
His Kinky Condition

"Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought make her calmed down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

Jomaica_C · Thành thị
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

The night was too short for Merry that even if she just woke up she feels tired already. The situation she was in makes her sleepless. Her brain is working nonstop trying to take in what was happening to her life, especially to her body. Before she starts her morning routine, she grabs her phone, she wants to hear Joset's voice and ask for some news about her mom's health. When she opens it, she saw some notifications on the screen, 5 emails, and 2 messages it says. So she reads the first one and it was from Joset:

"Mer! We received several offers from different publishing houses for the book you are currently working on. Oh my! We'll be wealthy bitches soon. I sent you some emails, please check all of them and then get back to me as soon as you can! We have a lot to discuss. Ciao!" she could feel how happy her friend is. But she feels nothing. She knew that the price she has to pay for having all these opportunities will change her life. She opens the last message she received and it was from an unknown number.

"I will pick you up at 8 am sharp. Be ready and don't make me wait. I hate tardiness. – CB" she's sure who the sender is, how did he know her number? She doesn't know. Her clock says 6:30 am… she still has a lot of time to prepare. So she made breakfast first and made herself look presentable. When she looks at her mirror, she notices the eye bags that are sitting under her eyes. She looks presentable but she looks tired and pale. At 7:30 she's ready and also has time to read her emails. While waiting in her living room she reads all emails she received and her eyes couldn't believe the offers that were mentioned in them. She's still trying to take everything in when someone knocks on her door. She's pretty sure that Mr. Black is the man knocking.

"Good morning." She said as soon as she opens the door. The man looks at her with his brows knitted together.

'This man doesn't know how to smile.' She thought then she felt his thumb gently caressing the skin below her eyes.

"What happened to your eyes?" he whispers. She blushes when she realized that the black skin was noticeable.

"Must be the lack of sleep." She answers looking everywhere but at him.

"I know I was the one making you sleepless I should feel flattered but I feel bad." He said moving away his hand and stepping away from her as well. "We should go now." He said while starting to walk away. She felt confused, he was just a sweet person a while ago and now he was acting cold and scary. Whatever she was thinking was stopped when someone greets her and opens the car door for her. She smiles at the driver, being polite won't hurt.

"Good morning! My name is Merry." She said while offering her hand for a handshake but before the driver could take it Colton grabs her hand, put his arm on her waist, and assists her to get in the car. So she just smiles at the driver and waves her hand instead.

The car started to move when all of them were in. Colton's arm is still on her waist. She should feel uncomfortable but she's not. She's liking it. She feels secure and protected. But when she looks at him she noticed that his jaw is moving it's as if he's trying his hard to control himself. She wanted to know if he was okay. But because the atmosphere was so silent and eerie, she moves her head close to Colton's face and she puts her hand on the side of his ear while moving closer to him.

"Are you okay?" she whispers, her mouth close to his ear. He faces her and now their faces are only an inch apart.

"Why are you whispering?" he asked. She looks around and she felt stupid for her action.

"I thought I wasn't allowed to speak loud?" she said and giggled afterward.

He was feeling irritated when he saw her smiling with another man. He knows that it was an innocent smile, just her being polite. But it still makes him mad that all he wanted to do at the moment was to smack his driver's face. But when she moved her face close to him and whispered something in his ear, he already forgot that he was mad. And when she giggled, his heart beats uncomfortably. It is an angelic sound, addicting and it makes him calm. He couldn't stop his arm from reaching her small body to be closer to him. She stops giggling and just looks at him. He was expecting she will move away but she didn't, she just looks at him with a smile on her lips. Those lips he wanted to kiss ever since they saw each other this morning. He wanted to kiss her but he knew he shouldn't, they have company and the public display of affection is not in his dictionary. He can wait.

"You can speak out loud any time you want." He said looking deeply into her eyes. He saw her nod her head.

She was thinking of shifting away from him but when she saw his face that is now calm and undisturbed she decided to just stay still. It's not as if she's uncomfortable. To make herself busy, she took her phone planning to reply to Joset's message.

"What are you doing?" she heard him ask.

"I will just reply to my friend's message." She said not looking at the man beside her. She started to type a message when suddenly her body was lifted and put on someone's lap. She was astounded. She looks at him with her mouth partly open.

"I want you to look at me every time we talk. I want your full attention when you're with me. So, put away your phone and just look at me." she looks at him with shock shows all over her face.

"Are you crazy?" she asked. But instead of answering her he took her phone and put it inside his pocket.

"If you want to message your friend now you will have to take it from my pocket but if you can wait until we arrived at my office, I will allow you to even call her."

'Who did he think he is to tell me what to and not to do?' she thought. She doesn't voice it out because of the fact that they have a company. So instead of saying anything she just nods her head. But she was infuriated.

"Please put me down." She said not looking at him. She was relieved when he listened to her. She was biting her lip to stop herself from going berserk.

She was still fuming mad when they arrived at his company. He opens the car door for her and he took her hand while leading the way inside his empire. As expected, everyone is staring at them. It makes her feel uncomfortable but instead of feeling more awkward she waves her free hand and she puts a smile on her lips. She doesn't want to look like a snobby bitch.

A few employees are lined up for the elevators, she was thinking about which one they will use but she was confused when she was led to the other corner with no people around. It opens as soon as Colton pressed the button and they went inside.

She wanted to ask why are they using the elevator just for themselves when it is really obvious that a few people also need a ride. She initially planned not to talk to him but her curiosity is killing her.

"Why is- "she started but it was cut off by a fiery kiss. She was pushed next to the wall and the coldness she felt from it was washed away by the heat of Colton's body. She was caught off guard. She's not kissing back, she doesn't want to. She's still mad at him. But he has other plans. Instead of persuading her to kiss back, he lifted her by wrapping both of her legs to his waist. She opens her mouth to say something but he was too fast to enter his tongue into her mouth and right there and then she loses the battle, her battle. It's as if he wanted her to taste heaven again. And she gave in, she tries to follow the movement of his tongue. She felt him halt for a second but when he realizes her action, he became more ardent. His holding her too tight, she almost can't breathe but she doesn't mind. She's enjoying his kisses. His lips leave hers but continue kissing her jaw down to her neck. The kiss was ticklish but it was delicious. She moans when he licks her there. She was biting her lips to stop herself from moaning. But it was really hard when he started to lick her in her collarbone down to her cleavage. She can feel her lower region being wet. And she wanted more. But she doesn't know exactly what she wants. She is now panting, she doesn't want him to stop. As if reading her mind, he stopped licking her there and continue kissing her on her lips. And she was lost somewhere in their world and somehow she is free and she feels alive. Something is awakened inside of her and she's loving the feeling of being with him, intimately.

He stops to breathe in then he looks at her, she looks magnificent. With her swelling lips, red cheeks, and the look in her eyes wanting for more. He as well wants more but if he wouldn't stop now, he might do things she will regret later. He was trying hard to control his body but he can't. Every time he was with her, all he wanted to do is to feel her, to assure himself that she was right there.

"We need to stop now sweetheart." He whispers while looking into her eyes. "While it's really exciting to take you in this position, I don't want your first to be inside the elevator." He said smiling. He feels light and happy. With just a kiss, no, with more than just a kiss he's now in a good mood.