
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Binded by Chance

William's Point of View

"Last warning!" Councilman Thomason declares as Gehenna stands tall.

"Only time you will see me bow is when I am to kill you!" She threatens as I draw my sword, pressing it towards Councilman Thomason's throat.

"You don't dare murder my bride on my wedding day?" I ask him as he nods his head.

"Perhaps she learn respect for her elders" Thomason makes as I chuckle at his whimsical excuse.

"Perhaps I cut your throat!" I threaten as I push the sword deeper into his throat. "But such a scandalous event that would be on such a joyful day?" I draw back my sword. "Know your place Thomas!" I warn him as I take Gehenna's hand into mine. Leading her out of the ballroom.

"What are you doing!" She interrupts me as the doors slam to the ballroom.

"Saving you" I tell her, turning to her as she rips her wrist from my hand.

"No man lays his filthy paws on me like that!" She complains as I sigh at her tone to me. "And I don't need your charity" she point her finger to me, standing up straighter than before, as a starved predator trying to consume a damned gazelle. I'd be damned if I was that gazelle. "I need no saving!" She detest my doing as I smirk at her anger.

"You will tell me about my father now!" I condemn her as she looks to my, her eyes conflicted as she looks around her. Seeing the shadows of the maids and ladies of the castle.

"Not here" she mutters as she grabs my wrist, pulling me like I did to her before. As she lead my up the corridors to her chambers. Throwing me in before her.

"What do you wish to hear?" She ask me as I stand, in shock.

"The truth" I relay to her as she sits on her bed. "Why did you push me in here?" I ask her as she chuckles, lovingly.

"Payback" she shrug her answer to me as her gaze turns sternly. She fumbles with her dress as she clears her throat.

"Your father made me what I am" she says with such hatred in her voice. "And that why I hate him!" She denounces his name as I chuckle.

"And what are you?" I ask her, "Your mother made you a witch, a dark creature. Don't blame my treacherous father for something you were born to be!" I say angrily as I reach for the door know as suddenly I hear something fly aimlessly to me. Looking to the side of me I see a small knife.

"Maybe you should listen" she tell me as she walks up to me, removing the knife from the door. "He made me this" she says as she stretches her thigh out from her dress. Scoring her thigh with the knife. But suddenly the wound closes up, almost instantly.

"Your..." I mutter.

"I can't be killed" she admits as she throws the knife on the cheese tray. "Your father made me a true monster." She sighs.

"Why would he give you such a gift?" I ask her as she smiles at my question.

"This is no gift, I can still feel pain. Plenty of it! But it didn't start as a gift!" She proclaims as I smirk. "He put a two headed viper in my crib" she admits as my smirk disappears. "He wanted me dead, and he got what he wished for. I was dead for three days, then on the fourth I awoke. My mother from then told everyone I was dead, that there was no heir to Dern. Nobody knew the effects of the vipers venom until I was six. I was cut by a sword and healed instantly. My blood can heal, and it can also poison with the right intentions. She claims as I call her bluff. Taking the knife from the cheese board and cutting my arm from my elbow to my wrist.

"Heal it" I challenge her. "If you can!" I mockingly tell her as she nods. Taking something out from behind her necklace. A small blade. A she strikes her finger. Taking the blood on her finger and spreading it onto my arm.

"I did the same with Beth" she tell me, looking up to me. As I see her eyes, I knew, something aching within me knew those weren't her real eyes. She was hiding them. Those brown eyes concealed something much deeper.

As I look back down to my arm I see nothing.

"I told you" she declares as her skin heals.

"What else can you do?" I ask her as she smiles.

"Nobody know the true components of how my blood" she says, "That's a question nobody has a answer too" she saddens. "But whatever you do you cannot tell anybody" she ask of me. Looking into my eyes closely. Something about her today made me cave. Maybe it was her her dress, her hair or her vulnerable demeanour. Whatever it was I obliged.

"I promise" I agree to her secret as she smiles.

"There will be no wedding night celebration" she says sternly as I smile. "I won't be touching you for our whole marriage!" She rules as she steps back from me.

"Believe me" I tell her, walking closer to her, leaning to her ear. "You'll be begging for me to touch you soon" I proclaim in my deep voice. As she steps back and nods her head.

"Only in your head!" She insults as I smile at her insanity, but I'll play the game.

"You saw the branch" I think, "A child will result in this union" I declare as she sighs.

"I know" she agree with me. "I must've been so drunk to sleep with an ass like you!" She remarks as I smile at her disgust.

"But clearly you liked it" I declare in self respect as I walk out of her room. And into corridor.

"Clearly I was intoxicated" she declares as she slams the door in me as I smirk at her demise of me. Something I've grown quite fond of.