
Chapter 17 The Storm at the Press Conference

"This is the subscription letter for 69% of Brock Group's shares, including Mr. Lucero's part. Amount: 0 yuan. Sign it, and you will be the chairman of Brock Group." Inside the coffee shop, Annabelle Brock's A document was pushed in front of him.

And opposite her, sat a woman with a somewhat boyish air.

He was dressed in denim, with a stud in one ear, short silver hair that reached his shoulders, and his legs crossed.

She's the one Annabelle Brock has been texting to—X.

During high school, Annabelle Brock stayed abroad as an exchange student for several years. She often went to jewelry exhibitions, and became close friends with X in the jewelry industry.

The name EIan was also chosen by X for her back then.

She was in charge of jewelry design behind the scenes, and X was in charge of helping her make a name for herself.