
HIS PAIN {Her Sweet Bunny}

In highschool,you make mistake, make friends,make memories,get bullied and also fall in love. His name is Jace Smith. He's 18. He once came from a very rich family but his family became poor after a terrible accident. He lost his dad and his twin brother named Jack in the accident . But he and his mom survive the accident,but his mom fall into coma. So he had to work different part-time job so he could pay her hospital bills. During his part-time job the principal of Sky High school offered him a scholarship because of how intelligent and hardworking he is. But his son named Lucas bullied him alot just because of a girl named Summer who was in love with him. Things changed when he met her. Lisa Banks. Who's she? How did they meet? Let stop here

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( Her Sweet Bunny)


By Peace



★ Unknown Location ★

"Mrs Banks are you going home now" The Chauffeur asked.

Mrs Banks is the wife of one of the most richest man in California.

"Yes but…"

"Mom am hungry" The voice said.

" Okay dear "

" Driver take us to Joy food Restaurant" Mrs Banks said.

"Okay Mrs "The Chauffeur said and started driving.

🏀 Sky Basketball Court 🏀

7…6…5…4..the ball enter the net 3…2…1..

The referee blow his whistle for the match to come to an end making Sky Basketball team to win the match 90-91.

Students started screaming.

👥 Jace you're amazing.

👥 We love you.

👥 You are the best.

"You really did it Jace " Jason said.

"It nothing"Jace said walking toward the Coach.

" Wow am proud of you all" The Coach smiled.

"I can't believe that we actually win this match " The Coach said.

"Coach I and Jace have to leave now before those students started asking for autograph " Jason said.

" Yes and those reporters"

" Okay what about th.." The Coach was interrupt when Jace said.

" Good bye coach " Jace said and started leaving.

"See you tomorrow Coach " Jason said going after Jace.

" You two are unbelievable " The Coach shook his head in disbelief.

"Good night Coach" The team said and they all started leaving one after the other.

" You boys should come back here " The Coach yell going after them.

🏛️ Senior Block 🏛️

" Why did you come here" Jason asked.

" I want to apologize to Summer about happened this morning" Jace replied and enter the class.

" She is not here"

" Let go "

" You know how my dad use to complain if you arrived late to work" Jason said.

"Let go then" Jace said.

" Did you bring your bike today" Jace asked.

"Yes and you " Jason replied going outside.

"Yes " Jace said going after him.


" Jace what going on here " Jason asked Jace who is just getting down from his bike.

" How am I supposed to know fool" Jace replied.

"That why am asking you"

"What are this people doing here especially those reporters " Jason asked Jace again.

" You're a fool " Jace said.

"How do we enter the restaurant "

"The back door" Jason replied and they both walk toward the back door.

}}}> Mr Kelvin office <{{{

"What took you two so long" Mr Kelvin Yelled.

Mr Kelvin is the owner of the restaurant also Jason dad.

"Nothing Mr Kelvin" Jace replied.

"And you Jason" Mr Kelvin asked looking at him.

"Actually dad"

"we played our final match today dad" Jason smiled.

"Did you win son "Mr Kelvin asked.

"Yes dad we beat them " Jason replied.

" That my boy, come and give daddy a hug" Mr Kelvin said and they both hugged each other.

Jace was staring at they them happily.

when he remember how happy his family was before the accident.

A drop of tears came out of his eyes .

He quickly clean it before they notice and left the office.

"Dad what going on outside"

"There is a lot of people outside the restaurant" Jason asked breaking the hug.

" Yes because we have a special customer today" Mr Kelvin replied.

" Who dad"

" Do you know the wife of Mr Banks " Mr Kelvin said.


" She is here with her daughter " Mr Kelvin said.

" Are you for real "

" You mean the most popular actress and her mom are here dad " Jason asked excited.

" Yes " Mr Kelvin said and Jason went out of his office.


" Hey Jace take this food to table 5" One of the Staff said.

"Okay " Jace said collecting it from the staff.

On his way toward table 5 someone bump into him.

He fell very hard on table 4.

Everything on table 4 pour away.

"Am very sorry" Jace said getting up from the table.

"Are you crazy" A man said and slapped him.

" How dare you"

" Do you know who they are " The man said and slapped him again.

" Stop" Mrs Banks said.

"Mrs " The Chauffeur said.

"Mom said stop " The daughter said staring at Jace as if they have meet before.

" Hey look at me " Mrs Banks said to Jace.

"Am so sorry Mrs " Jace said.

" Don't let this happened again " Mrs Banks said and walk out of the restaurant with her daughter and the man followed her.

Some minutes later

" Jace Mr Kelvin is calling you" A staff said.

" Okay "Jace said and walked to Mr Kelvin office.

}}}> Mr Kelvin office <{{{

"Dad please don't do it " Jason said.

"You are pleading for that good for nothing boy" Mr Kelvin said.

Jace who have been listening to their conversation outside enter into the office.

" Sir you called for m..

A slapped landed on his face.

" You good for nothing boy you have ruined my business " Mr Kelvin said and slapped him again.

Jace cheek is already red right now due to the slaps.

" Dad please stop" Jason said.

" Am sorry Mr Kelvin" Jace apologized and Mr Kelvin slapped him.

" Do you know who they are" Mr Kelvin asked.

"No" Jace replied.

"She is the wife of Mr Banks,one of the richest man in the city" Mr Kelvin said.

" And her daughter is the popular actress"

" Her fans are outside throwing eggs at my restaurant because of your stupidity" Mr Kelvin said.

" Sir someone bump into me that why" Jace said.

A slapped landed on his face again.

"You are fired"

" Get out of my restaurant "

" Dad " Jason called.

" Shut up " Mr Kelvin yell at him.

" It Seems you were cursed with poverty!" Mr Kelvin said.

" Dad " Jason called again and Mr Kelvin slapped him.

" Dad please don't fire him" Jason said.

" Starting from today "

" I must not see you two together again " Mr Kelvin said.


"Thank you for everything sir" Jace said and left the restaurant with tears all over his face.

"Dad this is unfair" Jason said.

" Shut up" Mr Kelvin said.

" He had to work here just to pay his mom hospital bills" Jason said.

Mr Kelvin opened his mouth in shock.

" What"

" Thanks to you his mom is going to die for sure" Jason said and left the office.

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