

Liliana Williams is a care free kind hearted girl with a strong will power and is never intimidated easily,she grew up in a wealthy family the only child to Jack and Clara Williams

Her only mistake was falling in love with her high school best friend Matt who turned out to be only after her wealth when her mom found out about Matt's evil intentions she got killed before she could warn her daughter

Blindly Liliana believed Matt loved her and planned a future with him until one unlucky night to went to his apartment to give him a surprise but caught in in bed with her older cousin Mavery,with a heavy heart she went to a club to drown her sorrow only to wake up the next morning naked in bed it turned out she had a one night stand with an unknown man 

A year later she shifted to new york to start a new life there she met the all powerful Ivin Garcia who makes her life a living nightmare.

Ivin Gracia a wealthy handsome billionaire at a young age,want nothing to do with love but accidentally falls for his one night stand mysterious heart broken woman who he sees after a year unfortunately she doesn't recall him or what happened that night with great difficult he does everything he could to show her hatred but as time goes by they both fall in love only for him to find out she's the same woman who who's mom was murdered and he happened to be the prime suspect.

Will liliana still love him when she finds out about the ivin's dark past or will she do everything she could to avenge her mother's death..

"You murderer you killed my mom"Liliana yelled on top of her voice at the man standing in front of her,she loved him greatly but the betrayal was too painful to bear

"Sweetheart listen to me"Ivin tried to reach for her but Liliana slapped his hand away taking a step back away from the monster who claimed to love her but killed her mom in cold blood

"I..I was a fool to think you were different that you loved me but I was wrong"tears streamed down her cheeks no matter how hard she tries to hold them back they keep coming out

"Am sorry"Ivin lowered his head not sure how to defend himself he was innocent,thunder roared as the sky prepared to pour out the woman he loves was in pain and there was nothing he could do to comfort her,he was the beast that's making her cry

"Sorry won't bring back my mom Ivin she won't come back to me"She cried hysterically dropping to the cold mudded grass,her mom was innocent she was caring and never did wrong to anyone but got killed in cold blood by the man she claims to love

With anger burning in her heart Liliana fisted the grass as she stood up dried her tears and glared at the man in front of her,her black hair blowing in different directions due to the heavy wind

"You will pay for this am not gonna let you off Ivin"She went close to him and held him by his collar he was wrong he couldn't do anything all he could do is watch her do as she pleases let her vent her anger on him if it will make her feel better

"From now on I hate you we are enemies Mr Ivin Garcia,you cease to exist in my life and now I don't want to see your face leave from here and go back to new york"she said her final hurtful words and walked away,she knew the words she said to him hurt him badly but she has to

"Sir are you okay"His driver stan ran to him seeing Ivin sink to the cold ground

"Go after her and make sure she's safe"he murmured

"But sir you have to go inside before you catch a cold"his boss has always been vulnerable to cold weather and if he stays out here for a long time he might get sick,he wonders how miss Liliana left him like this despite knowing about this

"Stan go and see that Liliana is safe"He yelled and stan nodded and left immediately

"I love you Liliana"Ivin whispered just as the rains heavily poured.

**A yeah before***

"Wake up Chris"

chris knew exactly who that voice belonged to but still he tightened the grip of the pillow he was using to cover his ears with as he groaned in frustration at his mom disrupting his sleep so early in the morning

"get up this instant I clearly forbade u from drinking too much liquor"his mom reprimanded him in a loud mother tone voice making chris even more irritated

"mom just go away,I'll wake up when i feel like it am not a child anymore"he hated it when this woman interrupted his sleep on a sunday morning as if he were some teenager

"Really?there is a beautiful lady waiting for u downstairs,should I tell her to go away"she prepared to leave but chris dramatically rose from his bed forgetting he was only in his boxers and stopped her..

"Did you just say beautiful lady downstairs?"he asked in amusement..

"So now u care"she scoffed knowing full well her precious son was a casanova

"Sweet mom dont be like this just tell me what does she look like,what is she wearing,did she tell u the reason she came here"

Clearly he did not remember giving any of his girlfriends the address to his mom's mansion nor does he bring any of them here,only his employees knew and he has to invite them to come to him but he never did,so who exactly is this woman waiting for him or did he fuck some stripper and forgot to pay her "this is bad" he mentally thought to himself.

"stop asking me questions and get ready while I go and make something for her to eat she seems like a decent girl i would like her as my daughter inlaw"she said happily and left his room closing the door behind her leaving chris mentally disturbed...

"oh no I hope its not why I think"he said in pure worry and went to the washroom "maybe just maybe this hangover might go away"

10 minutes later he was ready being it a Sunday he didn't have to go to work so he had all the time in the world,looking at himself in the mirror one more time he gave himself a thumbs up,he looked good in anything he wore,wearing gray sweatpant with a white muscle shirt stuck to his perfectly sculpted godly body his wet blonde hair making him look sexy... Reaching downstairs he spotted a woman sitting elegantly in their large living room sipping god knows why his mom gave her,she had her back turned to him so he couldn't see her face..

"Ahem"he tried to get her attention,immediately the lady rose to her feet as she walked to him with a large smile on her face chris swore he has never seen such a beautiful woman before,her oval shaped face those beautiful big brown eyes pink plump lips,her curvious body with her long hair reaching her waist despite her tying it in a ponytail...he wondered how she tastes like.

"Mr Smith glad u finally decided to meet me at last,sorry for interrupting your sleep so early in the morning"even her voice was amazing so sexy but still chris did not recall ever knowing this lady who spoke like they have met..

"Did u forget me that easily Mr Smith??"she raised her eyebrow in surprise "did u have so much to drink that u forgot me"

"huh"he was confused did he fuck her or what

"I'm the lady who saved u from getting killed last night at the club" damn it,finally he remembered this woman,shit how could he forget his life saver,he got into a fight with some drug dealers and they dragged him outside to kill him but this lady came out of nowhere and saved him

"I'm sorry miss please take a seat pardon my manners"he gave his most charming smile and led her to sit down as he sat too just opposite her " thanks for your help don't hesitate to tell me whatever u want,I'll give u without fail" surely he was going to give her whatever she desires he is rich after all

"Careful Mr smith I could ask for a fortune,what do u think??"she chuckled making chris chuckle too

"I like you,now tell me your heart desire" the lady did not say anything only smiled as she got a file from her hand bag and handed it to Chris who opened it and was left speechless his smile disappeared and was replaced by an angry frown

"What the fuck is this lady!!? he yelled as he rose from the couch in anger.