
His second life (protecting her at all cost)

Kylie prepared for school with much excitement, she had so much to share with Vera and Gideon. After her graduation, they all got a tattoo at Hartley's as an induction sign. She was at the top of her left breast and Vera said something crazy happened at school as well. After greeting her parents, Kylie rushed out to catch the earliest ride to school. On getting to school, the sky started pouring out light showers. Kylie tried running into the school building before the rain intensified and just then she noticed her shoelace was loose. She quickly bent down to have it fixed but suddenly she saw a boy wearing black sneakers standing in front of her with an umbrella over her head, there was thunder and the rain poured heavily drenching her partner. The scene drew the student's attention as they couldn't believe that the new mysterious handsome boy stood in the rain to protect Kylie. Kylie looked at his face and immediately she had a flash of the scene at the garden in Hartley's. She was lost in his beautiful dark eyes, his nose, jawline, and lips all gave perfection. "How are you doing Kyle?" Zayn said to gain her attention. " I. I'm fine" Kylie stuttered for the first time because of a boy. Zayn was loving his effect on Kylie. She was pretty, her dark ember eyes gave a seductive look, and her lips were small and pink, they looked rosy. He took his eyes down to her exposed fair and fleshy neck, he could perceive her cologne even from a distance.

_Mercyyy1 · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

Chapter 37

"Uhm, I'm afraid you have the wrong person here," Gideon said.

"No we don't," Dianne said as she lightly tossed him aside and entered the room.

"You called me Owen and I am.."

"Gideon" Diane and Rosette said together. "We know you Gideon or better still Prince Owen " Rosette said as she and Diane laughed happily.

"I'm confused, can you explain what this is all about?" He asked

"Gladly.." Dianne said with a grin.

We believe you are the key to eradicating darkness from our world.

She explained the Hazel, Lucius, and Owen situation to him.

"So you mean I'd kill Kylie? That's insane" Gideon yelled at them.

"You don't have to kill Kylie," Diane said. "You'd be the bait in getting Kylie to kill Zayn and then the two of you can live together without any issue" she added.

"How would I do that?" He asked as the sisters exchanged looks and smiled.

They took Gideon into the forest where a giant mansion was erected. Gideon kept looking around as they walked inside and suddenly light formed a barricade around him. He opened his eyes in shock and tried to touch the light but it felt invisible. Dianne and Rosette looked at him in awe.

"He's truly the prince Owen's mom always talked about," Rosette said. "Who would have thought that that annoying kid is a prophecy fulfiller?" She said,

"Welcome my children, " dark eyes said as she walked into the large hall. She gasped as she saw Gideon enveloped in light. "Prince Owen!" She exclaimed as she rushed over to meet him. "It's nice having you here," she said, stretching her hands out for a shake.

"Thank you for the opportunity but can we quickly get down to it" he said anxiously.


Dark eyes briefed Gideon on their plan and they all headed to the exit route into Daichi. As soon as they got there, Kylie felt a sharp pain in her abdomen while Hazel groaned in the spirit, " Owen is here"

Kylie took a stroll around the kingdom. Vera was on honeymoon with Rafael while Alyssa was almost due. As she went about, keeping a safe distance from her guards, a man bumped into her.

"I'm sorry" she quickly apologized, trying to raise him, looking at him in disbelief. "Gideon??!!!" She called

"Kylie!" He said excitedly. He hugged her tightly while she wiggled out of his embrace. "I'm sorry," he said as he noticed her being uncomfortable. "I missed you so much, Kylie"

"I missed you too, Gideon" she replied, smiling at him. "But what are you doing here?"

"It's a long story, can I get an inn to rest for a while?"

"Sure, you can come with me," she said as she brought him to the palace. News got quickly to Zayn that Kylie brought a man to the palace. He had rushed to the room to confirm things by himself.

"Zayn!!" Gideon rose as Zayn walked into the room.

"Hmm," Zayn nodded as he asked after Kylie.

"I'm here" she replied, coming out of where she was staying. Zayn walked over to her, lightly drawing her into his arms and giving her a light forehead kiss.

Kylie "...."

"How was your stroll? Sorry, I couldn't join you" Zayn said.

"It's fine," she said as she blushed, Zayn had been too sweet to her.

Gideon frowned at the intimacy between them. Anyway it, won't last long since he was already in the picture.

"How did you get here?" Zayn said, angry that his love rival was there.

"I fought a demon last night and I was thrown so high away that I lost consciousness so I didn't know how I got here" Gideon lied. Zayn looked at Kylie as she smiled lightly, that was the same thing he told her.

"What's this place if I may ask?" Gideon said.

"It's my kingdom, " Zayn replied with pride.

"Your kingdom of demons?" He asked again. "Are you sure you're safe here?" Gideon asked Kylie with a worried face.

"I'm fine Giddy "

"You shouldn't worry about her, she is my responsibility. Focus on getting better so you can leave soon" Zayn said, stressing the latter words.

"I'd stay for a few days before leaving, " Gideon said. His mission was to release Prime Minister David so they could launch their attack.

Two days had passed since Gideon came to Daichi. He, Vera, and Kylie had a friendship reunion and they all prepared for Alyssa's due date of delivery. Zayn kept close tabs on Gideon, he didn't want Gideon to get too close to Kylie.

Gideon had told them he was going to leave the following morning so he decided to visit Kylie while she was sleeping. He used his new dark powers to become invisible and he went into her room.

He looked at her beautiful sleeping face and smiled mischievously, "Soon you'd be mine". He went closer to touch her on the bed but her light shone around her while she furrowed her brows as if she knew someone was there. Gideon damned the consequences and was about to touch her cheeks when someone held his hands in the air. He turned to see and was shocked that Zayn had also entered the room.

With a flash of light, Zayn dragged Gideon out of the room without waking Kylie up but she still woke up as she felt a strong dark presence in her room.

"Who's that?" She asked as she stood up from the bed, walking around the room only to see that the door was still closed. "Maybe it was a dream" she concluded and went back to bed.

"How dare you go into my woman's room??!" Zayn roared angrily as he held the collar of Gideon's clothes.

"Your woman?" Gideon managed to say. "She's not yours" he added

"What??!" Zayn angrily spat and threw a deafening blow on Gideon's face. Gideon changed his eye color and was about to jump on Zayn when he heard a familiar voice.

"Zayn! Is that you?" Kylie asked as she walked down the corridor. Gideon had run into hiding as he heard her voice.

"It's me, my love," he answered, trying to hide his brewing anger." Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked.

"I was waiting for you, " she said as she blushed.

"Really?" Zayn asked excitedly. "Then let's go," he said as he carried her in bridal style and walked back to her room.

Gideon came out of hiding and held his hands in a fist. If only Zayn didn't come in when he did. "I'd have to finish my work tonight else I'd never get to do it again "