
Chapter 47 Mind the Financial Gap

In the next few days, Annabelle dedicated herself to her work in the Clay Group by leaving home early and returning home late at night.

Soon, the day to pick the accessories for Rain & Eric came.

Marley woke up early in the morning on purpose and arrived at the meeting room at 8:30 while the meeting was scheduled at 9 o'clock.

She was excited at the imagination that her work would cause sensation later.

In the underground garage, Annabelle parked her car and took out the jewelry box in her bag for another look.

She had been designing this Bright Moon pendant for several days.

After going upstairs, she went to her office first. She drank a cup of coffee and walked to the meeting room.

Callan, together with the fashion design director of Rain & Eric, had been in the meeting room.

Annabelle's eyes swept across the room.

Oakley and Marley were sitting on one side, and Marley was looking at her smugly.