

Max isn’t just your average good looking guy. He comes from a very wealthy family. He’s the bad boy, the rebel, the risk taker. He doesn’t have a heart and doesn’t care about anyone but himself. But when he meets Stassie, he’ll do anything to get her. Will he risk his bad boy image or will he hurt her? ⚠️- sexual scenes- Ps they are in high school senior year ~

itsjust_katie · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs

Chapter 1



My alarm kept going off. Ugh, I do not want to get up. I shut the annoying sound off and rub my face. Senior year. Last year of high school. I was excited but mostly terrified because after this it's real world stuff like college and work. Sometimes I wish I could just turn back time. Before my thoughts could intrude more, I heard a knock on the door. I sighed as I saw my mother open my door.

"Morning sweetheart. First day of school are you excited?" She asked as she went to the window and opens the curtains letting sunlight through. I squinted my eyes adjusting myself to get used to it. I grumbled getting up.

"Mom is that necessary?" I make my way to the bathroom that's inside my bedroom. Yes, I have a private bathroom. You see my mom's an architect and my dads a lawyer - but he's never really around much- so they can afford a house like this. I make my way inside closing the door behind me before my mom could say anything further. I heard her footsteps going out of my room leaving me with peace and quiet. Finally. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I looked like crap.

I turn the sink on running my hands underneath cupping them together letting the water fill. I brought them up to my face and smoothed the water all over my face while grabbing my face wash. After about a few minutes of doing that, I quickly brushed my teeth making sure I got everything. I double check in the mirror and head back into the bedroom. I saw dasher sitting on my bed looking up at me with those cute puppy eyes.

"Morning handsome" I chuckle as I give him a scratch on his head and soft kiss on the top of his nose. I then made my way to the closet to see what I was going to wear. I didn't want to wear something too revealing but also didn't want to wear something that was well, non-cute. I picked out every option I had looking in the mirror to see if it will match or I felt like wearing it. What seemed like hours, I finally picked something that was cute. I settled on wearing a floral top with some skinny jeans and my white sneakers. As I was getting dressed I heard my sister Jasmines voice yelling out to me.

"STASSIE, MOM SAID TO COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST!" Her annoying little voice screamed out to me. I rolled my eyes quickly brushing my hair and putting it in a nice bun. Satisfied with my look, I went downstairs with my backpack and made my way to the kitchen.

"You really need to not yell Jas, my ears bleed" I tease her chuckling. She gave me a dirty look before sitting down. I grabbed myself a plate and grabbed some of the pancakes mom made. I always loved her cooking. Something about it just brought me comfort.

"Girls, I won't be home tonight so Stassie you are in charge over your sister. Jas I need you to behave while I am gone. You have my phone number and any emergency contacts" our mom glances at us as she packs up her things. This is normal routine for us. Sometimes she would be home all week and sometimes she'll be at her office working on some big project. We rarely ever see dad, he's always busy but he makes sure to come home every 3 weeks. Me and Jas sighed at the same time. I looked at the clock and saw we were gonna be well almost late.

"Jas lets go, I need to drop you off at school" I shove the rest of the food in my mouth before grabbing my things and head out the door. We rushed into my car quickly putting our seatbelts on and driving down the street. I dropped off Jas at her school before making my way to mine. I smiled at her as she opened her door. "Have a great day!" I yell out as she completely ignored me. Typical. I drove off making my way to my high school.


"Welcome back students of Liberty high! It's nice to be back after this long summer hasn't it?" The whole auditorium was dead quiet as we all were paying attention to principle Mathews. He was the most boring person to listen to. No joke. Listening to him is like watching golf on tv. He continued on as I started spacing out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my friend Megan wave her arm out.

Megan and I have been friends since we were babies. We did EVERYTHING together. We were inseparable to the core. We knew everything about each other. Secrets, crushes, etc. I waved back at her motioning for her to come near me. I moved my stuff off the chair next to me as she plopped herself down giving me a hug.

"GIRLLLLLLL how I missed you!!" She squealed as we broke off the hug. We haven't seen each other this summer because she went off the Europe this whole summer and I stayed here in Pennsylvania to help mom out. I was offered to go with her family but I unfortunately had to decline. "You will not believe who asked me out the other day" her smile grew bigger and weirdly looking at me with a creepy face.

"and whoo may this be?" As if I didn't already know. Of course it was Rick Hilton. The football quarterback, the bad boy. I never saw any real good in him and I was generally concerned about my best friend.

"Rick dummy!! He asked me out! He thought I was always cute!" Her face beamed with glory as my face rolled it's eyes. He just wants to use her for sex that's about it. No matter how many times I've told her to be careful, she doesn't listen. "Just be careful yeah? I don't want want you to get hu-" just as I was going to finish the bell rang causing everyone to get up.

"Don't forget your grab your schedules!!" The principal yelled out cause the crowd to groan. I slowly make my way to the table grabbing my schedule and head out to my first class, English. As I was walking and not really paying attention, I accidentally bumped into someone causing everything I had in my hands to fall. I mentally scowled as I start picking up my stuff.

"I-I am so sorr-" I look up to see a very beautiful handsome person looking straight back up at me. His eyes were like a golden suckle honey that if the light touched them, they would sparkle and appear lighter. My cheeks started to heat up as words escaped his mouth.

"Uh....are you okay?" His deep husky voice asks me.