
His Sweet Virgin( Caught In His Passion)

It all began when Sephy Bradford returned home to attend her twin sister's wedding. But she found out that Violet didn't want to get married to the man their father chose for her and Sephy could understand why her sister is hesitant to marry him since he gives off a scary and intimidating vibe. So being the crazy one of the two, Sephy thought of a plan to get her sister out. And right on the day of the wedding, Sephy claimed herself to be his lover causing chaos which got the marriage canceled. The twins were thrilled that Sephy planned to work but what they didn't expect is that the man who they had tricked would come back for revenge. He came back right on Sephy's wedding and caused the same chaos and his chaos is by kidnapping her and taking her to his den where most of his illegal activities were carried out. Living in the Lion den with a man she hates, Sephy tried to escape but all of her plans were futile because he wouldn't let her go. To him she must pay for having wreak his marriage to her twin sister a year ago and the only way to do that is by keeping her by his side as his s*x toy. But all that will change when someone.....

Salman_Abiodun · Thành thị
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8 Chs



"Miss Violet, someone is here to see you," The security guard at Violet's place of work said to Violet who was busy arranging some documents.

"Who?" Violet asked.

"He didn't say, he only said that he's someone that you would want to see and also he said you just left his company a while ago," The security guard said.

The only person she left a while ago is that thug from Raphael's company, she thought as she closed her laptop and left the office.

She heads to the elevator which will take her to the last floor with the security guard.

She was heading out of the company when the security guard took hold of her hand.

"He's waiting at the parking lot" he informed and remembering the incident from earlier, how they took Sephy, she turned to the guard.

"Can you please accompany me, the thing is I don't trust the man I am going to meet" she said.

"Sure" the security guard replied and slowly they made their way to the parking lot.

Rex, who was waiting in his van along with two other guards, was busy arranging the silent pistol he had in hand when one of the men with him asked.

"Are you going to kill her?"

"She's a pest who keeps getting on my nerves and people who get on nerves are always....."

"Eliminated" the second man concluded for him which got the first man nodding in understanding.

"We just have to wait for her to show up and bham! She's gone" Rex said with an evil smirk curving his lips.

"I think she's on her way and she's not alone," the first man said as they watched Violet walk into the parking lot with a security guard.

"Doesn't matter, I can shoot her while sitting in the car. Move over" Rex said sitting beside the van doorway, he lowered the windscreen and pointed his gun at Violet.

She was busy talking to the guard while her flay gown kept moving up due to the sudden breeze.

Rex didn't miss seeing her smooth thigh and skin and for a while, he was lost staring at the amount of flesh her gown left open.

He could feel his groin doing a trick on him but he pushed the thought aside and pointed his gun straight at her wanting to kill her but he never got the will to shoot.

"What's wrong boss?" The second man in the car asked and that got him moving away from the doorway.

"Have changed my mind, go get her, she's coming to the Lion den with us" Rex said as the two men got out of the car heading towards Violet and the guard.

Between him and Ralph, Ralph has always been the cool-headed one, the one who thinks things through before making a move and he always goes ahead with the ride, not caring if he hurts a lot of people in the process.

He didn't know why he stopped himself from pulling the trigger but what he did know is that her creamy smooth skin earned his attention.

He thought as he watched his guard carry Violet over his arm and towards the car.

This showed more of her creamy skin and Rex forced his gaze away.

The door opened and she was made to sit beside him.

"You devil! Do you plan to kidnap me too just like you did with my sister?" Violet asked, her deep emerald eyes glowing at him in anger.

"Having you locked up with your sister wouldn't be a bad idea it will be fascinating having you two there and doing whatever we want '' Rex replied which got her moving away from him.

"What do you intend to do?" Violet asked as the car started to move.

"Things bad boys do to innocent girls like you " he replied, his gaze drifting to her thigh which was exposed due to her gown moving upwards.

Following his gaze, Violet pulled down her gown before turning to the car windscreen, hitting it to escape.

Pulling out a handkerchief, Rex moved towards her and used it to cover her nose and though Violet tried to resist, she fell asleep eventually.

"Drive slowly, you wouldn't want to hurt our latest merchandise," Rex said to his men while he kept staring at Violet who was sound asleep in his arms.



Sephy kept pulling at the bar which was around the window but when it wouldn't come off, she gave up cursing aloud in anger.

"How on earth will she get out of this place?" She thought inwardly while she paced around the area.

She was still doing that when she thought of an idea.

She has watched people use it a lot in films and she is sure that those gorillas Raphael has kept by the door will fall for it.

She searched for a sharp object in the room and when she found none, she took the large vase which was kept by the doorway and smashed it on the floor.

Picking the iron rod she spotted underneath the bed a while ago, she stood behind the door waiting for the guard to come in which he did.

Immediately she saw him, she hit the iron rod on the back of his head making him unconscious.

The second guard came running in only to meet with the force of the iron rod.

Sephy felt a bit scared hitting them with the rod but it's the only way she can get out alive, she only hopes that they don't die, she thought as she took to her heels.

She made sure that no one spotted her and she was still running when she got to a door.

The moans coming from the room got her screwing up her face in disgust, she was about to continue her journey when she saw one of his gorillas coming her way and immediately she opened the door where the moan was coming from and went into the room.

Thinking she's been caught by the lovers in the room, she held her breath and waited for a sign but when the moans kept coming, she knew she wasn't caught.

But how on earth could one be having s*x without realizing that they've got someone else in the room, she thought as she went further into the room wanting to take a peek.

A part of her told her to leave while the stubborn and gossipy part of her made her walk further into the room.

She got to the bedroom where she saw two naked having passionate sex with each other.

The girl was underneath the guy and she kept urging him to go deeper and when Sephy gaze finally moved towards the guy.

A startled gasp left her lips as she moved away from the doorway.

Quickly she made her way out of the room just as she heard the ringing of a phone.

Raphael who is consumed by the pleasure he is having from ginger tried got interrupted by the call which kept ringing nonstop.

Knowing something was wrong, he pulled out of Ginger moving towards his phone.

"This had better be important," he said to the guard who called him.

"She's escaped sir, she escaped!" The guard said and immediately Raphael picked up his trouser.

"Make sure every exit is locked, she mustn't get away," he said, ending the call while Ginger sat up staring at him.

"What's wrong babe?" She asked.

"Have got to go," he said, buttoning his trousers.

"Can't the others do it? Must they always call for you?" Ginger asked him.

"It's something only I can handle, '' Raphael replied.

"Then what about me? Are you going to leave me hanging?" Ginger asked.

"Remember what I have always told you, right? " He said while Ginger made a sad face.

"Work is work and s*x is s*x" she replied.

"And right now, I need to work," Raphael replied.


"Falling in love, being clingy, and being possessive isn't part of the promise we made to each other before we began our relationship. So let's not start now, see you later" he said walking out of the room with his gun.

Dressed in her wedding gown, Sephy ran out of the building she was locked in and got to the gate without being stopped by anyone.

Feeling her freedom at hand, Sephy let out a smile even as she unlocked the bolt and prepared to leave when she heard gunfire from behind.

Startled, she turned to see Raphael and some of his men walking towards her and not only did he look angry, he only had his trousers on.

"Do you think you can escape that easily?" Raphael asked the stricken Sephy.

"Just let me go, I promise not to say a thing about what I have seen here" Sephy begged, wanting him to let her go.

"Fine then, you can go '' he said suddenly which got her staring at him.

"Really? Can I leave?" Sephy asked staring at the gun in his hand.

"Go and in exchange your sister stays here," He told her briskly which got her looking away from the gun to his face.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that Violet is here with us. So you are free to go but then don't expect to ever see Violet again cause I won't let that happen, so think carefully before you leave here" he told her firmly.

Sephy at first didn't believe him and so she turned to leave as he said but the conviction in his voice made her stop.

"How can I be sure that my sister is here?" She asked slowly.

"It's not hard at all," he replied, pulling out his phone.

"Make a video and send it to me asap," He said ending the call and a while later he got a text.

Stretching his phone towards her, she took it from him and saw Violet in a room.

She was tied to a chair and was unconscious.

"This can't be," she said in fear while Raphael took his phone from her.

"Where's my sister?" Sephy yelled at him.

"So am I taking that as you staying here right?" Raphael asked.

"Just tell me where my sister is" she demanded.

"Take her to her sister and tell Rex that I want to see him" he ordered two guards who took hold of Sephy.

"I can walk! You don't have to pull me" she said, pulling away from their hold.

Raphael stood watching her leave while another of his guards approached him.

"Don't you think we should get rid of her, she's gonna be a problem" he said.

"No Silas. She's gonna be what I want her to be" Raphael replied.


Sephy got to the room where Violet was kept and as soon as she was let in, Sephy went to Violet.

"Violet, violet, open your eyes' ' she said tapping her cheek and slowly Violet opened her eyes to consciousness.

"Sephy" Violet called even as Sephy hugged her.

"I thought something bad happened to you. '' Sephy cried as she pulled back to stare at her sister.

"I was more worried about you. How are you?" Violet asked.

"As you can see I am locked up here and so are you. Why did you let them take you?" Sephy asked as she began to untie Violet.

"Somehow Raphael made everyone believe that you ran off with your lover and they all believe " Violet began.

"What about Van? Am sure our parents will believe that I am capable of such a thing but does Van believe it too?" Sephy asked.

"He does, he believes that you ran off with your lover," Violet said as she was finally freed from the rope which was binding her.

"I don't blame him, if the same thing had happened, I would have believed it too" Sephy replied, having a sad look on her face.

"And that's why we've got to leave here. We need to think of a way to leave" Violet suggested as the door opened revealing the two men who had brought her to see Violet.

"It's time to, go," one of them said.

"And where are we going?" Sephy asked.

"Not the both of you but you alone. You can't expect to get out of what you did without paying for it" the other guard said.

"What are you going to do to her?" Violet asked with a worried look on her face.

"That's for Stone to decide, now come with us" the first guard replied, taking hold of her arm while the other held onto Violet who tried to go after them.

As Sephy was being taken to Raphael, something he said to her earlier that day came to haunt her.

*"Try it and see how angry I get. Trust me when I say that you won't want to see the angry"*

Will she be nowhere near the angry side of him? She thought as she was led to nowhere in particular.