
His Huntress

The story follows Iris Marino, a young woman born and raised to service the Valentino family. Upon meeting the boss, Victor Valentino, it becomes clear to her that her and her family aren't too liked by him. In order to please her father and restore their title she must subject herself to his every command, no matter how outrageous.

AlizaTaylor · Thành thị
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11 Chs



How it didn't occur to me that a man I never met before didn't know I existed, I couldn't say. But now, he had no choice. I walked over to my father, remaining on display for the two strange men. Victor's eyes burned holes into me. It made me feel hot. I couldn't tell if it was hatred or desire, nor if it came from me or him. Before long, Victor stood from his chair along with his companion and walked up to me. He stopped mere inches away from me, enveloping me with his earthy scent.

"I need somewhere private for us to speak with Ms…Marino." My last name fell off his tongue like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

It took a moment to respond before my father finally spoke. "Direct them to the library, Iris."

And with a simple nod from me, I guided them out of the dining hall. Our library was two floors of literature where I usually spent most of my days, enjoying the solitude. Near the fireplace, sat two sofas across from each other and three french chairs. All made from the same fabric and placed for everyone present to enjoy each other's company by the warmth.

"Go over there", he pointed to the open space by the floor-to-ceiling window facing the backyard garden. I followed his instructions as he continued speaking. "How old are you?" He asked me as he started to circle me.

"25." His steps faltered a bit at my answer but continued with his examination.


"Italian, Spanish, Russian, French, and Korean."


"All but Korean."

He stopped in front of my face. "Then you dont know Korean."

"나는 충분히 유창하다." I smirk after telling him 'I'm fluent enough'. I gained a half-hearted chuckle from my actions


"None… yet." I hoped he saw my answer as it was. I wanted my first tattoo to be the Valeninto Rose. Only then would I be considered a true member.

A scoff escaped his lips as he left me to join Staphano a few feet away. They discussed what I assumed to be me amongst themselves at an angle I couldnt read their lips.


Stephano looked over his shoulder at me and I noticed that Victor wasn't the only handsome one. A combination of green eyes and dirty blonde, curly hair made him look foreign but his jawline made him look serious. And dangerous. His left eyebrow had a slit in it that i couldn't help but look at. He caught my eyes on him and winked at me causing my cheeks to become a slight tint redder.

Victor then turned to face me again and looked at me from the bottom to the top before he spoke. "Be ready in the morning. My men will be by to pick you up."

"So I'm in?" He chuckled at my question.

"Hell no. Not until you pass my test. New standards I've played just for you. Feel special."

He proceeded to walk out with Stephano right behind him, who sent me only last look, grinning. As I watched them leave, it was like a weight was taken off my shoulders only for it to be replaced with a heavier one as a recollection of his last words replayed in my head.

New standard I've made just for you. What the fuck does that even mean? Was he planning on rigging whatever test he had planned for me just because I was a Martino? He wouldn't, right? I don't know but I needed to be ready for whatever he threw my way. The future of my family name rest in the hands of someone that didn't give a damn about it in the first place. Easy enough.