


But i cant help but think we've made some sort of progress.

I decided not to go back to the house tonight as have a night in with Beth. And besides i need to tell her about my secret.

I drove to the nearest tesco and grabbed snacks and food for tonight.

When i finally arrived at home i noticed that she was in. thats weird, she normally doesnt finish work until later.

I slowly walked in with the bags. I shoved them on the sofa and ran to the bathroom quickly. I knew i should've stopped for a toilet earlier.

I quickly finished up and searched for her.

/"Beth, where are you/" i shouted outloud. Waiting for her reply.

/"Bedroom, can you come up here i bought you a dress/" she shouts from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes as i made my way upstairs to find her. She was in her room standing next to the closet holding up a bodycon black dress against her body.