
Chapter 3: NO!

A year ago, The Matrix caused a sensation all over the world, and the Wachowski brothers went from newcomers to hot Hollywood directors. Warner Bros. and its partner, Wee Show Pictures, raised huge sums of money to put a sequel to this movie on the agenda.

  Bruce Berman from Wee Show Pictures became one of the producers of the project, and due to the huge investment in the project, even a veteran producer like him took on a lot of pressure, and since the inception of the crew, he could be seen fuming every now and then at Warner Studios.

  As an old-school producer, Bruce Berman is extremely demanding of all pre-production work, even the hiring of the cast and crew, which he joins in when he has time.

  A project like the sequel to The Matrix will inevitably convene a huge crew, requiring countless behind-the-scenes laborers, and in addition to recommendations from major Hollywood labor associations as well as brokerage firms, there will also be an open recruitment process for the public.

  "This is a mega-project with a total investment of over $300 million."

  Before the morning's interview work began, Bruce Berman gathered several heads together for a brief lecture, "You have to make sure that every person we recruit is a top-notch good person with a lot of experience in the industry!"

  Bruce Berman is not a man of words, after the regular meeting, he followed a production manager into the office, ready to personally participate in the recruitment interviews.

  Black Chevrolet sedan drove into Burbank, once that Murphy left the most valuable asset, is the familiarity of the greater Los Angeles area, Murphy quickly found the Warner Studios, parked the car, picked up the passenger side of the well-prepared bag of documents, in front of the studio has done the relevant registration, transfer to the battery car into the studio area.

  With a few other people sitting on the battery car, Murphy realized that he was the youngest one, think about it, last year when he went to jail was only twenty years old, and now he is just a real adult in the legal sense.

  Warner Studios was located behind the Warner building, turning his head to look at the building, Murphy exhaled lightly, he was sure he would be welcomed by all the production companies in the future.

  Although the goal was far away and seemed a bit unrealistic, Murphy kept hypnotizing himself internally - I am the most special one!

  Hollywood is not a good place to be, if you don't even dare to set a goal and don't even have the most basic confidence, it's better to hurry up and find another job.

  Since he appeared here, Murphy was full of confidence, after all, he had unequaled resources in this era.

  He believed that with the right opportunity, he could definitely shine.

  Electric car parked in front of the office area of the film set, nowadays Hollywood cast exodus is serious, the large film set looks a little empty and cold, only here can still see some people, Murphy, like others, under the guidance of the staff, came to a huge conference room to wait.

  Sitting in the conference room, Murphy had no interest in talking to other people, just holding the file bag constantly flashing in his mind the problems he might face when applying for a job, how he should reflect the advantages ...

  He is going to interview is the crew of the artwork, for this has done many days of preparation, thanks to the former in the film school learning, Murphy also drew a few full of dark gothic style of the draft, think will also be able to add some impression points for himself.

  Because of the earliest batch, after waiting for not long, a staff member came to notify, Murphy picked up his own bag of documents, followed by walking to the door of an office, gently knocked on the door, waiting for the 'Yes' sound to come from the inside, then pushed the door and walked in.

  There were not many people inside the office, there were only two, one was a middle-aged man with short chestnut-colored hair, listening to the voice he was the one who just opened his mouth to speak; the other was a big fat man with white hair, sitting behind the middle-aged man, his not-so-large eyes looked quite godly.

  "This way."

  The middle-aged man pointed to the chair opposite him, Murphy returned a polite smile, sat down and then politely said, "Thank you."

  After saying that, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the middle-aged man's back, that big fat man with gray hair position was obviously above the middle-aged man.

  "I'm Chris Miller, the production manager of the crew in charge of artwork and props and other businesses."

  As if it was a routine procedure, after this middle-aged man made a self-introduction, he gestured extremely politely behind him and said, "This is the producer of the crew, Mr. Bruce Berman."

  "Hello, Mr. Miller." Murphy greeted politely, "Hello, Mr. Berman."

  Both of those men just nodded, and Chris Miller added, "Let's get started now, and start with a brief introduction of yourself."

  "I'm Murphy Stanton, a native of Los Angeles ...."

  Having done a fair amount of work in the previous two days, Murphy spoke his carefully prepared bio, taking the few worthwhile experiences of his predecessor and adding a five-point rendering, "Mr. Miller, while I was a freelancer before that, I'm self-taught in film artwork ... "

  With that said, Murphy opened his own filing bag and placed a stack of scrolls on the desk in front of him, "These are some drawings I did inspired by The Matrix."

  Chris Miller took the scrolls and flipped them open to look at them, the man's drawing skills were not considered to be much better, but the style was eye-opening, it was typical dark cyberpunk, in which both the backgrounds and the characters all emphasized one word - cool!

  The other two people did not notice that Murphy had been observing Chris Miller's expression without a trace, waiting for the time to appear, just right, "I personally think that philosophical musings are the core of this series, and the cool-to-the-point style on the image is where the selling point lies."

  What made The Matrix a success? Bruce Berman knows very well that it has little to do with the philosophical musings that are highly touted by critics, and the biggest factor is that this movie is cool to the core, cool to the core ...

  Hearing the young man who applied for the job say so, he couldn't help but look over there, this young man possessed a set of tall and strong body, even if he was sitting here, it seemed that he could let people smell the toughness hidden in his body, especially the angular face, and there were a few faint scars, paired with the short brown stubble on the top of his head, he didn't seem to be a good person.

  Whether it was a good guy or not, Bruce Berman didn't care at all, Hollywood was not a place for good guys to survive in the first place.

  Bruce Berman's eyes were always on Murphy's side, not only because the words Murphy uttered were very much in line with the production concepts of the next two movies, but also because he felt that there was something familiar about Murphy, as if he had seen it a long time ago, in some media.

  "I think I need this job ..."

  Sitting in his chair, Murphy was still doing his best to get this rare opportunity, "It's a career I can learn from, I can develop, I work hard, I have big goals, and everyone around me thinks I'm persistent and love to tell the truth."

  These words came out of Murphy's mouth without even blinking, "I've been indoctrinated in the self-esteem movement since I was a child, and I was a favorite in school, and I used to just focus on my own needs being met, but I know that today's workplace culture no longer panders to job loyalty the way previous generations did ... "

  Prison is also a complicated circle, being tough doesn't yield good results, and a year is enough time for Murphy to understand what to say and when, "My credo is that if you work your ass off, you'll be well rewarded."

  He looked at the interviewer and said extremely seriously, "Someone like you, someone with such a successful career, definitely didn't get it out of thin air, it must have been hard work."

  Chris Miller gently nodded his head, if the other party's qualifications weren't really too poor, he could have completely passed this preliminary examination and entered the subsequent more stringent examination.

  This young man was polite, confident and knew how to be appropriately humble, Chris Miller was willing to give him a chance.

  Just as he was about to open his mouth, Bruce Berman's voice sounded behind him, "Young man, you were a freelancer before, what type of work did you do?"

  Murphy could tell that the interviewer had a good view of himself, and this person behind him could definitely change the interviewer's view, there was not the slightest hesitation at this moment, and those things couldn't be hidden from anyone.

  "Freelance reporter, mainly shoot some news on current social events." He said.

  Bruce Berman seemed to remember something and stared over here again and asked, "What did you say your name was just now?"

  "Murphy Stanton." Murphy replied.UU Look Book www.uukanshu.net

  "Murphy Stanton?" Bruce Berman repeated in a low voice, the corner of his mouth suddenly pulled out a wry smile, "I remember, you're the reporter who broke into Samer Lei Shi Dong's house last year that the media frantically reported on, and injured a British director again?"

  Seeing the other party's expression, Murphy's heart sank downward, distinguishing, "I'm sorry, sir, I think I should correct one point, that was a mistaken injury."

  It was said that that director had some problems with his head because of the injury, and it was likely that he would never be able to make a movie again.

  Thinking of the ones his predecessor had done, Murphy still felt a little guilty in his heart, but this kind of guilt was rare, after all, he had paid a year of his precious time for this, and the guilt was far less than the depression and wrath.

  It was an indescribable feeling, a helplessness that hated Samer Leshido but knew there was nothing he could do about it.

  "Interesting, someone who dares to take a shot at a movie director wants to join the movie industry."

  Although Samer Leishi Dong never responded positively to this matter, but who in Hollywood didn't know that he had personally put pressure on the LAPD, even if this project didn't have much to do with Viacom, Bruce Berman didn't want to use someone who dared to take a swing at a movie director, that would be the laughing stock of the entire industry.


  That was the only word he uttered to Murphy.

  Murphy gently shook his hand and took a deep breath, this was the best opportunity he could find at the moment, and he didn't want to leave and give up just like that.

  Think about it, with the experience of working on a mega-project like the two sequels to The Matrix, the road ahead was definitely going to be a lot better.