
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

3 | family and backstory

; ♡ family


ㅤㅤㅤlist of contents ‧₊˚

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ names

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ facts

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ sexualities, pronouns

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ appearance


-' this information resembles my family in my desired reality ',°-


-' information ;


    mom / alaura crouch ~


born ↝  12.24.1959

died ↝ 10.31.1981

house ↝ she was in gryffindor

sibling(s) ↝ bartemius crouch jr.

appearance ↝

webnovel doesn't allow photos.


information ↝ she went to beauxbaton for her first 2 years, the ended up in hogwarts in her 3rd year. she was sorted into gryffindor. she would go out of her way for her family to ensure their safety and happiness. she despised her father for constantly choosing work over her and his absence throughout her childhood. she cut him out of her life. she owned a shop beneath our family home that was her and my fathers main source of income. she once tried to free all house elves when she was young. she was very gifted when it came to making potions and even opened her own shop.

personality ↝ i never really got to know her, apparently she was very, very kind, and funny. she was really free will and kinda "go with the flow".


    dad / sirius black ~


born ↝  11.03.1959

house ↝ he was in gryffindor

sibling(s) ↝ regulus black

appearance ↝



brother / lincoln black ~


born ↝ 06.25.1977

house ↝ slytherin

pronouns ↝ he/him

sexuality ↝ he thinks labels are dumb, but he likes women

sibling(s) ↝ me, christoper, dominic, liam

appearance ↝ looks like this


information ↝ he's very funny and charming, but also pretty rude to some people. he is entertaining and can start up conversations out of no where. his closest friends are cedric diggory, draco malfoy, blaise zabini and a few other slytherins. he's amazing at quidditch.

personality ↝ he's loud and outgoing, dry to strangers, and has a smart mouth. he has good humour, and likes poking jokes at people to make them mad. he's rather kind to his close friends, and will go out of his way to make sure he gets his way. he is a good liar, and puts himself first, but his family is always next after that. he also is considered very funny, in the right lighting.


brother / liam black ~


born ↝ 10.31.1978

house ↝ gryffindor

pronouns ↝ he/they

sexuality ↝ bisexual

sibling(s) ↝ me, christoper, dominic, lincoln

face ↝ looks like this


information ↝ he's VERY funny and charming, also pretty selfless. he's great at making boring situations fun. his closest friends are fred and george weasley, but he hangs out with cedric diggory every now and then because of how close his brother is with him. he's on the quidditch team. he has a hard time staying out of trouble, because he's always busy figuring out a new prank or trying to accomplish some random project. he has way too much time on his hands. he's usually by himself, but definitely is close friends with the twins

personality ↝ he's very friendly and likes to crack jokes with new people. he has really good humour and can easily make people laugh. he could be considered kinda chaotic, i guess

extra ↝ he has a cat named kitsune, and a frog named gib


brother / christopher black ~


born ↝ 05.29.1980

house ↝ gryffindor

pronouns ↝ he/him

sexuality ↝ straight

sibling(s) ↝ me, lincoln, dominic, liam

face ↝ looks like this


information ↝ he's considered the class clown, and is very dry to people he doesn't consider befriending. he doesn't take school school seriously, but he gets good grades anyways. he gets along very well with the weasley twins. he wants to go on adventures when he grows old and explore the world.

personality ↝ he's charming and funny, also kind - just not so kind to people he doesn't like. he hates class and refuses to take school seriously at all. he loves to pull pranks, and can easily change the mood in a room when we walks in (thats kinda an exaggeration but u get the point).


brother / dominic black ~


born ↝ 06.21.1981

house ↝ slytherin

pronouns ↝ he/him

sexuality ↝ asexual

sibling(s) ↝ me, christoper, lincoln, liam

face ↝ looks like this


information ↝ he can easily make friends and is pretty well liked. he's kinda introverted and hates confrontation. his grades are amazing and he goes above and beyond when it comes to school - he's somewhat cocky about it. he says he wants to be head of the ministry when he grows old, but me and christopher don't buy it. i realize after while i'm in the chamber of secrets how he has similar traits to tom riddle. he's close with ginny weasley and dahlia welles. i talk the least to him out of all of my brothers, but we still talk from time to time. he gives great advice. i trust him with a lot of stuff.

personality ↝ he appears to be very kind and charming at first glance, but can definitely be manipulative. he's smart but is very modest about it. he is usually serious but jokes around every now and then.


pets ~



born ↝  ?.?.1991

gender ↝ female

appearance ↝


information ↝ my brother and i found her on the side of the street when we were eating outside our mother's old shop, now she's my cat. she usually sleeps in my bed and snuggles me every night. she NEVER has nats.

personality ↝ she's sweet and docile. she likes to climb but is surprisingly lethargic considering how young she is. she has a funny personality and loves to snuggle. she is well behaved. she is an indoor/outdoor cat, but shes usually inside. shes really, really smart. like - surprisingly smart. she never bites or claws/scratches people that are just trying to snuggle/play (but if there was a stranger or smthing trying to hurt someone then she would lol)



born ↝  10.30.1987

gender ↝ male

appearance ↝


information ↝ my brother was given him from our close family friend - prof. lupin, before liam started to attend hogwarts. he's v chubby

personality ↝ he's almost always sleeping, and likes when people carry him around. he eats alot of food. he particularly likes cuddling people and will sleep wherever, whenever. he is an indoor/outdoor cat but he's usually inside.



born ↝  ?.?.1991

gender ↝ female

appearance ↝


information ↝ we don't know much about her, honestly. we got her when she was a baby the day i left to go to hogwarts. my older brothers, liam and lincoln got her for me

personality ↝ shes sweet, and very very smart. she usually always listens to what i tell her to do, no matter what - very well behaved. she never bites or nips anyone.


-,' family backstories! -

me ~

i was born into the black family on may 29th, 1980 alongside my twin brother, christopher.

                         - october 31st, 1981 -

my mother, me & my siblings were some of voldemorts main targets, along with lily, james and harry potter. because my mother and them were so close, it was without a doubt that my mother, my siblings & i were going to go into hiding with the potters. the night voldemort came to murder them, my mother acted quickly enough to hide my siblings, but not fast enough to hide harry and i. voldemort was going to kill me and harry, then find the rest of my siblings, but lily and my mothers sacrifice protected us and resulted in voldemort's temporary defeat. me and harry both got the same lighting shaped scar. my mother, lily and james potter did not survive but harry, the rest of my siblings and i all survived. (the original story + my family lol)

this results in me and harry becoming the chosen one(s). me and harry both get chosen for the triwizard cup, and voldemort is out to kill us both, etc.


father ~

(his current story with a few changes). in his second to last year of hogwarts, he realized he fell for my mother, surprisingly. they had similar interests and fell into the same general group of friends. in 1977 him and my mother had my brother, lincoln black, in 1978 they had my other brother, liam black, in 1980 they had me and my twin brother, rhyanna and christopher black, in 1981 they had my younger brother, dominic black. when our mother died on october 31st with james and lily potter, he went out to go avenge lily, james, and alaura. he confronted pettigrew, and when pettigrew fled, he was mistakenly accused of betraying the potters and alaura, then mistakenly accused of murdering 12 muggles on the street (like in the story). with him being sent to azkaban and our mother dead, he requested that me and my siblings were sent to live with one of his close friends or family members - specifically remus lupin. remus came and raised us in our childhood home on haven road, until my father escaped from azkaban. when lupin and my father went to live in 12 grimmauld place so they could hide from the ministry, we went with them (me and my siblings). my siblings and i understood the situation well and we knew how dire the situation was. my father and remus raised us to be mature.


mother ~

she was born into the crouch family on december 24th, 1959 to bartemius crouch, and a veela who bartemius has never shared the name of. a few years later her younger half brother was born; bartemius crouch junior (they have different mothers). they were quite different, my mother was sort of the black sheep of the family, yet she was always very kind and loved her family dearly. her father took a liking to her, it was obvious he preferred her over her little brother. she was denied attention regardless of being her fathers favourite child, maybe because he was so busy with work, and her mothers absence throughout her life. she was often neglected and never really got to know her family well. her brother and her never got along because he was clearly jealous of how her father preferred her. she was smart, charming, witty and beautiful - but her brother on the other hand - was not. she was sorted into gryffindor in '71. she became closer friends with lily evans (lily potter), remus lupin, sirius black, and james potter. she was closest with lily. they hung out together often and told each other everything. in my mothers second to last year at hogwarts, she realized she fell in love with sirius black - clearly the feelings we're mutual. she had me and my 4 brothers shortly before she died. she gave me my middle name after her best friend, lily. she died with her childhood bestfriend and her husband james in their home, murdered by voldemort. she was so young at the time, so she hadn't made a will yet. this resulted in all of her possessions either being handed down to her children or being auctioned off for a fair price. me and my siblings all received an equal amount of galleons.


brother (dominic) ~

he was the last child born into the black family on june 21, 1981. when his time came to go to hogwarts, he was sorted into slytherin. he doesn't talk to me or my siblings often, and will send letters to us even though most of us have the same common room. he seems very polite and charming, but behind the scenes somewhat manipulative. his favourite teacher is prof. snape. he has amazing grades and takes school very seriously. his dream is to be the head of the ministry of magic when he grows up, just like his grandpa, atleast that's what he claims. he has a few friends but specifically is close with dahlia welles. he reminds dumbledore, helena, me, and christopher of tom riddle, but we don't tell anyone that. after i went into the chamber of secrets i realized how similar tom riddle was to dominic, i immediately told dumbledore and helena ravenclaw.


brother (christopher) ~

he was born into the black family, along with me on may 29th, 1980. when our time came to go to hogwarts, he was sorted into gryffindor and fit in quite nicely. he has really good humour and is considered the class clown. he has a soft spot that alot of people manage to miss. he always tries to put smiles on his friends faces, but he is surprisingly cold to people he doesn't intend on befriending. he loves attention and has a very kind heart, yet he's also very brave. he gets along very, very, VERY well with the weasley twins and they pull pranks together all the time. when he's not with me, he can often be found with the twins. he has never taken his grades really seriously, but that has never been an issue anyways. when he grows up he wants to take after his father, adventure and fall in love, maybe settle down and have some kids. he's pretty popular because he looks most similar to me, people ask him all the time if he's really my twin


brother (liam) ~

he was born into the black family on october 31, 1978. when his time came to go to hogwarts, he was sorted into gryffindor and fit in great. he is goofy and smart, and very selfless. he has alright grades, if he tried harder they would be great. he doesn't have a designated friend group, but he manages to get along well with a lot of people, having friends has never been and issue. he's usually alone and has seems to have a lot of free time on his hands - somehow. he likes pranking people and having fun. he has always been interested in muggle living and muggle studies. he's also kinda chaotic, he always has something new going on.


brother (lincoln) ~

he was the first born into the black family on june 25, 1977. when his time came to go to hogwarts, he was sorted into slytherin. he is very close with cedric diggory, and they are often seen hanging around together. he doesnt take his grades seriously whatsoever, because practicing for quidditch takes up most of his time and energy. he is kind to his close friends and family, generally people his family is well of with, but on the other hand - he is rather rude to people his friends and family aren't fond of. he is very close with me and my twin brother, christopher. sometimes in his spare time him and cedric hang out with us. he really enjoys company, but also likes to have his own alone time. he is great at starting conversations and he is surprisingly entertaining. he likes to make people he finds annoying or uninteresting mad and has no mercy when it comes to that. he's pretty popular



my grandfather (barty crouch) and i have a good relationship. he sort of treats me like the daughter he never got to know. he does his best to maintain a good relationship with me and my siblings - yet he doesnt have a lot of time to try.

liam will try to teach me how to play piano sometimes

molly weasley is like a mother figure to me and she is always there for me, we get along super well and have the same humour. she sees me as a friend but also as one of her own children, so we can actually have one on one conversations like i would with the rest of my friends every now and then

hagrid is like family to me - i instantly trust him and he cares about me alot, i can talk to him about almost anything. he is sort of like a father figure to me and my brother, christopher.

me and christopher are close and he helps me with classes if i'm having trouble. we joke around alot and have the same humour. we have a twin bond sort of thing.