
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

A Queen to Yield

****Gehenna's Point of View****

I saw her, I was not blind nor stupid. As she took his neck into her hand I could feel my breathing narrowing as I gasped.

"Damn you, William!" I whisper as I run out of the castle kitchen, running to the throne room and in front of her. Dribbling from my shortness of oxygen.

"So it is true!" My mother finally realizes as she releases him from her grasp as he fall to her feet. "You are binded!" She says as I shiver, knowing her knowledge was power.

"Yes, it is the truth" I answer he through my cough as her smile fades.

"You people really do want war" my mother threatens as I can feel the cold atmosphere in the room with her threat and fear.

"Are you okay?" I ask William as he nods his head to me, standing up as I stand next to him.

"You will come with me Gehenna!" She order as she grabs my arm and I tear it back to my side, and away from her.

"I OWE YOU NOTHING!" I yell at her as she stops, her look of curiosity clouding her face. "And I will not leave with you!" I tell her as she smirks at my resilience.

"I always knew that you would go against me, your own mother!" Her betrayed voice said it all.

"Alda" I say as she freezes. "If I recall she was the one who warned you of my betrayal, and your future by my hand, wasn't she?" I ask her as she steps closer to me.

"This boy you are binded go is now your weakness. You love is your loss" she taunts me as she hold her hand out to his face, and I grab it.

"I'm not in love with him!" I admit to her as I grab her hand, he's still holding it in front of his face as William stood still.

"Then why, Gehenna?" She ask me, "Why betray your whole kingdom?" She ask me as I smile to her.

"Because they deserve to live in the light, you locked me away and my people will no longer be locked in the darkness. They hate the people of Drulow" I say as I stand closer to her. "When they should hate the Queen that has leaves them to live in the darkness" I admit as she raises her hand, and I catch it.

"You will never be a match for me dearest daughter" she talks down to me. "A Dern girl with no power, no gift and no fight. The only thing you will ever have going for you would be those beautiful looks of yours. Courtesy of your mommy" she compliments herself as I sigh.

"Is that really all I'll ever have?" I ask her. "I have courage, wits and enough sense to know you are no truthful woman, Dern deserve better, and so did I" I say to her as I pull my necklace off my neck. Letting it fall to the floor as she sighs.

"The eyes of a snake!" She condones as I smile.

"They may be" I explain to her as I see the disgust in her eyes. "But they will defeat you" my will shining through my voice as she laughs.

"I will not fight a naive princess" she says as she walks to the Queen, "Let's make this fair" she tells to the wind as my mother look into Queen Winfred's eyes as I can't stand the feeling that starts. As the Queen collapses, black leaking from her eyes and ears as it consumed her face as it suffocated her.

"Mother!" The prince calls to his mom as he sits beside her.

"I will fight my daughter fairly" she announces as I take a deep breath.

"You come to my castle, kill a member of the royal family" I say, "You have declared war!" I state as she laughs.

"I only hurried her death, it was inevitable" she justifies as I scoff at her excuse.

"YOU MONSTER!!!" William screams in agony as he draws his sword, charging towards her as she deflects his sword. Pushing the blade towards him, cutting from his knee to ankle as he groans.

"LEAVE HIM!" I yell as I walk toward her as she angles the sword to his throat.

"Why?" She ask as I smile.

"Because if you do it also affects me" I tell her as she smiles.

"You can heal, darling!" She says as she bring the blade back, about to strike him as I take the blade in my palms, twisting it in her hands, as she drops it and I pick it up.

"A real mother would hate the thought of her daughter in pain" I tell her as I hold the sword to her throat.

"You want a fight?" She ask as I nod. Obliging to her challenge.

"To you I'm a Queen now" I tell her as she grins a malice grin.

"Make no mistake!" My mother says as she leans down to me. "Next time I am here I will kill you, if I have to!" She tell me as she turns around and sees my father.

"Orion?" She ask as he nods. As she moves towards him, he holds his hand out to her.

"Don't come any closer Azalea!" He commands her as I can see the heartbreak in her eyes. "You were wrong about our daughter" he speaks as she groans in hatred.

"I doubt that, Orion!" She criticizes as my father smiles.

"She has power" he tell her as he leans closer to her, "And that's why you locked her away" he confesses as her smiles fades.

"My dearest daughter" she call me as I look to her, "I should have killed you when I had the chance!" She releases as I smile.

"You are right" I agree with her as I walk up to her, William's sword in my hand as I push the blade against her neck. "It would have saved you a whole world of hurt that you are about to set free" I threaten her as she chuckles. "I have more power than you will ever know" I reassure her as I lean to her ear, "The prophecy was right, and you will pay for your wrongs with your blood" I says as I step back from her, turning around.

"Is that a threat, should I be trembling?" She ask me tauntingly as I turn back to her, a smile painted on my face.

"No" I blandly answer her question. "It's a promise" I promise her as I turn to the guards. "Escort her out of here!" I order as they oblige, standing by her side. "A second longer of her here and I will kill her before war is a suitable option!" I complain as they walk her out, her heels clicking against the floor of the castle as she leaves as I stand in her absence.

"She's dead!" My father speaks up as I shudder at the coldness of that word. I never really knew the significance. But as I looked to William, it seemed he knew it all too well.

"THAT DAMNED MONSTER!" He vexes her as I sigh. "I WILL KILL HER WITH MY OWN HANDS!" He threatens as I turn around to his tearful face, sitting by his mothers black cocoon of liquid. "YOU CAN SAVE HER!" He hopes as I bend down to his face, the stench of sadness hitting me.

"I can't" I say, feeling the stillness in the air.

"YOU CAN!" He command as I take a deep breath. "You can try?" His voice begs as I cave.

Holding my hand out to my father as he nods, hand my a small dagger as I drip my blood on the Queen corpse. But nothing changes, stillness stays in the air as I sigh.

"I can't bring back the dead" I say mournfully as he stand up in his pain.

"THEN YOU ARE USELESS TO ME!" He yells to me as he storms out of the room as I look to him. His grief controlling him as I stand above the Queen's body, gracing myself to see my own mothers soon.