

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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100 Chs

the Knight Bus


Harry pointed his hand at the rusted hinge between the door and the wall, and recited the spell quickly and familiarly.

Silver light appeared on the rust-colored hinges, and then gradually expanded outward. Wherever the silver light passed, the rust color disappeared and was replaced by bright metallic light.

He was already very familiar with this curse. Although he didn't have a wand, so his spellcasting efficiency was not very strong, so he could only repair these small objects bit by bit, but it was still effective.

After repairing the opening and closing of the door, Harry shook the door and no longer heard the creaking sound.


So far, he has restored most of the castle.

After doing all this, Harry walked to the balcony of the house. This was a room on the third floor. It was uninhabited and smelled a bit dusty, but it was still clean. Harry cleaned it often.

Outside the balcony, facing the cliff, the scenery is much better standing here than on the cliff. He would never tire of it.

After the wind blew for a while, Harry ran downstairs again, left the castle and started collecting clothes.

Felix, who was lying on the sofa, was suddenly awakened by the sound of Harry's footsteps.

"Hmm...I fell asleep again?" Felix looked at Lucifer in confusion.

Lucifer nodded: "Yes, you fell asleep again."

"Oh." Felix sighed heavily, and then said: "Harry, make me an energy potion, half sugar and less ice."

Harry had just put the clean clothes in and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I'll be there soon."

"Why have I fallen asleep so much recently...I don't feel sleepy at all, but I fall asleep from time to time." Felix shook her head in distress.

"Cats spend two-thirds of the day sleeping." Lucifer said expressionlessly.

Felix looked at him angrily: "I'm not a cat."

"Poluk is not a pig either. But he just turned into a pig, fat and short." Lucifer retorted without hesitation:

"Have you forgotten that when Poluk lifted the curse, his height and weight suddenly changed? This curse doesn't just affect your face."

"It seems... too..." Felix recalled the changes in the red pig before, and then suddenly lowered his head and noticed that he was lying on his belly...

Is that... a swimming ring? !

He stood up immediately: "Lucifer, Lucifer, where's the scale? Show it to me!"

"You don't need a scale, you are indeed fat." Lucifer's words pierced Felix's heart like a knife.

Felix took off her shirt and looked down at it carefully. He used to have a figure with golden proportions, but now...it has been covered with a layer of fat.

It's not much, but it does.

However, only he knows that there is no reason for his body shape to change.

Thinking about it, he lifted up his energy and drew symbols on his chest with his fingers. The next moment, strange spells and formations gradually appeared on his skin.

These rune formations are usually on his bones and are not exposed on the skin. Allowing him to always ensure the perfect vitality of the body, it has the functions of energy storage, magic recovery, item storage, and high-speed repair of biological functions.

A perfect work based on the alchemy of the human body, I actually gained weight today.

"There is nothing wrong with your body, but you are just fat." Lucifer pointedly said: "Just like you can't find out how you turned into a cat, now you can't know why you are fat.

There is only one explanation, and that is that the curse has deepened! ! "

Felix was silent for a long time before putting on his clothes helplessly.

"Felix , you have to slow down and enjoy life. The more haste you do, the more likely the curse will be deepened."

"Maybe." Felix put on her clothes. Recently, whether on the cliff or on Privet Drive, there had been no storms, preventing her from taking the next step of the Animagus.

"If the Animagus can't do it, I will listen to you and slow down." Felix said.

Lucifer crossed his hands together and said disdainfully: "Sooner or later you will understand that what I said is right. The more anxious you are to get rid of it, the stronger it will be."

Felix patted his chest, hiding all the runes, and then he put on his clothes again. At this moment, Harry took out the energy potion and asked curiously: "Uncle Felix , what are you talking about?"

"He has hairy cheeks," Lucifer said.

Hairy cheeks ?

Harry used to be sent to Mrs. Figg's house. The old woman kept many cats in her house, so he also knew what hairy cheeks meant.

It means that the cat's face becomes rounder and fuller, often giving the impression of having "hairy" or fluffy cheeks.

He glanced at Uncle Felix , and when he said this, it seemed that it was indeed...

"Lucifer, can you shut up? I'm not a cat, so why should I be angry?" Felix was not angry.

Then he took a sip of the energy potion and immediately changed the subject: "Is the castle repaired?"

Harry nodded: "Many small places have been repaired, but there are some broken beams on the third and fourth floors that I can't repair... They are too thick."

As he said that, Harry's eyes lit up: "By the way, I even fixed this."

With that said, Harry ran to the second floor and moved down a gramophone with a large speaker from somewhere. Felix didn't know when these things were left behind, but he didn't expect Harry to actually repair them.

"Good job." Felix nodded and said, "I want to go to Diagon Alley, do you want to go?"

"Is that okay?" Harry said happily.

"Of course." Felix nodded and drank the energy potion in one gulp: "If there is no problem, let's set off now."

After saying that, his face suddenly changed into that angular look, he also adjusted his hair style, then put on his clothes and hat.

Harry couldn't wait and tied the scarf on his head.

What Harry didn't expect was that Uncle Felix did not take him directly to London, but opened the door and came to Privet Drive.

"Uncle Felix , what are we doing here?"

Felix shook his sleeves lightly, and a small wand appeared in his hand. He waved the wand gently and said:

"I heard that as long as you wave the magic wand on the roadside, a magic bus will come to pick up passengers. I don't know if it is true or not. Let's give it a try."

As he spoke, Felix waved the wand gently, and the tip of the wand lit up with a faint light.

Harry was a little confused; would a bus come just by waving the wand like this? This is so weird.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard something, but it was not on the road, but in the alley between Nos. 13 and 12, Privet Drive.

The sound gradually grew louder, and Harry looked over. It was dark inside, and something was blocking the alley, preventing him from seeing the other side.

Felix also noticed something strange in the middle of the alley. He turned around and raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The sound became louder and louder, like thunder, and Harry quickly stood beside Felix, staring at it all the time.

Boom boom——

A huge black shadow emerged from the alley, like a rocket.

Accompanied by an extremely harsh braking sound, a second later, the huge black shadow stopped on the road, right in front of the two of them, and even rolled up Felix's windbreaker.

Harry looked up and found that this was actually a bus with three floors!

Yes, a huge three-story bus just emerged from the alley between two houses.

Also written in big golden letters on the side of the car - KNIGHT BUS.

"Welcome aboard the Knight Bus, emergency passenger transport for witches or wizards in distress.

Just stick out your wand and get on the bus and we'll take you wherever you want to go, I'm John Daly the conductor. It was your signal, right? "

Felix adjusted his hat that was blown off just now: "Yes, do you want to go to the Leaky Cauldron Bar?"

John Daly snapped his fingers, showed an eight-tooth smile and said: "Of course, the Knight Bus has no fixed routes. We run them throughout the UK based on the needs of our guests."

Felix nodded and walked up first: "Let's go, boy. I feel like this ride will be exciting."

Harry swallowed, and he thought of the appearance of the Knight Bus just now. It was derogatory to say that it was a racing car, it was simply a land flight.

He pulled back the scarf that was covering his scar, mustered up his courage, and jumped on the bus.

"Okay, get ready, let's go. You're lucky. There are no guests now, so we can go directly to the Leaky Cauldron, which only takes more than twenty minutes.

By the way, it's eleven silver coins per person, and if you pay fourteen, there's hot cocoa available. "

There were no seats on the Knight Bus, only beds. Harry was a little surprised. It didn't look like a bus at all.

Just as he was thinking about it, Felix had already paid.

John Daly knocked on the guardrail and made a clanging sound: "Let's go, Ern, to the Leaky Cauldron."

There was another huge bang, and Harry, who was experiencing the softness of the bed, couldn't help but fall on the bed, then spun around again and hit the ground.

He got up in confusion, his mind was confused, and he could only hold on to the bed rail to prevent himself from being thrown out.

Just this...with a bed? ?

No matter how you think about it, you should install a safety seat like a roller coaster.

Then he looked at Uncle Felix, and found that there seemed to be roots under Uncle Felix's feet. No matter how tilted the car was, there was no sign of it falling over.

"Michael Jackson?!" Harry muttered.

After the shock, he looked out the window again and was shocked to see that the bus was actually heading towards the sidewalk.

Later, he found that although the car reached the sidewalk, it could not hit anything. Rows of lampposts, mailboxes, and trash cans jumped out of the way as the car approached, then returned to their original positions as it passed.

It was as if the space had been distorted. The lamppost was originally only about ten centimeters from the passers-by, but it was forcibly pulled to a width that could accommodate the passage of this car.

More than twenty minutes later, with the squeaking of the huge brakes, Harry realized that they had arrived at Charing Cross Street.

"Finally...we're here..." His face was red, and he felt a little nauseous.

Almost as soon as the car door opened, he jumped out and breathed in the calm fresh air.

Felix walked down slowly and said with a puzzled smile: "I didn't expect you to be so good at riding a broomstick, but you can't stand the bus."

Harry leaned against the lamppost, suppressing the raging stomach acid in his body, his eyes dizzy: "I... maybe I can just fly by myself..."

At this moment, the two of them heard a girl's somewhat garbled voice: "Mom, Dad, come here quickly. I'm pretty sure there is an old tavern there. Why don't you believe it?!"

"Girl, your mother and I have been here so many times, and we have never seen a tavern." A man responded helplessly, and quickly added: "Slow down, kid."

Felix and Harry turned around and saw a girl with messy brown hair walking on the road. At the same time, she was pulling her parents towards this side.

Behind her, a couple who were being held on both sides looked at each other and showed helpless smiles...