

"A helicopter?" Erin shrieked, eyes wide in disbelief, as she stared through the windscreen at the black behemoth that sat on the simmering tarmac, looking like a giant wasp in search of prey.

She tore her gaze from the sleek machine and turned to Ethan. "What the hell are you up to now?"

Ethan turned away to hide his grin at the look of pure disbelief on Erin's face.

God! I like seeing her this way.

He pulled the Corvette to a halt at the edge of the wide tarmac. He was aware of her eyes boring into his side, demanding answers, but Ethan chose to ignore her, focusing his attention instead on the man in a gray jumpsuit ambling towards them.

"Have you lost your ability to speak?" Erin demanded, prodding his arm with a finger. "What is the meaning of this, Ethan? I thought we were going somewhere to talk?"