

Prince Lucien let out a soft sigh before he continues.

"As for my younger sister, she can grow any plants and make them healthier even without water and fertilizer."

His younger sister, Princess Lucille, has just recently discovered her abilities. She now can help the farmers during calamities and secretly make their crops safe and avoids the possibility of hunger in their kingdom. Her ability is a huge help for them since the Lastoval Kingdom is experiencing drought every two years.

"And lastly, Aunt Melissa can see the future in her dreams."

When Prince Lucien mentioned his aunt's name, he looks at the young duke first before his gaze lands on his daughter. Clementine had already mentioned this to Penelope but he did not elaborate it that much. He doesn't have enough information about it. Clementine just gave Penelope a brief explanation about it when he told Melissa's story to her.