
The Hybrid

Cley's Pov:

Early in the morning when we leave the city. My dad called me that there's an important family matters we need to discuss.

Of course, I leaved together with Andrei, Allen and Erl. I think I have an idea about what he wants to confer. Maybe one of these friend of mine already told him about my mate.

I missed Berlyn already. I hated the idea of being far away with her. Don't worry, next time I'll be back in Forks, I'll accompany her. I'm sure she's going to like it here.

This will be her town soon, once we both decided to live together here, forever. I can't resist myself from smiling about that tought.

"What are you smiling at?" Andrei asked while we entered in our mansion.

"Nothing." I said.

"Really? I think I've known already." He said with a smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"It's not what, but who." He said again. He really knows me, huh?

"Whatever." I said smiling.

"Hello, son. You look great today, huh?" My mom said with a sweet smile.

She's walking towards us. Allen and Erl already left that's why it's me and Andrei here again. Were inseparable huh?

"Wanna share your secrets about your sparkling aura?" She continued, trying to tease me.

"Yeah, Cley. Wanna share with our Luna? Look, Tita Aife. I've already known." Andrei said.

"Andrei, will you please shut up?" I said.

"Fine! By the way, Berlyn texted me." He said. I gave him a warning look.

"Whose Berlyn?" My dad asked, while walking down the staircase. He kissed mom on her lips the moment they get closer. Mom turned red so suddenly.

"Can you do that inside your room? Both of you? I don't like PDA, you know." I said, kidding aside.

"PDA? What was that?" Dad asked.

"It's a millennial term Tito Wyne. PDA means Public Display of Affection." Andre said.

"And where did you get that term, son? That's new, huh?"

"Who else? No other than -."

I didn't let Andrei finish what he's saying.

"Shut up." I said to him. "What is it that we need to discuss dad?"

I change the topic. I know that Andrei just wanted to inform them about my mate, but I want to tell them that personally.

I know that they're be happy once they knew about it.

'Lets talk about it inside my office." Dad said.

I think it's a little bit serious, huh? When we attain his office, he handed me the files of unknown person that I only saw just right now.

I didn't know who are they. The lady in a picture was gorgeous just like Berlyn. Maybe she's in her mid twenties. And I can figure out that she's a vampire base on her physical appearance.

The other one is a muscular man in his mid thirties. He's also a good looking man just like me, insert grin and he's a Werewolf.

"Bernard and Lyndsei Somer? Who are they?" I asked.

"Bernard Somer is an alpha of Somer Pack. Obviously he's a Werewolf. While his wife Lyndsei Somer is a vampire.

The Somer Pack began to abolish when Bernard fell in love with the vampire. He left their pack and live together with Lyndsei.

Their dead now. But their daughter was still alive. And she's a hybrid. A dangerous one." He said.

"What!? A hybrid? You mean half vampire and half werewolf?" I said.

"Exactly, son. And that's our problem. Hybrid is totally dangerous. They are strong and undefeated. We need to find their daughter. And the moment we find her, we need to kill her immediately before she can be a threatened to our pack and race."

I know that dad is right. I know how perilous they are. Many years ago, our race was being hazardous because of a hybrid.

The war began between werewolves, vampires and hybrid. Many lives has been sacrifice. Innocent one. The blood inundate like a river.

And the reason behind that? Those fucking hybrid! I hated them. I really do. And if ever I'll be the one to catch that hybrid, I swear she gonna die with my bare hands.

"But where can we find her?" I asked.

"That's what I'm going to find out as soon as possible. But for now, tell me about your mate. You already found her, right?" He said.

"Sort of. Her name is Berlyn. Don't worry, I'll take her here next time we came back." I said.

"How is she? Tell me about her."

"She's a nice girl. Very lovely and a little bit humorous. Oh, no. She's totally funny."

I said while reminisce the way she makes me smile and laugh out loud.

"Really? Which pack did she belong?" He asked.

"She's not belong to any pack dad. But she's not a rogue also. Both her parents are died when she's six years old. Since then she struggled to live on her own and live her life like a human being. She said that her parents told her she's an omega, but I don't think so, dad."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She's brave, fast and strong. She can linked without even proper training. And most specially, she can read my mind. She knows what I'am thinking." I said.

"Seriously? How can she do that? Even your mom didn't know how to read someone's mind which is I'am thankful about coz I still have my privacy. But with her, you can't hide everything with her coz she can read your actuation? That's hard, son."

"I know. But it's okay, coz I'm not planning to keep a secret from her. Not now, and not even in the future." I said.

"That's odd. But I'm glad our future Luna was kinda extra ordinary. That would be an advantage to our pack." He said and I agree with him.

Berlyn is gifted and I'am so proud of her. I'am grateful to be her mate. I'am auspicious to have her.

After our conversation, I decided to go to my room. I need to take a rest coz tomorrow morning, were going back to Fork City.

As I lay on my bed, I didn't notice that I fell asleep quickly. Maybe I'm just tired the whole day. When I wake up, it's already nine o'clock of the evening.

I'm planning to take a shower when my phone vibrated. I smiled when I saw its Berlyn whose calling me.

"Hey, sweetie. Missed me already?"

I said once I answered her call. But the excitement in her voice that I expected didn't happened. Instead, her trembling voice is the one I heared when she said my name.

"C-cley, I need y-you right now." She said.

Is she crying? What happened to her? I know there's something wrong. I feel like my heart squeeze tightly when I heard her raspy voice.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?" I asked continuously.

"C-can you come here? N-now?" She said in a low voice.

"I can, but it takes three hours before I'll be there. Will you be okay until then?" I said.

"Yeah. I- I'll wait for you. I just need you here right now. I'll tell you why later." She said.

"Okay, sweetie. Keep safe, understand? I'll be there as fast as I can." I said and hurriedly go to dad's office as she cut off the call.

"Dad, I need to go. Tell Andrei to follow me, ASAP." I said.

"What's wrong? " He said.

"Something happened to Berlyn. I need to be by her side right now. She needs me. Tell mom that I will missed her." I said.

When he agreed, I hurriedly go to driveway and without a glanced, I drive my car at its highest speed. I need to be with Berlyn as soon as possible.

I know there's something wrong with her. Even my inner wolf said that. And I'm worried. I really am. I don't know what to do if something bad happened to her.

I'm such a jerk that I let her alone during that time. I'm supposed to be by her side always. I know she's in pain. She's deeply hurt.

And I swear to moon goddess that I'm going to kill that bastard who harmed her. Then suddenly I feel a little bit strange. Why does it feel like I'm in slow motion when I've already on the highest speed?

I feel like something pushing me back where I came from. As if something hurdling me to reached out with her. What was that? That's a little bit strange. What was happening to me? Why i'am feeling this way?

Author's Note:

This is it. The story started to be different from what you expected, right? Many surprises ahead of this. I'm a little bit in a roller coaster ride this time thats why my imagination begin to explore something different with a twist. I know you're going to like this, guys... Just enjoy the story...

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It's me,
