
History of the Yablokan Elves

The Yablokan Elves are dissimilar to the regular Elves, the deviation has happened more than 700 years ago when these offshoot of Elves evolved from the regular woodland Elves. Immediately these elves set out to live in a similar manner to their ancestors, a relative peaceful existence in the forests of the old world. But by the 7th century, the world is a different place.

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22 Chs

Lord 22nd

Suddenly, the soldier disappears from sight, only to reappear right next to Meisa. She tries to react quickly, but he's too fast for her. His sword comes down on her shoulder, sending a shockwave of pain through her body. Meisa grunts in pain but manages to keep her grip on her own sword.

Meisa's wounds slowly close up as the shock wears off, Meisa takes a moment to recover, clutching at her wounded shoulder. She glances up at the soldier, impressed by his sudden disappearance and reappearance. "That was...impressive," she says, wincing slightly as she moves her arm. "But you still haven't won yet."

The soldier swipes his sword, causing a fast gust of wind to throw up the sand into the air, restricting her vision. Meisa narrows her eyes as she tries to make out the soldier's movements through the swirling sand. She's impressed by his tactics, but she's not going to let that slow her down. She leaps forward, short sword at the ready, and plunges into the heart of the storm.

She puts up her leg and starts kicking the air quickly, ten times in succession, which forms a strong wind that disperses the sand. Once she spots the soldier she doesn't give him any respite and immediately appears before him and uses her two handed sword to strike down on him.

The soldier blocks her sword and with his other hand uses his sword to strike at her sideways. 

Seeing the great power imbued in his sword Meisa opted to flick away instead of blocking the strike. The soldier's sword strike still connects, sending Meisa flying back several feet. She lands on her feet, but stumbles slightly from the force of the blow. Her eyes widen as she realises that she underestimated the soldier's abilities. "You really are a formidable opponent."

The light shield that blocked his strike shatters to pieces and dissipates into the air. As Meisa regains her balance, she watches as the soldier reappears in front of her. His sword is once again glowing brightly. "I thought you couldn't use magic?" He smirks at her, clearly amused by her reaction.

Meisa narrows her eyes at him. "I didn't say I couldn't use magic," she says defensively. "I just don't rely on it." She takes a deep breath, readying herself for his next attack.

The soldier lunges forward, his sword swiping towards her midsection. Meisa quickly steps back, narrowly avoiding the blade. She raises her shield to block any further attacks. "You're quick," she says, eyeing him warily. "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still not defeated yet." She glances around, taking in her surroundings.

The soldier smirks, seeing through her strategy. "Then let's see how well you fare against my next attack," he says, his sword glowing brighter. Suddenly, the ground beneath her feet begins to rumble. The soldier disappears from sight again, only to reappear behind her.

Meisa quickly turns around and a sword shoots out of her mouth. The soldier's eyes widen in surprise as he watches Meisa turn around and a sword shoot out of her mouth. He quickly forms a shield to block her attack, but it's not enough. The blade of her sword hits the shield with such force that it sends him flying back several hundred metres, causing a large shockwave that throws sand twenty metres up into the air.

The soldier lands hard on the ground, coughing up sand. He gets back on his feet slowly, his armour dented and scratched. He looks at Meisa with newfound respect. "You are indeed a formidable opponent," he says, sheathing his sword. "I underestimated you." 

The yellow shield in front of his armour shatters and dissipates into the air.

"Fuck… I used 87% of my remaining stamina on that." Meisa rests her hand on her lap, bent over, gasping for air. 

With a small grin, Meisa replies, "It takes more than that to take me down." She straightens up, her eyes still locked on the soldier. "But we should probably stop here before we end up causing any more damage."

The soldier nods in agreement. "What are you-"

Before he can finish, a barrage of bullets come his way, forcing him to duck for cover. "What the-?" He looks around, trying to find the source of the attack. His eyes widen as he sees another unfamiliar elf holding an antique looking pistol.

The soldier quickly draws his own weapon, a longsword that shimmers with a faint blue glow. The new elf raises his pistol, taking aim at the soldier. "I suggest you stand down," he says, his voice cold and unwavering.

"Seriously Meisa, I look away for five seconds and you find yourself in another hole you dug for yourself."

"Same can be said to you with my holes." 

"Concentrate!" Ieri puts his hand on her face, pushing her away. "Soldier, what's your name? Maybe we can talk it out."

"I am Tanaka Botan." The soldier yells out. 

"Senior! I am Abad Meisa, I am nearly 94 years old!" She yells back.

"I am 371 this year." Botan nods, noticing another one of his fellows heading to his location.

"Botan, cease your pursuit. These young elves are from Ducia."

"Former President!" Meisa's mouth is agape as she sees someone she's only read from history books.

"It's me." Blucher Torsten sighs.

"Lord 22nd." Ieri says slowly, lowering his pistol.

Meisa looks around, trying to process what's happening. The soldier who attacked her earlier introduces himself as Tanaka Botan, and Suddenly, another familiar face appears - Blucher Torsten, the former president of Ducia.

As Meisa tries to make sense of the situation, she suddenly feels a rush of energy. Her eyes widen as she realises that her stomach is growling loudly. Embarrassed, she covers her mouth with her hand, hoping no one heard it. 

"Ah, I'm sorry."

"Your breath smells of fish. Now my hands smell like fish." Ieri retracts his hand.

The soldier, Tanaka Botan, looks at Meisa with surprise and amusement. "It's alright. I can see how you'd be hungry after that battle." He chuckles, sheathing his swords.