

“I don't think Ethan did it.” Nicky said, taking a sip of her latte, fingers wrapped around the cup for warmth. She studied her cousin over the rim. “We may have only dated for eighteen months, but I know him enough to know he never lies. He's always brutally honest.”

Erin sighed, pressing two fingers of each hand to her temple in an effort to ease the throbbing headache that had plagued her since Ethan had stalked out the apartment two hours ago.

“I don't know what to think Nicky. There's too much coincidence involved for me to just believe he had nothing to do with it.”

“Well, I believe the dude's as guilty as sin.” Kim declared, still reading the offending article, nose wrinkled in disgust. “I mean c'mon, he swore to humiliate you, Erin. What better way to do that than this?"

“That's jumping to conclusions Kim.” Nicky shot Kim a quelling look. "You can't prove that he did, either."