
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Titles Mean Nothing

"You are playing with fire, Gehenna" Beth finally talks as we finally exit the castle and into the courtyard.

"Please, Beth!" My amusement can't help but get the best of me. "I am fire" I remind her as she sighs.

"He is using you, remember that" she warns me, having no idea I already know. Stopping in her footsteps as she turns around to look at me. "He wants control, don't let that happen" she ask of me as I nod.

"I can say the same to you" I tell her as she stops, frozen.

"I know about Emilia" I admit as she shudders. "Beth" I call her name as she nods her head no to me continuously.

"No!" She says as she look into my eyes. "There are some things you shouldn't know about!" She says angrily as she storms off.

I wasn't disappointed, Beth was my responsibility. I did not care who she was fond of, I only cared that they would never hurt her. She is the only pure person in the world I've met, but Emilia was the wretched opposite. I was her servant after all.

"Dammit" I whisper to myself as I finish the walk to my fathers tower, as I finally see the paper in my hand again, and I open it.

"HOW DARE HE!" I scream as I slam the door open. A surprised look upon my fathers face.

"Crossed?" He ask as I nod, trying to contain my anger.

The world would burn if I let it all go, but that was all I could do. And my father knew it to, maybe it was the look in my eyes, the sound in my footsteps or my face. Whatever it was, he knew.

"Let it out" he tells me as all I can do is oblige.

Within the second I let it all go, the anger, the betrayal and the hate. Letting the piece of paper engulf into flames as I held onto it. The fire kissing my fingertips, in a twisted romance, only meant for one another's demise. But I liked the pain, the stinging, and the trance. The chance to forget, my chance.

"DROP IT!" My father growls as he grips my wrist, the paper flying out of my hand as it hits the ground in a pile of sizzling ashes. "What is wrong with you?" He ask me as I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. "You don't pay attention you will get someone killed out there!" My father threatens as I stand limp in his way.

"I should abandon this place" I whisper, finding solace in my bliss imagination. "Watch it burn" I threaten as I step on the sizzling ashes, my heel pressing the dark gray colored imprint onto the towers tiles.

"You have a war to fight" I hated his tone, his mistaken error was that I was someone who cared. This was not a war I was entitled to, not my own, I was simply a pawn. So why not run?

"DO NOT SPEAK TO ME AS IF THIS WAR BELONGS TO ME!" I scream at him, my voice echoing onto the tower walls as the glass bottles burst at my tone.

"You've taken too much!" Orion says as I laugh.

"I'm angry!" I state, clearly.

"THEN CONTROL IT!" He orders me as I take a deep breath. Letting the storm inside me subside, as I open my eyes and realize my destruction.

"How?" I ask as my father looks to me.

"When you were ill, faint, I gave you a power enhancement. To strengthen your gift, I think it has imprinted in your blood" he admits as I fall back.

"Oh, great!" I shout, enraged. What else could happen, my will for mankind was dwindling in every waking moment.

"You must fight, how long will you run from this?" My father ask me as I bit my tongue. Truth was, I was beyond scared, words could not describe the fear in my body at the thought. If I won, I lost, but if I failed, we all did. How could the future of everybody around me hang in the balance of simply me. A prideful, selfish witch who lived to fight, but the one fight she must face she fears? If I couldn't fight for me, who would I fight for?

"LONG ENOUGH!" I pout, sitting on the window sill and looking out to the gardens. "She should have killed me when she had the chance!" I admit under my breath as the blurriness in my reasoning finally becomes clear. "THAT'S IT!" I yell victorious out loud as I look to my dad.

"I know you are afraid!" He reasons as I run to his cabinets, digging in them as I finally find those small leaves. As I opened the jar, the stench of tea hitting me as I take the largest bay leaf of them all, rolling it in thin lined paper.

"I will have no reason to be afraid with betrayal stabbed in my heart!" I tell him as I light the rolled leaf with the open flame of a candle. "Once I see the past I have a feeling this fear will disappear!" I say convincingly.

Placing the leaf between my lips and inhaling. I knew what I was about to see would only lead me to my ledge, but then at least it would be my choice to jump, no others.

"Watch it, Gehenna" my father warns, holding my hands as my body grows heavy. "The past is meant to remain for a reason!" He shares his wisdoms as my eyes close at his words. Reminding me of why to be weary, but also why to continue. Only the truth would be my driving force, and no other