
Chapter 4: How much talent is buried in Hollywood?

Whether it is the Murphy of this life, or once another self, were born in an extremely ordinary family, since childhood ordinary even poor life, let him understand a truth very early, the opportunity never falls from the sky, but to rely on the fight, this is the entertainment industry, countless people in order to a chance to get to the top of the world, able to scramble through the head.

  Even if Bruce Berman said "NO", Murphy did not completely dead heart, such as to participate in the "Matrix" sequel to work on such an opportunity, is too rare.

  The office is quiet like outer space, less than three seconds from Bruce Berman's refusal, but Murphy felt unusually long, his thoughts like the most advanced computers generally run at high speed, want to do the last fight.

  "Mr. Berman, Mr. Miller." Murphy stabilized his mind, as if he didn't see the two piercing gazes on the opposite side, and said pleadingly, "Is it okay to be an intern ...?"

  After this most difficult sentence jumped out of his mouth, the rest of the words flowed smoothly, "Many people are willing to work in an unpaid position in order to familiarize themselves with an industry, and I'm willing to do the same."

  For the sake of the future, Murphy had put the bottom line very low.

  Bruce Berman, however, laughed, "I'm not going to hire a peeping tom and a wounding murderer."

  His tone was very flat, without any emotional coloring, and on the contrary, it sounded unusually harsh.

  Murphy's hands clenched tightly, if this was in a prison, the fat man across the street would turn into a rolling gourd clutching his stomach and howling miserably in just three seconds, but this wasn't a prison, and the rules of prisons didn't fit here.

  He had already mistakenly injured a British director, if he injured another famous producer, I'm afraid no one in the entire movie industry would hire him.

  Taking a soft breath, Murphy said no more and turned his head towards the outside of the office.

  When the words came to this point, there was no need to continue, even if one tried harder, such an opportunity would not fall on one's head.

  Out of this office area, Murphy looked up at the sunny sky, but could not see his future in the direction, to say that just did not depressed is impossible, but he quickly thought away.

  After all, this is Hollywood, countless people with dreams and conceited talent flocked to, can get ahead of very few, most of the time in the dissipation of youth and time, can only be sadly retired or become a member of the bottom of the circle of the huge.

  How much talent is buried in Hollywood? Perhaps only God knows.

  Thinking that one of the best opportunities just disappeared, Murphy was more or less downcast, and what his predecessor had left him was definitely a super mess.

  While thinking about what to do next, Murphy walked in the direction of the Warner Studios gates, and when he passed by the entrance of a studio, due to being distracted, he almost collided with an oncoming woman.

  "Hey, what do you want?"

  A clear female voice then rang out, pointing at another plump, long-haired woman standing beside her, "You almost bumped into Miss Monica, why don't you apologize."

  Murphy stopped his steps and turned his head to look, the woman on the opposite side looked familiar, even if it was not in the movie footage, he could instantly recognize it, the famous actress from Italy, Monica? Bellucci.

  This woman stood there, coldly looking at him, one hand also gently flicked down the shoulder that was rubbed by Murphy, it seems that the rubbing just now, it was stained with a lot of dirt in general.

  She just stood there, displaying the coldness, sexiness, beauty and condescension that a famous actress should have.

  Especially that condescension, even if Murphy didn't know much about women, he could still feel it clearly - it was a kind of indifference that the upper class people in Hollywood had towards the little people.

  Although the other party could only be considered a minor star in Hollywood, it was not something that an obscure person like Murphy could compare to.

  This woman's reaction stung Murphy, but he knew very well that in a very realistic circle like Hollywood, respect was never equal, and other people's respect was even more not something that fell from the sky, but something that one had to fight for with their own practical actions.

  Monica? Bellucci did have the qualifications to scorn him, not to mention the fact that he had accidentally almost bumped into her.

  "For what happened just now," Murphy acted calmly, his voice even calmer, and said naturally, "I'm sorry."

  After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the front without looking back, as if none of this had ever happened.

  Wanting to make people like Bruce Berman and Monica Bellucci respect and bow their heads, it was useless to say any more right now, if they could conquer other people just by relying on their mouths, the Stickmen would have long ago unified the globe.

  This is a realistic society, not a fairy tale world.

  In the week that followed, Murphy gained a greater appreciation for the reality of this world and understood why Ross had to return to employment after his release from prison.

  It was simply too difficult for someone with an ex-conviction to get a slightly more legitimate and decent job.

  Murphy interviewed with two more theater groups, the other side just a little check his information, do not even think about it directly rejected, and even to a third very small theater group just seeking a job as a handyman, were rejected.

  For a while, Murphy almost every day cursed his predecessor and the United States of America as a hell of a social environment, but in a short time, the state of mind back to smooth.

  It is customary to attribute one's successes to oneself and one's failures to one's circumstances.

  But this kind of thinking does not help to solve the real problems.

  The idea of finding a job related to the movie industry has hit a brick wall everywhere, Murphy did not give up, just understand that in Hollywood based on far more difficult than imagined and understood, the whole person has become more pragmatic.

  Not only is the movie industry, Murphy participated in other industry interviews, but also basically to fail and end, this result is not unexpected, those formal point of the company or store, how many will hire him such as neither academic qualifications, but also do not have a skill, but also have a criminal record of people?

  Is it really going to sell ****** and illegal guns?

  Murphy is well aware that this is a road of no return, he would rather choose a porter job in an auto repair shop than go down this road, except that the porter's job is very hard, and the not-so-high pay can't be paid on a daily basis.

  Now, Murphy has to face the problem of money, he has been very frugal, but more than two hundred dollars is basically at the bottom, if you don't want to find a way to get money, I'm afraid I can't make it to next month's auto repair shop payroll.

  A rare night on time after work, after returning home, Murphy walked into the studio, his eyes fell on the handheld video camera placed on the shelf above.

  This Canon camera still works, Murphy tried it some time ago, as a film school student, photography is one of the basic courses, even though the function of this camera seems to be a bit backward, he has shot a few times after, but he loves it, but now life is forced, can only put the idea of it, as well as the other two machines.

  The handheld camera, laptop and car police receiver are not new, I'm afraid that one alone can't be sold for too much money, if all three are sold, Murphy thinks he should be able to support for a period of time.

  However, after thinking about it, Murphy kept the laptop, while working, he also tried to be writing scripts for some future big selling movies that needed this laptop, but the writing progress was very unsatisfactory, even if it was written, the possibility of selling it was also very low.

  Murphy once had more than enough knowledge that most of the movies in Hollywood were not made by someone writing an excellent script first, and then the script was seen, and the movie company then invested in filming and producing it.

  The mainstream production method of Hollywood movies is that a movie company, a big-name director or a famous producer has an idea, then goes looking for investment, and then recruits the right screenwriter to turn the idea into a script.

  In such a production model, the screenwriter and the script are not even the beginning of a project, but just a link in the Hollywood assembly line.

  Of course, the chances of a newcomer's new script being enabled are infinitely low, but it can't be said that it's completely absent, Murphy just wants to take his chances, maybe he'll really turn his luck around someday?

  Pick up the handheld camera and police receiver, Murphy out of the house, driving on that black Chevrolet, toward the three-way intersection side.

  These were the tools that the old Murphy had used to make a living, and were about to become the expenses that Murphy now used to maintain the basics of life.

  The Chevrolet turned out of the Latin neighborhood, and then turned two intersections, Murphy drove on Figueroa Street in the city center, intending to go along this street to Sunset Boulevard, which is located in the vicinity of Hollywood, there are a lot of merchants selling or recycling photographic equipment, and I think that at least I can exchange my hand-held video camera for the necessary dollars.

  In fact, Murphy can also ask Ross for help again, but he does not intend to do so, even if the relationship is good friends, UU look book www. uukanshu.net only know to ask for words, the two sides will inevitably be gradually estranged, in addition to the temporary loan of the cell phone, the car and more than two hundred U.S. dollars, he did not accept Ross's help again.

  Night has already fallen, Murphy turned onto Sunset Boulevard, this place is the opposite of the decline of the city center, both sides of the road is a long stretch of palm trees and a forest of movie billboards, the constant flashing neon lights will be reflected in this road into a city that never sleeps.

  The Chevrolet drove through Elk Park, Lake Silverado, and Loose Phyllis, gradually entering the Hollywood area, Murphy's destination.

  Nowadays, the Hollywood area is no longer the dilapidated scene of the eighties and nineties, under the strong support of the California state government and the Los Angeles County government, it has regained the splendor of the golden age, and it is one of the most prosperous commercial areas in the entire Los Angeles area.

  However, Murphy seldom pay attention to both sides of the road, focusing entirely on driving above, Sunset Boulevard in many places winding, the whole narrowest place only four lanes, due to the avenue has countless hairpin curves, blind spots and in most places there is no median separation guardrail, collision accidents often happen here.

  Just after driving through an intersection, a fire appeared on the side of the road in front of them, and Murphy hurriedly slowed the car.

  "This car will explode!"

  There were shouts reaching this way through the open windows, "Damn, hurry up!"


  Chevrolet slowly drove past that side, Murphy turned his head to look, only to see a sedan crashed into a thick palm tree on the side of the road, next to it was parked a police car and a fire truck, the police were maintaining order, several firefighters stood by the side of the burning sedan and were busy, the voice of help kept ringing out from the car ...