
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

The Wind’s Secrets

Her eyes. Those unique but simple eyes rang through my head all night. They looked familiar, simply brown but the vengeful color of red called to my eyes.

"MOTHER!!" I yell her name as the throne room doors open at my arrival and she sits on her throne, smirking at her name through my mouth. My sour tone staining her face.

"What can I do for the soon to be king?" She ask as I sigh. I knew those words came out as envious.

Since the announcement of my up and coming coronation her attitudes were nothing short of sour towards me. This was the way my mother was, she loved the power that was bestowed upon her, but for it to be taken away from her so quickly was another story.

"I must see the records" I command, standing in front of her.

"On what authority?" She ask me as I sigh. She would always be a sore loser, but a loser nonetheless.

"On the account of me being the heir to this kingdom and the investigation being of my own blood." I explain as her smirk subsides, she knew as well as I did what I wanted.

"Your allowed" she grants as I nod my head in agreement, bowing at her choice. As I turn around to leave the throne room, she stops me. "But make no mistake" she starts as I turn back to her. "When you are king you will have no common courtesy of your own justice, just your peoples" she advises as I turn around and leave the throne room, leaving her and her advice behind those doors for now.

"Benjamin!" I call as I leave the room as he emerges from the side of the castle wall.

"What now William?" He ask as I sigh.

Benjamin had been my best companion in my earlier years. Growing up in the castle together and still being just about inseparable. He was the only council I seeked and wholeheartedly trusted.

"We are headed to see the remains of the my fathers investigation." I admit as he nods. But despite his agreement I could see something being held back in his eyes.

"Yes your majesty" he answers but I can already tell he will continue with his start of protest, that was just Benjamin in all his glory. "But we already know that congress declared it a murder. And the perpetrator none other than the Cain witch!" He explain through the fear in his tone as I sigh.

"Yes, but I might have some new evidence in the case" I spill as he stops suddenly in place.

"And what would that be sir?" Benjamin ask as I turn to him, excited to share my new findings.

"I think I've found the Cain's witches daughter" I say as Benjamin's mouth widens.

"Your highness" he pleas as I continue walking in front of him and into the study as I see the remains of the investigation on the desk as I open the cheesecloth and pick up the staff found with my father.

This staff was found within my fathers chest. Untouched by anyone except my fathers blood. The staff was created with the color of midnight and dressed with red jewels and in the middle sat a white crystal,beckoning my curiosity for what seemed like years.

"I know this might be crazy" I say as I eye the staff. "But I may just be right" I think as I touch the crystal and it blinks. And I relate it to my dream the night I meet her.

My dream unlike any I've ever had. Her eyes circulating in my mind. But most of what peaked my interest was her necklace that hung just above her breasts. Her black hair that framed her face and her lips voluptuous. Her beauty was too much for a commoner, otherworldly. She was unlike anything I've ever seen, in another world I'd take her as my queen with her beauty.

"I have a idea my dear friend" I says as I hold the staff in my hand. "We will hold a ball!" I announce to him, "We will invite all the help, including her" I order as he nods.

"I will get on it right away your majesty" Benjamin answers as I smile.

"I will find meet with Orion to find out how this works." I say as I leave the room, hurrying off to Orion's lair.

Orion was the royal healer. He knew the ways of the craft and its objects, he once worked with the Cain witch and lived to tell the tale. They say she deemed him as valuable and since then he came to work for the castle.

"ORION!" I yell for him as he emerges from behind a cauldron.

"Yes your majesty" he greets me as he bows to my presence.

"I require your assistance" I announce, "I need to know what is this object" I say laying the staff on the table, "and it's purpose" I order him as he nods at my request.

"I've seen this before your majesty" he says as he pulls out a books, rummaging through the pages.

"With who Orion?" I question him as he finds the page and flips the book over to me, pointing at the half rotted page.

"With the Cain witch your majesty" he says as I look at the page in front of me. "It's said to be able to identify a witch, specifically of a Cain descent" he says as I smirk.

"Then I guess we'll know the truth sooner than expected" I say aloud. "Orion" I call him, his head peeking up at my voice. "I would like you to make a bracelet to contain otherworldly powers. I need it ready by two fortnights from today" I order as he nods.

"Anything your majesty" he says as I can't help but smile at how close I am.

"She will be mine!" I say as I leave Orion's lair with the smirk upon my face.

"Fetch me Benjamin, bring him to the study" I relay through a servant as he scurries off and I walk the halls back to the study.

"She will be delivered on a platter" I brag to Benjamin. "At the ball I will use the staff to identify her as the Cain's witches daughter then I will contain her powers and prosecute her for her wrongs!" I explain as Benjamin sighs.

"What if she has wronged nobody?" Benjamin ask as I sigh.

"She's a witch, the most powerful of her kind. She's a danger to those around her and anybody with a lick of common sense wouldn't wish to mess with...." I explain to Benjamin as suddenly it clicks, my plan is missing one thing.

"That's why…." I start as Benjamin depends on my every word.

"You'll kill her?" Benjamin guesses as I smirk.

"That's why I'll marry her!" I admit as his eyes widen at my sick plan.