
Welcoming His Majesty.

That happens." Was her reply.

"And what does that mean?" He raised a brow in question.

"If what you're trying to say is that we are opposites and that we attract each other, then you're right In the first aspect of the sentence, but you're wrong in the last." She explained calmly.

Did she just tell him that she's not attracted to him?

The conversation was over after a few more chats that sounded uninteresting to both of them. Aragon finally lifted his legs away from hers, giving her the chance to also take her bath. She pretended like he wasn't there till she was done scrubbing herself, and got up to put on her dress.

She helped his Majesty into his clothes too, and they left back for the tent. Raziah wished she could spend the whole night in the Lake, but his Majesty had taken her hand and taken her away from the place. The smirk on his face wasn't as devious as the others, and she could see something flickering in his dark depths, as if he was deep in thought.

And for some reason Raziah couldn't quite put into words, both of them couldn't sleep that night. Most probably because the man was cuddling her a little tighter than before, and most of the night his head was buried into her neck, and his surprisingly sharp teeth kept grazing her skin, hurting from time to time. Sometimes, he would suddenly lick that area, and her heart would leap uncontrollably.

She hated it. And it doesn't mean that she's attracted to him if that was what he was trying to prove by giving her one sleepless night!

The following day, they continued their journey before dawn, and Raziah could breathe well again. The sleep wasn't even coming at all, so she rested her head on the walls as usual, bashing in the warm silence that was getting hotter every passing hour. The sound of galloping horses, many of them this time was what caught her attention. Usually, they passed by travelers but this one sounded many, like an army or something that even made the ground tremble a bit.

"We are here, your Majesty." A guard knocked on the carriage to inform them, and Raziah peeked outside the window to see what was going on. It was already evening again, but it looked like a festival was going on in the kingdom of Sabaean. There were lights everywhere, and it was colorful, and many were singing and dancing. She looked around again, but couldn't see any army.

Then where did the sound of galloping come from? Did they already pass by them? So fast?

Seeing the emblem, they got to the palace and the guards in charge let them in. Aragon helped Raziah alight from the carriage, and she stared at the wondrous palace in front of her. She couldn't say which was bigger - whether Erandell or this one, but to her, it felt like this one was less refined, but a little more concreted than Erandell's.

They must have known about their arrival because it looked to Raziah like everyone was waiting in a big hall. His Majesty had let go of her hand because she was just his 'guest' as the attendants led them to the hall where the King of Sabaean was ready to welcome Aragon. Raziah walked a step behind his Majesty, her face set into the normal uninterested mask. She kept on rubbing her wrist every now and then.

Pushing the hall doors open, The King and his snow-white walked into the room. For starters, the room was very much dim-lit, only lit with a few candles in a Gothic style that was giving Raziah the creeps. There was a buffet of drinks and dishes, making her lips tremble.

The second Raziah's eyes zoomed in on the food, she refused to look anywhere else anymore. She didn't care if most of the royalties gathered in the room were even more interested to know who she was, and how she was related to the king, or what they were thinking about her, all she wanted was for someone to serve her before she loses her composure and strikes that Buffett.

She knew His Majesty was chatting with someone, but her attention wasn't even on them till she heard her name.

"...my guest, Raziah."

"I find that very hard to believe," Eleazar Tiberius, the King of Sabaean kingdom Cooed softly, his light brown eyes gleaming as he faced Raziah, "Are you trying to tell me that... Someone as ravishing as this isn't royalty?... And not married?" Raziah was a little taken aback when Eleazar took her small hands in his, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles, "Look at that, she even smells like Heaven," he added.

"You should know better, Azar" Aragon replied rather curtly.

Eleazar didn't let go of Raziah's hand at first, till he abruptly twirled her around, and a jaw worked on Aragon's face. Raziah had to pull her hands away from him, dropping them beside her.

"Oh common, she's only a guest. Don't be so possessive!" Azar rolled his eyes, "Or is there something more to it? You hardly look like that, Agon."

What were they talking about anyway? Raziah's eyes fluttered back to the meals. The aroma was so good!

"Your Majesty," Three Woman greeted behind Aragon. One of them was Eleazar's sister, while the others were his daughters. He also had a son, but the Prince was probably drunk and wandering somewhere inside the castle.

Aragon turned around, "Eliska, Valerie, Gwenore. It's been a while." Eliska was Eleazar's younger sister, while the other two were his daughters. They looked much younger than the older woman, who still looked beautiful despite her age.

"Welcome your Majesty, Please do have a seat," Eliska ushered the both of them to the seat that had been reserved for them. That was when Raziah took notice of the three women, and the one that had the same eyes as the king here. The other two had darker brown eyes, and it was as if both their eyes were glued to her husband's face. She wouldn't blame them though, His Majesty was a very beautiful creature.

"Your Majesty, I heard about the upcoming war," Gwenore began.

"Right? Herbert is a stubborn man, so we would give him just what he wants," Aragon replied with a smile. He sounded so confident in himself.

"I'm glad to know everything is under your control. Are you here to watch the games?" Gwenore asked again.

"Well I'll be staying for three days, so why not? Give me a good show to watch, Princess." Aragon cooed, and Gwenore blushed. Unlike her sister who had straight dark hair, Gwenore had Curly hair with freckles on her face. They start from her nose and spread along her cheeks, giving her a cute look. When Raziah first saw her, something told her that the woman was more powerful and mature than she looked. Plus, she Sparkled as she conversed with his Majesty - they would make a fine match.

The Dishes were untouched, and most of the people around were drinking from the bowl of glistening dark red liquid, savoring every sip. Once again, she felt like there was something so very shady about the whole place.

Now, who would serve them food?

As if Aragon could reach her mind, he bent over and whispered to her, "Everyone can see how hungry you are, do you know that?"

She replied, "It's my way of telling them to serve us already. I didn't see you eating anything, you must be hungrier than me,"

"Should I ask the maids to bring us food?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Aragon simply clapped, surprising Raziah a little when she saw three maids piling up food and pushing it to them. They served them on each plate, and Aragon ordered them to add more for Raziah and stuff it with meat. For the first time since sunrise that day, Raziah was happy with what he had just done.

Till she saw the maid that was serving the King's plate, and the happy feeling instantly vanished from her heart. She and the maid had just locked gazes, and the shocked expression that took over the girl's face was enough confirmation.

The sound of breaking plate then filled the room.

The maid had just dropped everything she was holding.

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