


It's been a few days since I've seen Zach. I've been working a lot at the club because I need some extra money.

Zach has texted me occasionally. I know he is very busy so I'm not pushing it.

I was just walking through the city when suddenly I spotted him. It wasn't hard because he had cameras following him.

What irked me at this moment, however. Was the fact that he was with another woman. This woman had luscious blonde hair and stood next to him. Her arm linked through his.

I pang of jealousy hit me and I was suddenly aware of the multiple cameras around. I quickly took a different route and made my way back home.

I had work tonight some thought I'd have a quick nap when I got home.

As I settled into bed I decided to look on Instagram. I swear that's all I do these days.

As I was scrolling through I stopped in my tracks as I saw a post of Zach. He was sitting in a bar with the woman sat next to him.