
the mystery letter, part one.

Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Potter (née Weasley) eventually married and had three children, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna potter. harry was also named godfather of Ron's firstborn rose.


Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger eventually married and had two children, Rose Granger-Weasley and Hugo Granger-Weasley. Ron was also named the godfather of James Sirius Potter, his sister Ginny Weasley's and Harry Potter's eldest child.


Harry James Potter.

Ron Weasley.

Hermione Granger.

These three are the Gryffindor's Golden Trio who defeated that man He who shalt not be named the vicious vile, Lord Voldemort!

it's okay though he's been dead for a while, I mean it's been years since the trio led the war of Wizards and witches.

there is no one mage alive who can use magic that doesn't know Harry Potter or Gryffindor's golden trio, nor is there any wizard or witch who doesn't wish to be accepted into the godly school of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry.

there are other schools out there but, this one is the most prestigious and most renounced!

to date I was born 2008, it's now 2019 and I'm eleven there is some very weird stuff that's popular, and for some reason, really old stuff is becoming popular again also.

It is not easy for me to believe in a bunch of different stuff like fairy tales and such, although today is my birthday.

I was born August thirty first as you can well guess, that's today my friends!

my name is Baxter Honeycutt, my dad calls me box, and my mom calls me honey, I hope that Nickname never sticks though personally.

they are muggle it turns out neither can use magic, or they can and haven't said anything to me.

I am sleeping in my room I live under our stairs, no it's not outrageous I like small spaces and big rooms bother me at night...

it's also my favorite place because any time the mail carrier comes I can hear him drop the mail and be there first thing, the main reason is that I enter writing contests and also do poems contests.

even if I get a loser letter I don't care I'm happy someone is even reading what comes from my mind.

I'm always bullied by others because I'm smarter, I am not so fat or so skinny I'm weak, I can do sports I mean I love baseball!

I sometimes see some weird things like newspapers with moving pictures but others say they are normal.

sometimes like on my school test there are extra problems to solve, I like those because sometimes they are potions or spells.

like a small change spell, for witches or wizards to find and change characteristics we just call them mages.

although you wouldn't be able to do much, hair color, eye color, and other small things that were a small way to find others like us.

turns out there was a boy in my class named Gregory checker, he is usually the one who bullies me...

although that is fine, we used to be friends that's where I learned of Hogwarts I also learned his parents were former graduates who went to school around the time that Harry was there.

although they were in Hufflepuff, I honestly love the Ravenclaw house.

I hope my hardest to find a way to contact the school just to join, since my parents are muggle they can't do it for me but alas I have no ways to contact the school or anything.

that means I am on my own, but this day was specifically special for me as I got a mystery letter with a Giant H in wax sealing it, oh don't worry this has already passed I'm just reliving the foundation of me.

telling my story as it will on how I ended up standing on this platform.

anyways I opened the letter with glee welling up I'm my heart butterflies in my gut, bit no matter how I peeled it was stuck like the sword in the Stone type of thing.

I thought about many ways to open it, but none of them worked.

that is till I tried a spell from the test, I used it "aparecium" its a spell to see hidden texts and notes if you are wondering do I have a wand no I don't but some spells don't require a wand.

you use just the words, or hand signs, or even runes, one can use blood magic but is frowned upon.

anyways the seal melted into ink making pretty red letters, it then made my initials in wax at the top BH, the letter read.

"Dear Mr.honeycutt, this is the headmaster for Hogwarts, we humbly request you to visit our halls.

this semester is considered to be the one In which is attuned to you, again we of Hogwarts have provided transportation, funds, an egg, and the following pixie who will relay directions, as for the use of station platform nine and three quarters.

this letter is to inform you that I have received your tests and have granted you permission to enter my halls ready your self accordingly, the following issue muggle Ascent will also be solved by showing this letter to your parents.

sincerely yours headmaster Professor McGonagall."

now I had no one to be happy or show for a few minutes at least because it said to show this to my parents.

so I did, after showing my mom and dad... I was surprised.

to show my parents I expected something totally different instead I got from my mom a shock of the year!

dad was completely mesmerized by the words he went blank and passed out?

mom, on the other hand, was able to read the words, she spoke "aparecium!" and the words changed to another message, this one was slightly obscured in which I was unable to read it.

facing my mother I was thinking my dad was completely unaware.

he snapped too and spoke " wow son to be accepted to such a prestigious institution." he got up hugged me and spoke again, " I'm going to go buy a came and tea too celebrate!"

with that, he grabbed his keys and sped off mom just sat there silently.

(my mother) there is nothing I can say, but I can ask you do you want to go.

I wish I could say good things about this school but when I went there I learned that different is difficult.

it's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that I am a mother and I fear that school.

the feeling isn't the best but I can tell you this, you are a great person and I want you to have your own experience!

do you want to go?

(Baxter) yes, I do. please tell me what it's like!

how come you never said anything?

why do you hate that place?

(mother) when you attend find professor aurora sinistra, last time I heard she was still the astronomy professor. I guess she eventually will take over for Professor McGonagall, or something like that for all I know. we aren't on too good terms.

(Baxter) Grandma?

your joking right?

(mother) *giggles* yes honey, your grandma my mother is a teacher at the school.

my surname is sinistra, my full name is

Minerva Guinness sinistra -Honeycutt-

I took your father's name, he was a muggle from the business I worked at, I took muggle law work which being a lawyer isn't so terrible.

after I graduated though my mother wanted me to be an astrophysicist... I was so happy with my own life me and your grandma grew apart.

I think she was at the family reunion but since I didn't see her I figured she said hi to you your dad and left?

(Baxter) yeah, she said hi and gave me a present then left? dad is oblivious when she.. I get it now.

wait when I attend?

(mother) take that egg out to stingy, he will hatch it for you, after that we will be able to get you a few things before you set off.

*after that came a lot of change I didn't ask my mom many questions, she took me to a small alley and knocked on the wall the bricks fell open she walked in and I followed her we stepped through the wall that had made an archway on the other side was a winter covered alley, snow over everything and people were walking all around in and out of restaurants, shops and other marvelous sites to be honest it was an overload.

I walked behind her and we went to a large bank, that said Gringotts wizarding bank.

we went in and found a bunch of goblins nasty fellows good with money!

the one she walked up to spoke quietly yet Sternly.

(pocket) miss Minerva long time no see you seem well how is your life going In the muggle world?

(Minerva) pocket it's been almost 14 years, I see your memory never slips.

has mom been to the vault?

(pocket) it's been some time since I have seen her, almost a year to be closer to exact.

(Minerva) I see, well I would like to go down. and see the vault.

number 718, sinistra family vault.

(pocket) I see that no issues follow me, In the meantime mind explaining that!

*points at Baxter.*

(Minerva) mm yeah, he is my son, I had him with a muggle.

he showed signs of Wizardry it appears.

he starts his first semester in a few weeks his owl hatched yesterday night.

I need to get him a few things like a faux chest, a wand, oh and a familiar to guard his things, a few charms.

(pocket) the same old scared little girl I see.

(Baxter) you seem to know my mom really well what was she like back then.

(pocket) kid back then it was the war for wizards, I assume you know of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.

(Baxter) yeah who doesn't!

(pocket) well, your mother was in Gryffindor.

when the golden trio was going to school, she used to have the biggest crush on a Hufflepuff house kid what was his name again.... anyways, I and her mother used to have tea and talk.

that was before the war after she went through the war, first hand as a teacher and her as a student.

they were both scared after losing Riley.

*taking an elevator down getting into a wagon cart.*

(Minerva) he doesn't know about his uncle...

(Baxter) uncle? I have an uncle??

(pocket) had dear boy Baxter Riley sinistra, I must say he was Ravenclaw's brightest.

he battled next to the golden trio and all the teachers, your mother was one year younger than them she was tasked with helping the youngest of wizards and witches.

*getting from the wagon cart into a mining cart.*

(Baxter) I see...

(Minerva) don't look down on me like that I know I never told you anything besides what good would it do, if you were muggle I wouldn't need to.

if the chance that you actually turned out wizard, means that you will learn for yourself.

(pocket) yes, good point.

*passing a vault that was making a noise like moans the number said "713" they passed it up by five which was a wide area, the number said "718".*

(pocket) this is it for you the sinistra vault, please let me know if you need anything else I'll be sitting here reading this book.

there is a new app for the phones that the kids are bringing in, there are limited things one can do but books are never stopped haha!

(Baxter) you can use smartphones?

(pocket) ah yes, we aren't in the Stone age, are we?

technology is as inevitable and innovative as magic.

it doesn't matter really though the preventive magics protecting Diagon Ally is so extensive that pictures don't work or many other things like videos and other things.

(Minerva) yes and the magic here is strong that the ambient Mana channels are always growing ceaselessly.

that allows Diagon alley to grow and flourish, eventually, there will be a portal in each city and state.

my mother helped with that and so did your great-grandma!

they use the map of the stars of Mana and the ambient Mana on the earth, to make portals and such for wizards and witches to safely travel in and out of Diagon alley as it connects to the mage world the more the merrier my mom always thought.

anyways let's get some things and hurry up and get the rest.

(Baxter) okay then.

*with that my mother grabbed a few bags of coins and a few scrolls.

she also grabbed a small box and walked over to the cart setting it down she jumped up onto it and spoke.*

(Minerva) grab some coins and that little silver box and let's go!

(Baxter) yes, mom!

*I did as asked and we continued on to the Ascent.

back to the front and out the door, pocket wrote up a ticket and sent us off.

my mother took a few minutes to say her goodbyes.

I don't see her too emotional and she has very few friends so this is rare.

after that we headed back into the thick of the alley, squeezing past people at a fast rate I followed my mom with the newfound information I was spinning.

this was my dream coming true, this was my mother she was a witch the entire time.

I have so many more questions but I know my mother well enough to know she wasn't going to answer, so I followed and stared in admiration!

