

I woke up feeling tired and exhausted. More than anything I wanted to stay in bed all day long but I knew I couldn't. Elena driver will be here to pick me up any moment from now, so I better get ready. I lazily dragged myself to the bath room to do my morning business.

Within few minutes or rather hours ain't sure, I was done preparing. before I could head downstairs Elena driver was already here so, I head towards the car waving my granny bye not without noticing the fear in her eyes but I decided to not read meaning into it, maybe it was just granny being granny.

The ride to Elena's house wasn't that long, as a matter of fact it was quite close and short distance. Her house was deep in the woods at the far end of the road. I wonder why she will be living so deep into the woods but well maybe her family loves nature and wanted to be close to it.

We arrived at her house and I immediately saw her standing in front of the door,weaving at me. This place was amazing. It was like a mini community of some sort. There were housing that I didn't seem to notice before. The place was breathtaking. Elena soon got up with the fact that I can stare at this environment all day long, so she dragged me along side with her to where I presume to be her house. The inside was drop dead gorgeous. It was very big and huge just like granny house or rather a little big bigger than granny's house. I couldn't help the next question that came out of my mouth.

"Just how big is your family?" I asked

"Well, just I and Jayson and my parents, why"

"Ohh, the house is pretty big I must confess"

"No need to talk all professional" she said letting out a little laughter "but we ain't the only ones living here" she said finishing up her sentence.

"Ohh, yh I guessed that with the much house lined up outside"

She let out a short laughter as she replied me "come on let's head to the living room, we will be doing the project over there."

Jayson's Andrea POV

I was getting ready to visit Melissa the witch to help me find out what Cassie is, when I scent a smell, so familiar yet so different. Different from the scent I get from the pack house daily. The scent drive my wolf insane and immediately I knew that she was Here, Cassie was here. What's she doing here, I couldn't help but asked myself. I need to leave now or else I won't be able to control myself or my wolf any more. Her scent called unto me, I needed to leave right now. I mind linked Daniel asking him to meet me at the living room so we could go.

As I descented the stairs, her smell grew stronger, calling to me, tempting me to claim her right there right now , but I knew too well that I can not. I began to hear voice, her sweet voice as she was asking Daniel for advice on what to write on.

"Oh look who's here" my sister's sharp voice made everyone turn my way "come help us out with picking a topic jay" Elena said to me

"I got better things to do Elena" I snapped at her cause my wolf was on the edge and I was starting to lose control.

"Jay...." Daniel started but decided to keep shut good for him

"You could have just declined slowly, you don't have to be a jerk about it" Cassie said. Immediately the words left her mind every thing about me froze. Did she just call me jerk, is that how she sees me? I couldn't help but asked myself

"What did you say?" Was the only thing I could utter, I wanted to make sure I heard her right and it wasn't just my ears deceiving me.

"You heard me right, for fuck sake why will you talk to your sister that way" she responded. The moment she said fuck I couldn't help but imagine what it will feel like to be in that situation with her. Dirty thoughts began to invade my minds.

"Don't ever say the word fuck again to me, understood?" I asked her

"All else what?"

"Trust me you don't wanna know"

"Oh no baby boy, I do wanna know"

"Do not call me boy!" I said with my voice raising a bit with did not seem to affect her.

"Or else what?" She responded looking straight into my eye. I took few steps towards her, which brought me very close to her. and now I was standing face to face with her and I could feel her heart beat as it fell and rose again.

"You won't like what I'll do" I whispered into her ear which caused ghost buddle to cover her skin.

"I'll like to see what you will do"

I stared at her as she stared back daring me to do my worst. Her voice was Tempting, her beauty drawing me into an endless pit but j won't give in, I will never. And with that, I looked away and head towards the door and Daniel followed right behind me.

"What was that about?" He asked "why won't you just claim her," he asked

"I Will never claim a weak human" I said feeling irritated by my own self.

"She's not just an ordinary human jay"

"It still doesn't make any different, now enter the car let's go"

"Weak or not, these type of thing shouldn't matter when it comes to love" he said entering the red sport car as we drove off.