
Hogwarts Legacy

The story is about a guy named Draco Malfoy who has just entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It would seem that he is the same as everyone else, only he is subject to a great power, namely “Ancient Magic”. Let's watch as he gains control of his power, overcoming many difficulties and finding loyal friends and followers in the process...

Ratnik · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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24 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11


- Yeah, it's pretty fun here. And Gryffindor has a lot of parties, so I don't get bored. You should make some friends, though, because you're always alone when we cross paths!

- Yeah? Aren't you my friend? Yeah, and Fred and George are my friends, too.

- Don't be shy! We're your friends, but you must realize that's not the same thing. We're in different houses, so we don't get to see each other much. You'll have to make friends in Slytherin.

- Friends? In Slytherin? Ha-ha, good one. - I laughed at that girl's naivety.

- What's so funny about it? Everyone needs friends..." Angelina clearly didn't understand my laughter. I could understand her, though, because she probably grew up in a more hothouse environment than me and the other hereditary mages whose families always ended up in Slytherin.

- Huh, you might not understand it now Angelina. But as much as Slytherins boast about taking care of each other and all that, the reality is pretty harsh. Pretty much everyone here is a pompous turkey with an inordinately high ego who wants to be above the rest, to lay down power and assert themselves by making the rest of us their minions. When in reality, they are nothing good, they are just a bunch of arrogant assholes who can't even hold a stick properly. So, being friends with them is a useless and even negative action. But time will tell.

From my words, the mouth of my interlocutor involuntarily opened in amazement. Apparently, she hadn't expected such a relationship among Slytherins.

- Phew, it's a good thing I wasn't in Slytherin. Otherwise I would have gone crazy around snakes like that. - The girl finally blurted out, and then, as if realizing what she had said, she quickly clapped her hands over her lips and started trying to justify herself.

- Y-you don't misunderstand. I didn't mean you, I meant the other Slytherins! You're not like them, you're good! - Angelina said quickly and then sharply embarrassed herself, making her dark skin take on an interesting hue.

- Ha ha, don't worry. You definitely wouldn't get into Slytherin with a temper like that. The allotment hat knows its business. So who knows, maybe I'm a snake worse than the others, with poisonous fangs. - I grinned, to which Angelina did not comment, but only stared in surprise.

- Well, it was nice talking to you, but it's getting late. So I guess I'll go back to my snake lair and get ready for bed. Bye, Angelina. I'll see you later. - I said goodbye to the girl and walked towards the exit.

- Yeah, see you Draco. - She also waved her hand, but at the same time apparently thinking about something of her own...




Because of the constant busyness of studying, reading books in the library and honing my wand and spell skills, I didn't notice how quickly two months had passed since I had entered Hogwarts.

I only realized that it had been a long time when I woke up one morning to the smell of freshly baked pumpkins and Halloween decorations on the walls.

- Hmm, is today Halloween Eve? - I voiced my thoughts out loud.

- Ha ha, Draco, I told you that cramming for books wouldn't do you any good. You've already fallen behind in life. Of course it's Halloween Eve! That's all anyone's been talking about all week. - Montague laughed when he heard me say that.

- Yeah, you're right. You should take a break every now and then. - I agreed with his words, and then quickly got dressed and went to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Breakfast, by the way, was also thematic, all the dishes looked terrible, and some of them even disgusting, but at the same time they tasted wonderful. In general, the elves did their best. And from that I began to look forward to the dinner more than before, assuming that it would be even better.

After breakfast, all the students were looking forward to Professor Flitwick's lesson. After all, we can say that we were introduced to the basics of magic, so the program moved to a more "complex" stage. So almost all the children were looking forward to learning the spell "Vingardium Leviosa" that the professor had demonstrated to us in the last lesson. And that was, to me, incredibly stupid of them. All these "basic" spells were fully described in our textbook, with all the basics and instructions, but no. The students didn't want to touch them in their last time, even though they could have easily learned them all by themselves... stupid creatures.


Like most classes, it turned out to be a combined class. This time, however, our colleagues were Puffenduys.

Professor Flitwick had decided to divide all the students into pairs for the sake of productivity. And my partner was Cedric Diggory. He was a rather tall guy, by virtue of being a year older than us, and it turned out that for family reasons he had been traveling last year, so he hadn't been able to get into Hogwarts on time. Of course, I'd heard all this from my roommates, who liked to gossip worse than the girls in their spare time. I never talked to the guy myself.

- Hey, there. I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory. I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory. - he extended his hand in a friendly manner.

- Draco Malfoy. - I shook it back.

- Guys, don't forget the brush movements we practiced with you. The brush rotates easily, and sharply, and with a whistle. Remember - easily, and sharply, and with a whistle. And it is very important to pronounce the magic words correctly - don't forget about the wizard Baruffio. He pronounced "es" instead of "os" and as a result he found himself lying on the floor with a buffalo on his chest. - The professor decided to remind us, seeing some people start mispronouncing the spell and waving their wand.

After watching the other students trying to cast the spell for a while, I came to the disappointing conclusion that they were all fools who used their wands only for the simplest of spells, and then only to make fun of someone.

Someone's quill twitched, someone's burned out, someone's exploded. So I decided to hold off on the spell so I wouldn't stand out. Except apparently Professor Flitwick didn't want me to stand out.

- So, Mr. Malfoy, I don't see you trying to cast a spell. Don't be embarrassed if you can't, it's nothing to be ashamed of. - smiled good-naturedly goblin.

- Eh, there is nowhere to go. - I sighed, and then already practiced movements waved his wand and said.

- Wingardium Leviosa!

At the same moment, the feather rose smoothly into the air, and the professor smiled happily.

- Oh! Splendid! Everyone saw, Mr. Malfoy did it! - applauded the professor, drawing the eyes of all the students to us.

- I only managed to do it because I often practice on my own. So there's nothing outstanding in it, I'm sure everyone will master this spell soon, after a little practice. - I decided to smooth things over a bit so that I wouldn't look like a black sheep.

- Ha ha, don't belittle your abilities Mr. Malfoy. Success depends on one percent talent and ninety-nine percent diligence, so for your honesty and diligence, I'm awarding Slytherin thirty points!