
Chapter 61


- WARD -

I never thought I'd be so happy to see a fucking gas station.

At first I think my brain's just screwing with me. After all, we've been in the car for fifteen hours straight and I've downed so many energy drinks that I'm shocked I haven't started hallucinating yet. We've seen nothing but empty highway for almost sixty miles. And my gas gauge has been on empty for the last fifteen. We passed a single rest stop a while back, but that's it. I was beginning to think we'd be stranded out here until that neon light lit up the sky, like a damned angel with diesel prices dangling out of her ass.

Ol' Stella just barely makes it up the off ramp. There are funny noises coming from beneath her hood as I roll into the station, and she's sputtering by the time we're at the pump.

"There, girl," I say quietly, patting the dashboard and yanking out my keys. "You did it."