


It was high time, I put all my words into actions, it's not all about saying what you can not do.

Afterall, actions speak louder than words.

Here I am on my bed, saying and thinking about all I have to do, without even making an attempt to stand up from the bed.

"Lazy assed bone", my mind cursed.

It was a typical Saturday, lots of works to do, not just mine, both the MR HOUSE OWNER, seriously I haven't even worked up to a week there and I am already tired.

I really don't blame Steff for always calling me a lazy assed bone.

I noticed someone laying on the other side of my bed, guess who it is.

No other person than, Steff.

Yeah, after I had given her a list of all I had to do today, she decided sleeping over so she could help me with some chores.

I wondered what I would have done without her.

"I love you so much, bestfriend", I said in her ear, as I pecked her on her cheeks, like both sides.