

I woke up to a large hand shaking my shoulder. Opening my eyes and stretching I looked at who woke me up, and the events of this morning came back to me. I looked up at him, and suddenly realized I didn't know his name.

"Whats your name?"

I asked him and studied his face taking in his handsome features. He smiled and handed me a jacket before responding.

"Its Kai, now come on let's get inside."

I finally realized we were at his house. I looked past him and saw stretches of forest behind him and smiled. I was glad we were in the forest, it was calming to me. I stood out of the car taking in a breath of fresh air and looking at the thick woods surrounding me before turning around and sucking in a gasp.

The house was huge. to say the least. It was a dark grey house with three stories and a perfect lawn. despite being in the middle of the forest. The first floor had lots of floor to ceiling windows, letting me get an early look at the inside of the house. Kai led me inside and started to give me a tour of the first floor. The living room had a TV bigger then I could dream of, and the open floor plan would allow me to watch TV and eat without sitting on the couch. There was a library, two offices and a guest bedroom on the first floor.

All of the rooms had the same hardwood floor with dark grey and a mix of browns, dark grey walls, and dark furniture. The furniture looked like it was made for the house and each room was decorated perfectly. It was dark but felt warm and comfortable.

The second floor was the same decoration as the first but had another big office that he said was his, and more guest bedrooms. These had their own on suites and looked to be for the more important guests.

He then started to lead me to the third floor which I expected to have more bedrooms and maybe another living room, but I was suprised to see only a short hallway to a large metal door with a keypad and fingerprint censor.

"What is this?" I asked him a little apprehensive about following him in.

"There are two master suites in this house, and you'll be staying in one of them. They are the most secure rooms in the house" He said matter of factly before typing in a code and telling me to put my finger on the scanner to get my own fingerprint on the door so I could get in and out without him.

The door beeped once I scanned my finger in and he told me to do it once more to open it. I did and the door clicked and I pushed on it to open it and it swung open with ease. behind the door there was a continuation of the hallway, leading to a large window lighting the hallway with only four doors on each side.

He pointed to the left side. Thats my side, this is going to be yours. I opened the door that was on my side closer to the big metal door, and saw a pretty and unused office. I assumed these would be our private offices, and liked that I had my own.

"I only use my office across the hall late at night, so I won't be right here during the day, but ill only be down the steps." He said as if he had heard my thoughts.

I then walked down the hall and pushed open the door to what I assumed was my bedroom. I was greeted with floor to ceiling windows, and a small wet bar with a coffee machine and mini fridge. Above the wet bar was a large TV and plush couch seated across from it. Further along the dark wall was a door, and then my eyes scanned to the right catching sight of two more doors before finally landing on the huge bed.

The bed was massive, it looked larger than a king bed. The tall headboard was covered in a plush black cloth, the sheets a matching shade and three rows of pillows propped against the headboard. I turned and looked at Kai in awe. He looked at me confused.

"Whats wrong? you can redecorate the room if you would like." He said looking at my face almost like he was reading everything going through my mind.

"No no thats not it I'm just.. How is the bed so.. how am I going to-" I didnt know what questions to ask or where to start.

"Its a custom made bed to fit the bedrooms, mine is the same" he said anwsering my first question without me even asking. "Let's go into my private office, we have some things we need to talk about" He said then turned and walked out. I would finish exploring my bedroom later, so I followed him into his office. This office unlike the other looked way more personal with more trinkets and things around the room. He sat in an armchair that looked specially made for him and motioned for me to sit in the one across from him.

I sat and curled up, looking at him trying to think of what to ask him first. He looked over at me in the armchair and started to talk without me needing to ask him questions.

"I think you've noticed by now, but im not entirely normal." he said watching me and seemed to be trying to gage my reaction so I nodded waiting for him to continue. "You saw me fighting those men earlier, you saw how fast we moved and you saw how my eyes changed from purple to blue." he said and swallowed, he looked nervous for some reason.

"Wait how did you know I thought your eyes were purple when I first saw you?" I asked him confused. I hadn't told him that, given i hadn't told him how much I'd seen, yet he knew everything I had thought. "Can you read my mind?"

"Yes." he nodded and looked up to see my reaction. I realized he had probably then known what I was thinking about in the car. I blushed lightly.

" How? What are you?" my mind ran through the possibilities, before he cut off my thoughts with a chuckle.

"I'm not sure why I'm suprised you aren't freaking out. I'm an Immortal, kind of close to your idea of a vampire, were just a lot stronger then those blood suckers, can procreate, and can actually eat real food and only need to drink blood about once a week" He said while watching me process the information

I started to think about everything he had done the past few hours I had known him and everything started to make sense. The only thing I didn't know is why he was telling me all this and didn't just kill me this morning.

"I didn't kill you because I felt like I can trust you and I have a problem that maybe you can help me with. One more thing you should know about me before I explain what I need your help with. I'm the next in line to be the king of all immortals."

My eyes widened in shock. There were more of people like Kai? Could they all read my mind? What else could he do other then read my mind?

"No they can't all read minds, im one of the few immortals that can. And to anwser your second question, I can do basically anything. The only "superpower" I dont have is flying but I beat that one by just transforming into a bird." He said looking proud of himself. I looked at him shocked. Im sitting in a room, with the prince of immortal kind, and he needs my help.

What could I possibly do for him?