

Cassie's POV

Numb that was all I felt at first, My body, mind and soul felt like it disappeared. I could not feel anything. I tried opening up my eye but it felt like it was too heavy for me to open so I gave up.

Each time I woke up from what seem to be a deep sleep, opening my eye was always a battle so I gave in to the darkness all over again. Each time I woke up I kept hearing voices but making out what they were saying was always a problem so I stop bothering my weak self.

Just like every other day, I woke up to voices but unlike other days I could make out what they were saying. They seem to be having a deep conversation but about me?

"I can't believe she's his mate" unknown voice altered with sadness in her voice

"Uhmm" the other unknown voice let out a sign

"Why didn't he tell us? We are his parents after all. What's he going to do about his upcoming marriage now worst more what is he going to do about her?"