
Chapter 163 - Tony's Killing Stroke, Pi Llama Goodbye!

The sudden change instantly shocked all those present. Tony even looked at Pi Lama with a confused expression, wanting him to give him a reasonable explanation.

Pi Lama, on the other hand, just smiled slightly in response and followed, "As far as I know, the military has already issued a secret order that can help you win this battle, but Clark Lee and Captain America, they demanded that they must be captured alive."

"Keeping those people will only be a hindrance to you, preventing Howard's great revenge from being avenged!"

"Tony, do it! Right now, there is no room for us to retreat."

Iron Battle Suit this kind of thing, just their HYDRA people have is already enough, as for the U.S. Army ... huh, Pi Lama feel that their mission has been accomplished.

Afterwards, as long as all the charges are pushed towards Clark and Crossbones, after making Crossbones disappear from everyone's sight, he can still instantly whitewash himself.

Even Tony he didn't intend to let go, but it wasn't the time to do it yet.

Just as Pi Lama's plans were splitting, and Tony was caught in a dilemma, Clark's voice sounded once again, "You old fox, are you finally willing to show up?"

With a sentence export, Clark originally pale face instantly recovered red, and withered down the aura was also once again pulled up to the peak.

"Having come, why don't you simply not leave and stay with me forever!"

Along with a broken shout, Clark's body had already turned into a stump, charging straight towards the Pi Lama, his left hand's empty vibration even more ready to fire!

Clark's previous appearance of a hero at the end of his rope, a tiger falling into the sun, was of course all pretense.

With his physique, it was not so bad that he could not even eat one punch from Tony.

What's more, although he was infected by Team America's charisma and treated the other party as a friend, the relationship between the two was still far from the point where he could make Clark willing to die in order to save him.

The reason for this was solely to draw out the real black hand behind the curtain.

Although it may not be possible, there is no harm in trying, right?

And this time, Pi Lama was really fooled by his superb acting skills and took the initiative to jump out from the shadows.

What he did not expect is that always like to do shrinking turtles Pi Lama, once out actually so determined, before taking out their own, actually first the military steel warrior three removed its two, more Tony forced into a dead end.

Want to take revenge, you must follow him one way to the black. This kind of wrist, can not be said not powerful.

However, he ultimately missed Clark and misjudged his strength!

Now that Crossbones has killed someone, what is there to hesitate about?

Directly Nim dead say!

Clark was determined to kill, and the combat power he exerted was absolutely terrifying.

Abomination was the first to come up and was blown away by his fist.

Crossbones also jumped out to stop him, but only slightly delayed his footsteps, and then he was also spat out fresh blood and flew backwards.

It could truly be described as a force to be reckoned with, courageous and unstoppable.

Seeing that the Pi Lama was already close to his eyes, Clark's heart was violently alarmed.

But Tony at this time rushed him sent a beam of energy, was Clark from the heart of the cloth as a shield, stopped, and directly refracted its way to Tony's own body, and by the endless energy shield blocked.

While blocking Tony's attack, Clark said in a deep voice, "Tony, even though I know I can't break through this turtle shell you're in right now, you definitely can't stop me from killing the others."

"Can't stop it?"

"It's not up to you to say whether you can stop it or not." Tony was in a stalemate with Clark while taking the time to say to the Pi Lama, "Now I'm going to go all out with fire, you and your people fly farther away, I don't want to hurt innocent people."


Pi Lama agreed, his mask had been re-clasped, and then he flew up a hundred meters in the air with the several Hydra wearing steel battlesuits, standing tall and ready to enjoy Tony's next wonderful performance.

As for Tony himself, he said confidently to Clark: "You want to kill Pierce? To tell you the truth, you definitely can't do it today!"

"Not just today, you'll never be able to do it."

"Oh?" Clark asked, slightly puzzled, "I really can't figure out where your confidence comes from?"

"This is it!"

While maintaining a stalemate with Clark, Tony no longer sold out, the Infinity Armor directly followed Clark's habit of moving through, stretching out his left hand out and gently snapping his fingers.


Along with a ringing finger after, the change over the airport is shocked everyone's eyeballs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With four violent explosions, the steel battlesuit carrying the Pi Lama and the three HYDRA agents finished blowing itself up almost at the same time, turning into a beautiful ball of fireworks that colored the sky red!

HYDRA's Grand Priest of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Pi Lama, died!

Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, Tony stopped firing the energy beam and waved his hand at Clark, "How about this, I'm a man of my word, and when I say you can never kill, I'll let you never be able to kill. If you're not convinced, go ahead and kill, I won't stop you."

Clark was immediately filled with black lines, people have been played dead by you, I still kill a fart!

"Stark, you bastard, what on earth did you do!?"

Since Clark after, crossbones students also immediately reacted, accompanied by a roar, as well as turned the spearhead, straight towards Tony this side pounced up.

Since Tony dared to kill Pi Lama, he naturally did not fail to anticipate Crossbones' reaction, and with a lift of his hands, two pulse energy cannons blasted straight towards Crossbones.

In the face of Tony's energy attack, crossbones only remembered to raise their arms, with the strong physical body to resist Tony's pulse energy cannons, and for a time they were caught in a stalemate.

At this time, Clark came to the sky above Crossbones' head with a flash of his body, and blasted his fist directly on Crossbones' ceiling.


Under the tremendous power of the air quake, the crossbones classmate was directly knocked to the ground and smashed a huge semi-circular pit on the solid concrete ground.

Of course, more of this was due to Clark.

Air Quake was powerful, but it was hard to kind of stay at one point, and the power spread out, damaging the surroundings greatly as well.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Tony looked condescendingly at Crossbones and said in a disdainful cold voice, "Just by you, you guys don't seriously think I'm a fool, right?"

"As the black hand behind the death of my father, do you think I would be defenseless against that old thing Pierce?"

"Simply ridiculous!"

As for Clark, at this time, he also casually snapped his fingers and said in a deep voice to the communicator by his ear, "You can close the net."

After transmitting the signal that laid the final victory, Clark not only looked at Tony in front of him strangely: "I thought you wouldn't read the message I gave you."

It turned out that Clark had tried to contact Tony as early as during the period when their relationship was in a cold war. However, the latter had already blacked him out long ago, so he had no choice but to resort to leaving a message, and asked Eris to remind Tony to read it.

As for whether Tony would read it or not, he actually didn't have much hope.

Clark's message to him only had two paragraphs.

The first paragraph, roughly meaning that Team America had been attempted to be brainwashed by HYDRA during their captivity, and although it didn't work, it left a mental hint in his heart. Let him attack Pepper at the designated time, at the designated place, and use her life to threaten Tony to give up looking for Bucky's revenge.

Want to know who is behind the scene, see who else besides you and I know this information and tell you the news can be.

The second paragraph, on the other hand, is a burst of painfully obvious benefits. The general idea is that while Bucky was the direct perpetrator, he was brainwashed at the time. Even if we don't talk about that, you should at least know who gave Bucky the order to kill your father Howard Stark, right?

Regardless of whether Bucky was brainwashed or not, you'd better think carefully first, how did he, a person who has nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D., know that on December 16th, 1991, your father would be taking his newly developed successful super soldier serum on that journey?

I'm afraid not many people in S.H.I.E.L.D. know about such a highly classified matter, right?

Then who was the one who revealed this information, leading to Howard's tragic death and the loss of all the newly developed Super Soldier Serum?

The latter words, Clark did not explain all, but with Tony's wisdom, just these hints are enough to make him think of many things.

When Howard died, he actually had the Super Soldier Serum in his car!

This clue Tony did not know before, he got that video route also did not have the footage about the serum.

But it wasn't a problem that couldn't be solved for Tony, because the serum was lost, and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s blockade on that news was much lower. Tony directly asked Eris to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database, and soon found out the information related to it.

The truth was not far from what Clark had said.

The newly developed Super Soldier Serum was carried in the car by Howard, and with that car accident, the serum completely disappeared from sight!

There was a traitor in the S.H.I.E.L.D. hierarchy!

After confirming this matter, and also from the Pi Lama got the "inside" information that Team America might be going to attack Pepper, how could Tony not know that the person behind all the things was this Uncle Pierce who pretended to be a good guy in front of him?

And after determining this point, Tony basically has also believed that Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra control of the fact, although the two this is not too directly related.

One is a controlled murderer, and the other is the true culprit after the end.

Whose side of this vendetta is this going to be on?

Tony says that it's the elementary school kids who are going to do the choosing him, and he's going to get both Pierce and Bucky killed!

Whichever one pops up first will get them first!

And Pi Llama, who knows nothing about this, actually makes a big show of wearing the Mark 6 armor that Tony provided him specifically to come out and do his loadout.

And so it was that Tony showed everyone another powerful ability of the Iron Battle Suit.

An excellent weapon for traveling at home, killing people, and setting off fireworks to pick up girls with the self-detonation function!

Bye bye Pi Lama!