frowned. His dragon behind him also eyed Harry keenly.

He raised his axe. "Let's fight!"

"Kerry!" Evan's voice boomed from above. "No rudeness!"

Felix and Evan descended simultaneously.

"This kid is quite spirited," Felix remarked.

Evan, embarrassed, embraced Kerry. "He's my son. Sorry, Mr. Peregrine."

Kerry remained stubborn. "I just want to test the wizard's strength!"

Evan scolded him lightly. "It's Christmas Eve. Don't embarrass me in front of guests!"

Addressing Felix, Evan explained, "He's competitive with wizards, though he's not a spellcaster."

Felix glanced at the determined boy and was intrigued. Could non-spellcasters be so skilled in combat?

He glanced at Harry, feeling...

"If you want to spar, just do it !" Felix offered, eyeing Harry. "I'm curious about your skill level after all this time."

Harry eagerly accepted. As he spoke, Felix put his right hand into the golden pouch at his waist, he withdraw a blue steel sword from his magic pouch and gave it to Harry. When Harry held the short sword, the ring on his finger flickered slightly.

Then flames ignited from the sword's edge.