
Chapter 25 Different Attitudes

Annabelle's eyes were cold. After listening to the words of those lackeys, she chuckled and said in a calm tone, "It's really a good show to watch early in the morning."

"What do you mean?" someone asked angrily.

Annabelle called out to the door, "Xanthe, come in."

The door of the conference room was opened, and Xanthe walked in under the guidance of Niko.

Mccoy frowned and said, "Ms. Brock, this is a shareholder's meeting of Brock Group. It's not appropriate to bring an outsider here, is it?"

Annabelle sat up straight and replied, "First, I am the director of the Brock Group because I hold 73.8% of the shares of the Brock Group, so you have no right to protest what I do. If this kind of situation happens again, you should keep your opinion to yourself. If you can't, I don't mind buying your shares next time."

Mccoy's face was extremely gloomy. "What about secondly?"

Annabelle smiled, "There is no second."