
Chapter 21 Appointment with Aarav Phan

"Mr. Clay is in a meeting right now. If Ms. Brock has anything to do, you can tell me. I'll tell Mr. Clay later."

Annabelle Brock thought about it, and told the Clay Group that she planned to advance her eight-year salary.

Julius Lyons on the other end was silent for a few seconds: "I see, Ms. Brock, I will tell Mr. Clay when the meeting is over."

After hanging up the phone, Annabelle Brock checked the development cooperation project that McCoy Phan mentioned, and easily found the person who blocked the development project.

One of Miami's famous perverts: Aarav Phan.

This man is a standard phoenix man, relying on his wife's natal family for his position.

Annabelle Brock saw the detailed investigation information that was not disclosed to the public. After taking office, Aarav Phan turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. He has five or six lovers around him, and he likes to linger in the club.

She snorted coldly: "Trash."