

It’s been a great week for her, spending time with her parents and having a lot of memories. Her parents were caring as always and so was her husband. He never stopped showing his love for her even for a second.

She was lying on the bed, so lazy to even wake up. They were supposed to go on a picnic at the park and yet she just couldn’t manage to wake from the bed. Sean suddenly entered her bedroom and she smiled at him.

‘I knew that you will be like this. It’s time for us to leave or you are planning on remaining behind?’ he asked her as he walked towards her.

‘I want o go so badly but I just can’t wake up. Can you help me?’ she said and saw a smile appearing on the corner of his lips.

‘I didn’t know that pregnancy can take one into this,’ he said as he stopped right in front of her.

‘It’s not like I want to be like this too,’ she said sulking.