

Elena was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice her mate walk in on her starring at the window, so lost in thoughts.

“Penny for your thoughts love”

She jumped down from the window edge that she was hanging on, fear crosses her face before she took notice of Daniel’s present.

“You sacred the shit out of me Dan” she complained while trying to get her beating heart to keep calm.

“Sorry love, I couldn’t resist coming closer the moment I saw you looking so lost in your thoughts and beautiful like always”.

He stepped closer to her, wrapping his hands around her waist. She leaned into his touch and let out a sign of satisfaction.

“This feels like heaven”. She said with a sad smile on her face.

“It sure does.” He turned her around so she was facing him and he kissed the top of her head and asked “mind telling me what have been bugging you lately?”

“Bugging me?” She pretended to have no clue of what his talking about.