


I slowly walked up to the steps and made my way up. I heard whispers but I don't think they knew who I was or what I was doing here so they didn't bother me thankfully.

Arriving inside Ade was waiting for me. He looked sharp in his suit, Karly stood next to him her arms crossed and eyes staring daggers at me.

/"c'mon they're waiting for you /"Ade said grabbing my arm and walking fast to the elevator. I removed my glasses and took a few deep breaths trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

Fuck I'm shitting myself right now.

They walked us up to the room towards the end of the hallway. The doors were big and mahogany brown and I was nervous for what was behind them.

/"just tell the truth, tell them you found him and took him to your house to secure his safety/" I stared at him weirdly.