
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

12 | friends

; ♡ friendships *unfinished*


ㅤㅤㅤlist of contents ‧₊˚

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ friendships

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ relationships

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ things we will do together

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ some scenarios


-,' luna lovegood ~

things we do together ~

↝ i'll teach her how to read stars

↝ me and her go into the forbidden forest together

↝ she comes out of the closet to me first

↝ she teaches me a bit about astrology

↝ we sometimes skip potions class together

-,' neville longbottom ~

things we do together ~

↝ he will tell me random fun facts while we walk to class

↝ he confides to me about quite a lot

↝ he will teach me how to grow and care for plants

-,' ron weasley ~

things we do together ~

↝ we don't realize it, but we make a burn book in 1st year 🤙

↝ we plan (around once a month) a night to sneak into the kitchens and binge eat while the house elves entertain us

↝ we talk about drama together

↝ he lets me braid his hair

↝ he trusts me with loads of things

↝ i try to set him up with hermione

↝ we talk with the paintings about drama, all though most of the paintings don't like him for whatever reason

↝ when we go to hogsmeade i'll buy him loads of candies and food since he can't afford to

↝ we have random dumb deep talks about stupid things

-,' fred and george weasley ~

things we do together ~

↝ they let me do their hair, makeup, nails, and occasionally chose their clothes for fun

↝ at the masquerade ball i'll dress them up as women and no one will realize it's them

↝ they teach me how to make random gadgets and spells

↝ we sneak out and into the kitchens at night and practice on the house elves pranks that we are gonna pull

↝ we all joke around a lot

↝ we tend to get detention together a lot

↝ one of them will pick me up, and the other one will pick christopher up, and we have to do hard tasks and try not to fall (eg; hopping to the end of the great hall and back on one foot, successfully prank filch and run away from him without getting caught, etc). whoever can stay up longest wins

-,' harry potter ~

things we do together ~

↝ sneak out of our dorms at night to practice quidditch

↝ go to hagrid's hut, have tea and play uno

↝ we talk about drama to each other

↝ we bet on who we think is going to get together

↝ he lets me do his makeup occasionally

↝ we sneak around the castle at night with the invisibility cloak

↝ him, christopher and i will go exploring through the castle and hogwarts grounds on some weekends

↝ we help eachother through the tri-wizard tournament

↝ we talk about what life would be like if our parents hadn't died

↝ we have random deep talks about stupid things

↝ we work together to give all the weasley kids presents for christmas

-,' hermione granger ~

things we do together ~

↝ she teaches me how to bake

↝ i try to set her up with ron

↝ we talk to each other about drama

↝ i hint to her a lot that ron likes her but she's too naive to catch on

↝ we study together

↝ we sneak out in the middle of the night with harry's invisibility cloak to the library

↝ i'll show her me and ron's burn book like 5 years after we make it, and we'll laugh about it

↝ every night we can't fall asleep, we sneak out of our dorm together and sneak around the castle, exploring

↝ we play games with the house elves on weekends

-,' cedric diggory ~

things we do together ~

↝ we dubbed the kitchen as our safe place

↝ we sneak to the kitchen late at night and bake

↝ i'll teach him how to knit

↝ he lets me give him haircuts (when he's in need of one) and do his makeup

↝ we get eachother christmas gifts

↝ we gather all the gryffindors and the hufflepuffs every now and then on weekends, and play huge games of tag, hide and seek, sardines, and truth or dare

↝ we both sneak out of our dorms late at night and meet in the kitchens - the house elves never snitch

↝ him, lincoln and i play pranks on filch

↝ me and cedric help eachother in the tri-wizard tournament

↝ we occasionally skip classes together at the same time and go to the kitchens and binge eat instead

-,' ginny weasley ~

-,' louis ollivander ~