
His Saving Angel

She was the world's deadliest assassin. He was the Don of the most powerful mafia family in Milan, Italy. They both had a darkness inside them that was slowly taking control over their minds. They had believed that there was no escape from the darkness. That one day the darkness would consume them entirely and they would no longer have their humanity. His family believed that if he found someone they referred to as his saving angel that he would be saved. She simply believed that she couldn't be saved. That there would be a day when she didn't even recognize herself in the mirror. But what happens when these two meet and they do end up saving each other? And what happens when their newfound happiness is threatened by enemies from their pasts?

R_A_CASEY · Thành thị
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36 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

She left the office with Alessandro behind her. "I take it he's a friend of yours?" Alessandro asked with a small smile.

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "Yeah. He's been working here about a year longer than me. I was here when he got married and when he had Josie. They had Connor before the wedding." She laughed. "Her parents weren't happy but Connor is a smart adorable little cookie. Josie even more so."

"Why is she in the hospital?" He asked as they stepped onto the elevator.

"Oh." She shook her head as she exhaled slowly. "Poor sweetheart had a heart condition. They almost lost her but a heart became available just in time. She had the surgery this past week but the doctors are being very cautious because of the rejection rate they've had lately."

"I'm glad that she made it through all of that. Must've been tough for the family." He said as they walked into the lobby of the top floor.

She nodded with a frown. "Yeah. Marcus took some time off and they were worried they were going to have to plan a funeral for Josie. Things are looking up now though. Her surgery went well. She's recovering and her family is joyous and ecstatic." She said as she sat in her chair.

Alessandro smiled as he sat down across from her. "That's wonderful news. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know."

She gave him a small smile. "Thanks, Alessandro."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before he asked her. "Who was the man that broke in here last night?"

She took a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair. "That was Jasper." She said quietly. "I helped him during his training. Took quite a few punishments for him as well. He was always such a sweet kid." She clicked her tongue.

"Do you think he knows you're here?" Alessandro questioned.

Evangeline scoffed as she leaned back in her chair. "Doubtful. Nikolai is most likely doing everything he can to keep my name out of the reports." She said as she looked at Alessandro.

"Why would he do that though?" Alessandro questioned in confusion.

She sighed as she moved her hair over her shoulder. "Because half of the assassins would simply refuse any job involving me, despite the consequences. The other half would leave the camps and join me if they knew where I was." She scoffed. "Knowing Nikolai he most likely told everyone that I was dead."

"I thought he wanted you alive though," Alessandro said as he leaned forward, placing his forearms against the edge of her desk.

She shrugged. "It's most likely so people don't try to leave or rebel against him." She exhaled roughly as she turned to her computer and opened her email. "When I was there I didn't exactly follow the rules or obey every command." She ground her teeth together as she gripped her mouse tightly. "I was the best but I was also the rebel. I didn't take kindly to being bossed around and forced to obey. So I rebelled a lot. I was always in places that I shouldn't have been. I did things that Nikolai always forbade us from doing." She huffed out a short breath before continuing with a shake of her head. "I was always learning and discovering things that I shouldn't have known. I saved people instead of killing them." She whispered out. She let go of her mouse and shoved a hand through her hair. "The newer kids looked up to me. Especially since I helped them and took care of them. If they knew that I was still alive they'd leave and join me." She explained as she leaned back in her chair with her head resting against the headrest. She clicked her tongue as she looked at the ceiling. "Nikolai definitely wants me alive, but he's not above claiming that he's killed me to get people to listen and obey."

Alessandro shook his head in disgust. "He'd do that just to get others to obey him?" He asked in disbelief.

Evangeline started reading her emails as she whispered out. "There is nothing that Nikolai won't do to have everyone under his control. There is nothing he won't do."

Alessandro couldn't believe that a person could be so terrible. He sighed as his phone went off in his pocket. He pulled it out and answered it. "What?" He demanded as he watched Evangeline while she worked.

"Sorry to bother you, boss," Braydon said through the phone.

"What is it, Braydon?" Alessandro questioned as he leaned back in his chair and kept his eyes glued to Evangeline.

"I was curious about something," Braydon said softly. "Jordan wants to get out of the house. I was thinking about taking the family to Castello Sforzesco. I know that Evangeline said we were safe for now but I'm not sure if we can leave the house." Braydon explained.

"Ah alright," Alessandro said in understanding. "I'm with Evangeline right now. Give me a minute to ask her." He said softly. He muted his phone without waiting for a response as he turned his attention to Evangeline. "Hey, little angel." He said in a soft tone.

She bit her lip as she gave him her attention. "What is it, Alessandro?" She asked quietly.

"Braydon wants to know if he can take the family to Castello Sforzesco." He said as he smoothed his hair back.

Evangeline nibbled on her bottom lip as she thought for a minute. "I'm not sure if they should be going alone." She glanced at the time. "You know what? Let me go talk to Luca. I'd feel a lot better if I was with them. Just to be safe."

He nodded. "Okay. Take your time angel doll."

Evangeline blew him a kiss before walking to Luca's office. She knocked on the door before walking in and closing the door behind her. "Luca, do you have a minute?" She asked as she stood in front of his desk.

He looked up from his computer. "Sure. What's up, Evangeline?"

"Um." She cleared her throat. "Braydon called Alessandro. I guess his son, Jordan, doesn't want to stay in the house today. So he wants to take the family to Castello Sforzesco." She explained quietly.

Luca frowned as he folded his hands on the desk in front of him. "Isn't it a bit dangerous for them to be going out like that?" He questioned in confusion.

"Not if I go with them." She said as she played with her hair.

Luca chuckled as he leaned back in his seat. "Evangeline, I've told you that you don't have to ask me to leave. You can come and go as you please. Just keep your phone on you and take your work with you." He said with a shake of his head.

Evangeline let out a small laugh. "You know that I always ask anyway. I never know when you'll need me." She sighed and shoved a hand through her hair. "Of course I will forward my office phone to my cell and keep an eye on my emails. I'll also take some of the paperwork with me. I'm sure that Braydon and his family will stop for some food at some point."

Luca chuckled. "Of course. Jordan is always hungry." He went back to looking through his emails. "Just be careful and try to have some fun."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "I'll do my best Luca."

Luca shook his head with an adoring smile on his face. "See you later Evangeline."

Evangeline walked towards the door. "Bye Luca." She said as she left his office. She walked back into the lobby and smiled at Alessandro. "Tell Braydon to get his family ready to go to Castello Sforzesco. We'll be at his house in about thirty minutes." She said as she started getting her things together.

Alessandro chuckled as he told Braydon to get ready and wait for them to get there before leaving.

Once Evangeline had everything together and set up to go to her cell phone they left. They stopped at her house so she could change into more comfortable clothes before going to Braydon's house.

It was a cute little house with flowers growing on either side of the walkway that led to the door. They rang the doorbell and smiled when Braydon opened the door. "Hey, guys. Thank you for coming." Braydon said as he let them into his home. "I apologize for the mess. Jordan has been throwing a fit because he wants to go outside." He explained as he started picking up some of the toys that had been thrown around.

Alessandro and Evangeline both waved him off. "Don't worry about it, Bray," Alessandro said as he looked around. "We understand."

Braydon sighed as he stood up straight. "Just let me go and grab the kids and Marie. She'll be happy to get out of the house too." He said as he walked through the house.

It only took him a couple of minutes to walk back into the living room with Seraphina in a car seat and Jordan rushing around his legs with a bright smile.

An adoring smile slipped onto Evangeline's lips as she looked at the kids. "They're so adorable." She said in awe.

"Thank you," Braydon said as he grabbed Jordan's hand to get him to calm down. "Let's go, buddy."

They all walked outside to their cars and got buckled in. It didn't take them long to get to Castello Sforzesco. They parked next to each other and stood by their cars while Evangeline quietly spoke with Braydon and Marie. "I don't want you guys to worry. I'll be right here the entire time. Now I don't believe anything will happen, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." She let out a soft breath. "So please stay where I can see you guys. Also, let me know if you notice anything suspicious." She explained as she slipped her phone into her back pocket. "I want you guys to have fun today. It'll be your last time being here in Milan for a while." She said as she looked at her feet.

Once she was sure that they fully understood what was happening they went inside. Jordan ran around with his parents right behind him. Seraphina had fallen asleep in her stroller about five minutes after they had started walking around the castle. They walked around and admired the castle for a couple of hours before Jordan started complaining that he was hungry.

Evangeline was grateful that nothing had happened so far. Everyone was having a good time. She hadn't had too many calls or emails from the office and now that they were sitting down she could do some paperwork while the others ate.

Alessandro chuckled as he sat down next to her with some food for them both. "I grabbed you something to eat angel." He said softly. "I know you said that you were fine but I want you to eat. It's been a while since you've eaten anything."

She gave him a small smile. "Thank you, Alessandro."

They ate in silence for a bit while she did some paperwork. After a bit, she put the paperwork away and simply enjoyed her time with Alessandro. She was sitting with her head resting on his shoulder when she suddenly felt eyes on her. She sat up straight and looked around the area that they were in. "Is everything okay little angel?" Alessandro asked her in a low voice.

She shook her head. "Someone is watching us." She whispered.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced around the area. "How do you know?" He asked when he didn't find anyone looking at them.

She gave him a look that said are you kidding before she looked around the area again. It only took her a minute to find the couple that was watching them. "Assassins." She whispered to Alessandro as she stood up.

"I thought that Nikolai wouldn't send any other assassins." He said in confusion as he stood up with her.

Evangeline shook her head. "I don't think they're here for Braydon and his family but now that they have seen them we need to get them out of here." She explained as she grabbed her things and started walking to where the family was sitting. She leaned down to whisper into Braydon's ear. "I need you to stay calm. I need you to grab your kids and calmly make your way to your car. There are assassins here. I don't think they're here for you guys but I don't want to take any chances right now."

He gave her a slight nod to let her know that he understood what she had just told him. He gathered his family up and quietly spoke to his wife as they grabbed everything.

Evangeline turned to Alessandro and handed him her bag. "Take this with you. Go to the car. I'll be right there. I'm going to distract those two."

"Do you at least know who they are?" Alessandro asked as he looked around the area again.

She nodded. "Yes. They're twins. They never work alone or with anyone else. I helped them out. I don't know why they're here though."

Alessandro nodded and kissed her forehead. "Be safe, angel doll."

She smiled as she made sure her small twin blades were secure at her lower back. "Always Alessandro."