
His, Mine & Ours

One night of fun is all Lily Evans wants, and she gets her chance at a party two states from home. By morning, she is back to her boring life of tour guiding the wealthy visitors of Bahamas and determined to forget how her lover made her feel. Until her one night stand turns out to be Lucien Wills, wealthy billionaire and most eligible bachelor in Italy. He's in town, and it's all she can do to stop her heart from racing when she is assigned as his personal guide. However, a series of mishaps and ill-spoke words give her away, and Lucien becomes bent on unravelling this sultry, yet shy enigma. As forgotten secrets come up to the surface, will Lily be able to accept another man into her life, or will their shared night together be just a memory?

Nwanna_Feechi · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Lily's POV - 8

After nearly ten minutes of explaining the pros and cons of each boat, Lucien finally settled on one of the newer ones.

"Better safe than sorry?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"No, it just looks better." There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he climbed into it and offered a hand. I had half a mind to ignore it and walk in myself, but everyone was staring at us and I didn't want to embarrass him. As soon as he pulled me in, my body hit his and I was about to mutter an apology when he winked at me.

I sighed and turned my face away, as I noticed the length of another boat beside us. It was nearly twice the size of ours, and my eyes widened. "Wow! It's huge!"

Behind me, Lucien paused and leaned forward. "I do wish you'd keep those comments until we are in bed, Lily. I would appreciate them more then." He tapped my butt lightly and I all but jumped out of his reach. It shocked me that he could easily be so crude, but as I thought back to that night, I shook my head and faced forward.

From the way he analyzed everyone there and joked around, I should have known he was the kind of person to recklessly taunt someone. Thankfully, he seemed really interested in looking over the water so he didn't pay me much attention during the ride. I caught him looking at me a few times though, but I could live with that. After the ride, we headed snack to the hotel with me in my guide mood as he asked intriguing questions.

It really seemed like he was interested in knowing more about the place, after all he did pay for a private tour. I had only started to smile as we passed the hotel lobby when he suddenly pulled my hand and dragged me into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I innocently asked, and he said nothing as he began to move towards me. His eyes scared me and my first instinct was to yell for help, but I shook my head and stayed put. He wouldn't harm me.

"You're bringing me torment, and I don't like it," he started, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stared at me. "Throughout yesterday, today...Lily, I want you."

I swallowed a gulp and feebly shook my head. "How? I'm just your tour guide, and it needs to remain that way. I told you to forget about that night."

"And I refuse to. Not when I get to see you everyday, shaking that at me." He nodded at my trousers, and I suddenly felt self conscious. Maybe I needed to go back to the baggy ones.

As he took another step, I took another one back and he smiled. At that point, he reminded me of a cheetah hunting its prey, and I shuddered. For the tenth time, I wondered how I allowed myself to end up in the bathroom with him. A part of my mind found it thrilling though, and I fought a smile back. It seemed so...secret, like everyone else stood outside while we played in our little bubble. Breaking the rules.

"Lily, you don't know what seeing you in those jeans is doing to me." At that moment, he traced a line across my back and a shiver ran through me.

"Lucien, you can't–," my words caught in my throat as he moved even closer to me. "We can't…," I tried to turn away, but he held my chin and stared at my mouth. My heart pounded in my chest as his lips brushed over mine. His scent overpowered me and I found myself leaning into him as once again, he held my waist and deepened the kiss. The taste of him, oh god, it made me want more.

He grabbed my legs and I was just about to lean on the counter and allow him raise me up when I heard a noise. Instantly, I crashed back to reality and opened my eyes in shock. "No!" I yelled, and raised my hands to hit the nearest part of him I could find, which happened to be his face.

"Jeez, I...shit!"

I watched in horror as he held his face for a few moments, and glared at me. I couldn't believe it, I actually slapped Lucien. I started to walk over to him, probably to apologize or rub his face and kiss him, but he turned away and walked out of the room. Without a word.

"Fuck!" As soon as the words left my mouth, my eyes widened and I sighed. I couldn't remember the last time I used a swear word, and it felt odd to be doing it now. Still, it seemed appropriate for the situation.

"I didn't mean to," I aimlessly whispered to the empty air around me. It was just an abrupt reaction to his constant sexual words, and I was torn between blaming him or myself. He had obviously baited me no doubt, but I could have easily walked away or something. What was I thinking?

I glanced at the mirror as a thought gathered in my head. What if he reported me to my boss? The dull pain in my head started again, and I pressed a hand on the spot. How foolish could I be? This guy, judging from what Ateg said, was a top shot in Italy so his presence in the Bahamas was very important to our brand. "And I'm about to ruin that," I mumbled and rushed out of the bathroom, using my eyes to search for Lucien and apologize.

However, he didn't seem to be downstairs. The only people I saw were regular hoteliers and then some of the tour guests. Not that he interacted with any of them,but I half expected him to be complaining to one of them about my actions. If he wasn't here though, that meant… my eyes strayed to my boss's office.

Was he inside there? I took in a deep breath and walked across the room to stand at the door for a moment. I didn't think anyone would care if I stayed there for a while, but I still needed to be careful as I pressed my ears to the door. There was no human voice, just the rustling sound of papers and I sighed in relief. Maybe he hadn't reported me yet.

As soon as I turned to go, I saw Lucien watching me from across the room and my heart skipped a beat. Even from where I stood, it was easy to see that his eyes had gone a lot darker and now, he was openly frowning. Shit, that couldn't be good. Still, I swallowed the little dignity I had left and began to walk towards him. However, he acted first.

"Lily! Come over here and stop being slow." He practically bellowed my name, and I stood, rooted in shock for a few seconds before my legs ran to him on their own accord. Even as I got to him and saw his eyes blazing with negative emotions, I began to wonder if I could take the heat he seemed to be delighted in.

Oh wow, looks like Lucien is angry.

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