
Chapter 1

Charles hurried out of the house and zoomed out ,forgetting that he had not taken his breakfast.He got to the main road that led to his office and couldn't believe his eyes when saw the massive traffic jam that was infront of him.

He inquiried from another driver who explained to him that an accident has happened infront ,where a truck loaded with cement had collied head on with a caravan bus and according to the police,it would take about an hour before the road could be opened to traffic.He then stared at his watch and it read 6:20am which meant that he was twenty minutes late for work and inorder to get to work in good time,he had no other option than to use the other route.

He quickly reversed the car and drove off and within 15 mins,he arrived at the office premises and parked the car rambo style,gathered his files and rushed into his office.

Everyone in the office knew that Charles is always on time and hardly late but as he entered in a haste and without saying a word to anyone ,he entered his department and slumped into his chair.He stared at ceiling for about 5mins and then began to work on the file that his secretary that had placed his table.

After quickly reading through the files,he was on his way to grab lunch when his secretary came in with a beautiful young lady walking behind her holding her files.

"Sir,she is here to be interviewed for the vacant job" his secretary said.

"Okay let her in"

The lady went in and greeted her boss who directed her to sit

Good morning sir.

Good morning miss, I hope you are been briefed about the job that you want to do?

Yes please,she responded .

Okay so from your CV,you worked with SMART INC for 3 years right?

Yes sir,she answered.

So what made you apply for this job?

" Actually l was part of the staff that was laid off when the company went bankrupt", She replied

" Hmmm, okay so kindly excuse me for a minute and l will get back to you".

She replied in the affirmative and when she stood to leave,he asked her to call his secretary for him.

She obliged and called the secretary for him . Later, Theodora was asked to accompany Charles to KINGS AND QUEENS to meet a business partner.He quickly gathered whatever they would need and then descended to the car park.He directed her to the Black Hyundai Elantra and opened the door for her.She sat at the backseat and he ignited the engine and drove out of the compound.

He didn't want the ride to be a silent lonely ride so he connected his phone to the car 's bluetooth player and played REWRITE THE STARS by ANNIE MARIE.After a 35 minutes drive,he negotiated the curve that leads to the restaurant.He pulled over at the parking lot and turn off the ignition and then got out of the car. She also followed suit and they went to sit by a table while they await the arrival of their business partners. Charles signalled the waiter to bring the menu for him to place an order. The waiter brought the menu and after going through,he ordered for a plate of grillled chicken and a glass of wine while Theodora ordered for french fries with sausages and a glass of juice . As the waiter proceeded work on their placed order,Charles couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful lady that sat across him from the table.