
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Entitlement at its Best

I could hear it, the shift in the air. My ears were awaken at the slight ringing as I lay up in my bed. Looking beside me to see the darkness of the night. I could feel it in my gut, something was wrong and the loud shuffling outside did not ease my feeling.

"What is going on?" I ask as I open my chamber door as I see Benjamin, William's most trusted acquaintances.

"It's Gehenna" he admit as before I take my next breath I wrap my body with my robe and follow him as he leads me to the study.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" William ask, a drink in his hand as my mind flutters to my best friend. Could she have run? "You!" William says as he walk towards me, anger surrounding him and shifting my gaze. "You know where she is!" He commands as I pause, biting my lip.

He could have me killed, I had to watch myself, without Gehenna I was just as disposable as the other staff.

"I don't know, your highness" I scarcely answer as he puts his hands on my shoulder as I twitch under his touch.

"WHERE IS SHE!" He yells his questions as he shakes me.

"STOP!!! BROTHER!" Emilia says as she pulls Williams hands off of me. "What are you doing?" She ask as he stands against his desk in deep thought. "Are you okay, lady Beth?" Emilia ask as I nod.

"I know all too well that Gehenna would not have left. Not like this!" I defend her as William stand up again.

And with the silence, I hear the wind. Speaking a undeniable whisper through the room, "The blood" the wind spoke as I look to William, his face still and everybody in the room unaware of the whisper.

"Did you- the whisper?" I pause, asking my question as confusion wipes through the faces of the room. "Where was she last seen?" I ask.

"Her chambers" Emilia answers as it hits me.

"Oh, no!" I break, running down the halls and to her chambers. My breath hurried by the time I stop. Quickly opening the door and I see it. It was dark but it was almost like it was pointed out to me. "Dear god!" I exclaim as I light a candle near me, bending down to see to pool beneath the weirdly placed bench by her bed.

"WHAT?!" William ask as he stands beside me as I reach my hand to the puddle. Dipping my finger in the substance and bringing it closer to the candle to see. As I quietly sob at the sight.

"It's blood" I admit through my raspy voice. "She's in danger!" I repeat as I knew it, in my heart Gehenna was taken.


The agony was all I felt. The slight stinging in my stomach as blood covered me. Looking down at my stomach I was surprised to see the dagger still sticking out of me.

"Damnit!" I say to myself in anger as I place my hands on the dagger, ripping it out despite my pain. My blood still dripping through the white sheets as suddenly it stops. The stain still there.

Finally standing up and looking around me I immediately recognize where I am. The cobwebs, sheets over old furniture and the grimy dirt. This place was for prisoners, and this time I was one.

"Nice to see you awake, my dear" I hear as I grind my teeth at the wretched voice.

"Clairborne" his names emerge from my lips in an angry tone. "How dare you!" I say as I push up against the metal bars.

"Such a shame" Claireborne says as looks into my eyes, "Such a beautiful witch" he tells me as suddenly I feel a cold object rapture through my intestines as I gasp. Falling closer to the metal bars that imprison me as I cling to them in pain, Claireborne taking the bloody knife and tracing it against my curly hair, "But so vulnerable" he chuckles as he walks away from me as I cling to the bars, staring at him. "To think I fancied you" he adds as I think, I had no time.

"I will never love you!" I seethe through my teeth, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"Really? Baby?" He ask me as I grind my teeth at his question. "You will" he tell me as he traces the knife against my jawline. "I'll make sure of that" he warns as I snicker as his arrogance.

"That is a promise, not a challenge" I remark as he leans in closer to me.

"You will marry me, that you will Gehenna" he threatens as I smirk at his weak attempt.

"I'm already married Claireborne, but that you already know" I tell him as he smiles.

"Not for long" he slips as he pulls my head against the metal bars knocking me out.


"She will be yours Clairborne, I know how much your heart desires her" I hear a voice close to me promise through my blurry vision.

"I'm already wed, did you forget that part mother?" I ask aloud as I look to the women, seeing those violent, violet eyes staring at me from afar.

"I'm always one step ahead of my enemies" she admits as I smile at her ridiculous plan. Looking down to my hands, tied against a chair and wearing a traditional lace, white dress. "But if your dead the marriage is done, your widowed" she admits as panic fills my heart, William. "Surely you'll survive, you've died before. Maybe if I'm lucky you'll stay it" she says as I know I can't take this risk. I had to do something.

"Kill me then!" I surrender as she smiles to me.

"What a good little girl you are, finally coming to your senses" she says as she turns around with Clairborne as I look to my ropes.

Using my hate and burning to ropes with fire as I feel the heat against my wrist, the fires tempting little kisses leaving marks on my skin. As finally the fire burns out, leaving the ropes to ashes as I sit there, still.

"Any last words?" Clairborne ask me as he walks closer to me, the sword in his hand as he pulls it back, ready to strike.

"Yes" I say, looking to his eyes, "Your a careless fool!" I confess as he strikes and I roll out of the chair kicking the legs in.

"Your greatest mistake was thinking I'd be easy to kill" I smile as I turn around and I see her.

"You didn't think this would be easy?" My mother ask me as I bite the inside of my cheek in anger. "You have powers now?" She ask me as I hide my hands behind my dress, frozen.

"I do" I admit to her, "Fair fight" I tell her as I wait for the world to crumble around me and the light to cease soon in my eyes or hers.