
Chapter 45



It never should have happened.

He was my project manager, and I was the daughter of Wentworth Cunningham, the man who gave him the job. We both should have known better, but me most of all.

The truth is, I was selfish. Before my life went haywire, he was just Ian: hardworking and generous, sweet and serious. I used to tease him about his hair - which was dark and curly like mine - just to try and make him smile. I'd remind him that we were working for the greater good, but he would only see the work we hadn't done yet: the orphanage we had yet to renovate, the resources we had yet to allocate. He was the kindest and most selfless of all of us working at the Chiang Mai division of Cunningham Cares International.

After my father's death, Ian became my crutch.