
Chapter 28 Clay Group Report

After that, Annabelle got out of the car, picked up her bag, and went straight into the nearby elevator.

From the elevator, Annabelle went directly to the top floor. She had to report to Callan first.

Annabelle first went to the General Secretariat and had them call Callan. After a short while, Julius came out of the president's office to meet her.

"Ms. Brock, Mr. Clay asked me to escort you to the Jewelry Design Department on the seventeenth floor."

Annabelle nodded her head in relief. It seemed that Callan didn't want to see her. Luckily, she didn't want to meet Callan either.

In the elevator, Julius talked to Annabelle about the jewelry design department.

"There are only two departments on the seventeenth floor, the Jewelry Design Department and the Network Security Department. The Network Security Department occupies only two offices in the East District, and the rest all belong to the Jewelry Design Department."