
Chapter 3

"Mari! Are you okay?" Marinette smiled as the pink haired woman in front of her rushed towards her and pulled her into a deep hug. "We were so worried!"

A gasp from behind broke the beautiful moment and the sound of rushing feet was what turned Marinette's head as beast boy leapt into her arms and rubbed his cheek against hers.

Damian scoffed.

"Omg. Omg. Omg! Mariiii! I was soo worried!"

Next to enter was Cyborg and Raven soon followed.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or do I see a black-haired, blue-eyed woman standing before me?" Marinette chuckled at the Cyborg standing in front of her.

"Marinette!" Raven grinned but the edges of her lips soon twitched and went back down as she noticed the twigs in her hair and the way she crouched, "What did they do to you?"

The girl's smile twitched. "Oh nothing much."

"Marinette." Starfire gave the woman a soft smile.

"He just kicked me." As if by instinct or muscle memory, her hand hovered above her stomach, "A lot."

"Anything else?" the pink-haired woman asked.

"He pushed a gun on my head threatening to shoot if I didn't scream."

Damian growled. That fucking clown fed off pain. What a sadistic asshole!

"And threw a knife at my head."

Damian grabbed a nearby chair.

"And called me a bitch."

His knuckles were going white.

"And dug his nails into my chin."

The chair creaked under Damian's wrath.

"And threw another knife at my head."

The sound of cracking wood filled the room.

"And threatened to blow my head off."

Everyone jumped as the wooden chair went soaring over their heads and smashed apart as it made connection with the wall.

They turned around to see Damian grabbing his sword and equipping himself with one of the things he hated the most; guns.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Raven asked.

"Clown-hunting." His tone did not sound friendly and they could practically see the word 'murder' written in his frown; the embodiment of the saying 'read my lips'.

Damian froze as he felt something warm and soft on his lips. He looked down and surely the blue-eyed angel was kissing him.

The sound of metal hitting wood filled the room as his sword hit the floor.

His eyes widened and although he would deny it till the day he died, he liked it.

So when she pulled away, he had to mentally and physically refrain from chasing after her.

"Damian, I'm okay." As if to prove her point, she did a little spin, "I'm stronger than you know." She giggled.

"I think you broke him." Cyborg chuckled.

"Daaamn Mari, I didn't know you were so bold!"

"Bullet? He can handle. Grenade? Psch no problem. Trapped in piranha-infested waters? Easy as pie! But a kiss from an angel? He turns to goo!" Raven smirked.

"Why don't you kiss him again? Maybe it'll wake him u- Nope he's awake."

Damian cleared his throat and blinked. "Uh." he was tongue-tied, "Um."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng had just kissed him!

He turned to Raven, "S-She's going to forget all of this when she returns to normal..right?"

Raven nodded but the look on her face said otherwise.

Marinette pouted. "Am I a bad kisser?"

His eyes widened, "No! No no! You're an amazing kisser," he choked, "I-I mean-"

"Ooooh." Beast boy smirked.

Starfire gasped.

A ping caught Damian's attention.

"Cyborg what did you just do."

"Oh nothing." he smirked, "Just texted Tim that Mari kissed you."


Cyborg ran out the room waving his phone in the air as if daring Damian to come chasing after it.

Starfire squeaked as she slipped out.

Raven rolled her eyes and left.

Beast boy shifted into a bug a went skittering along the walls following Raven.

"Hey Damian." He turned to the woman and watched as she made her way closer to him pulling him into a hug. "I'm fine."

He slumped his shoulders; she could practically feel him relax.

"I'm fine." her voice came out in whispers as she repeated that phrase.

Her hand made it's way up to his deep brown locks and she scratched at his scalp eliciting a sigh from his lips.

"Are you sniffing me?" He chuckled.

"You smell like forest."

"It's not like I went through the forest looking for a certain blue-eyed woman to find her standing outside the building being held at gun point by a certain insane, homicidal clown." She could hear the sarcasm dripping off his words.

Her other hand found his waist and made it way under his shirt and around to his back.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?" his deep voice a slight pitch higher as he tensed.

She smirked and pulled the handgun from where it was tucked away between his back and trousers then threw it across the room. He relaxed.

"What did you think I was doing?"

Despite his frown at the obvious twinge of humour in her voice, he couldn't keep the red flush from painting his cheeks.


She lifted her eyebrow and pulled away from the hug. "Oh really?"

She pulled herself back in pressing her body against his and removed the hand gripping his hair changing it's course to his back pocket as she pulled out the second gun sat in it and threw it across the room.

She looked up and traced her nose against his neck and smirked when she felt him gulp.


"Yeah?" the 'e' dragging on.

"Stop." His jaw tensed

"You know you don't want me to."

She stuck out her tongue and flicked it along his vein but then gasped as she felt her back hit the wall and heard his arm slam above her head trapping her.

"Exactly." Her eyes went wide. His voice was so much deeper.

He sighed, "Marinette. I'm still a man. If you tease me, I will react."

Damn why did he look so hot when he was mad?

She eyed his lips for a split second before lifting her eyes back up to gorge at the the sight of his emerald orbs. This didn't go unnoticed.

He removed his arm and his hands found hers as he slammed them where his arm was before; above her head. She gulped as his face pulled in closer to hers and he smirked.

"Are you sure you're ready for me Angel?"

Her eyes went wide. Were his pupils dilated? Oh God...

"Um. Uh."

He burst out laughing and pulled back watching her slide down the wall. She was such a stuttering mess! Revenge was indeed sweet.

A shuffle from the door caught his attention as he flicked his head around.

Raven ran. Beast boy ran after her. Starfire looked like a deer caught in headlights and dashed. Cyborg lowered his phone before sending the man a smirk and running of laughing his guts out.

"CYBORG IF YOU SEND THAT VIDEO!" Damian ran off after him.

"Bleugh. Eep. Oomf. Damian. Hooottt." Marinette's face flushed as she stuttered.

Tikki face palmed. What was she to do with a mess of a woman who's libido was now on fire?