
His Hidden Luna

Emma had been hidden away from the world her entire life. Her twin brother, Dylan, was the only person she actually got to talk to and spend time with. She was 5 minutes older and born to be the next Alpha. But her father wanted Dylan to take over. He didn't like the idea of having a female for an Alpha, and wasn't sure the pack would like it either. So he kept her locked away as a baby, the world not even knowing she existed. Until the night she met her mate, then her whole world changed. And not all of it was for the good, including the night she was almost killed by her brother. Emma went from being hidden to hunted. Will her mate be able to keep her safe? Or will she be hidden once more?

Nicole_Brewer1985 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Chapter 11

Logan POV

Logan was waiting outside the hospital room while the doctor examined Morgan. His beta was pacing back and forth in front of the door, growling the whole time. His phone chimed for the tenth time. Emma was worried about Morgan, she tried to come but he wouldn't let her, which pissed her off. Morgan and Alexis had become fast friends with Emma.

"Where is she?" He heard a voice screaming from down the hallway. He knew it was Alexis. He turned his head in time to see her barreling down the hallway, Lane right behind her. Lane was his Gamma and Alexis was his mate.

Alexis's eyes were red and puffy from where she had been crying. Morgan and Alexis had known each other since they were kids, and they were like sisters.

"Is she ok? What happened?" she asked as she ran up. She didn't wait for Nathan to answer before she wrapped him in a hug. Nathan stopped pacing and growling long enough to hug her back.

"We are still waiting on the doctor to come out." Nathan told her.

At that moment, the door opened and Patrick walked out.

"She is absolutely fine, she is just shaken up. They didn't hurt her, but they did scare the hell out of her. She passed out from fright, but other than that, she is in perfect health." the doctor told them.

"Doc, what about the baby?" Nathan asked and everyone standing in the hallway jerked their heads from the doctor to Nathan. Morgan is pregnant? Logan couldn't believe it.

Patrick all of a sudden looked grim.

"Doc?" Nathan said quietly.

"The baby's heartbeat is lower than normal, probably from the stress that Morgan endured. I want to keep her overnight to monitor the baby. Hopefully after some rest and no stress, the heartbeat will pick back up." he told Nathan.

"Can I see her?" Nathan asked.

"Of course." Patrick said.

Nathan started towards the door when the doctor put his hand on Nathan's arm. "Don't say anything to her about the baby's heartbeat just yet. We need to keep her calm and telling her will stress her and the baby more. She thinks she is staying overnight as a precaution, and I really do think the baby's heartbeat will pick back up after Morgan gets some rest."

Nathan put his hand on top of the doc's and squeezed. "Thanks doc."

Patrick walked off down the hallway and Nathan disappeared into Morgan's room.

Logan looked at Alexis, "Did you know Morgan was pregnant?" he asked her.

"No! I'm pissed that she didn't tell me!" Alexis said.

"Calm down babe, I'm sure there is a good reason why they didn't tell anyone yet." Lane told her. He went up behind her and put his arms around her. He buried his face in her neck.

"I am calm. But we are like sisters. What good reason could there be to not tell me right away?" Alexis said.

"I don't know. Why don't you wait until she is better and let her tell you? In the meantime, let's go home." Lane said.

"But-" Alexis began but Lane cut her off.

"You can see her tomorrow. Let Nathan be with her right now and take care of her."

"Ok." Alexis said defeated.

"Lane, after you take Alexis home, meet me in my basement." Logan said.

"Yes, Alpha."

Logan watched them walk away. That wolf better hope and pray to the moon goddess that nothing happens to Nathan and Morgan's baby. If they lose it, he wouldn't hold Nathan back. Logan opened up a mind link to Adam and Marcus.

Head to my house, meet me in the basement.

Yes, Alpha.

Yes, Alpha.

Logan closed the mind link and left the hospital.

Marcus POV

"Tell us what pack you are with!!!" Marcus screamed. When the wolf didn't answer, Marcus hit him again. Whoever this guy was, he finally had enough sense to shift back to his human form. But he still wouldn't say a word. He just glared at them and spit a mouth full of blood at Marcus's feet.

They had been at this for over an hour. He had to hand it to him, this guy was one tough bastard. At least physically. Logan opened a mind link.

He's not going to break under physical torture. Let's try something else. Take the hooks and put them in each shoulder and hang him up, then take hooks and put them in each leg and chain them to the floor. In case he thinks he can get out of the chains by shifting. Make sure the cell door is locked. I will get a couple guards down here to stay with him, make sure he doesn't bleed to death before we can get any information. Let him hang for a few days, see if that will loosen his lips.

Yes, Alpha.

Logan closed the mind link and left the basement. He went into the kitchen and sat on the stool. He put his face in his hands. He needed to pull himself together before he went upstairs with Emma. He didn't want her to worry any more than she already was.

He needed to find out which pack led that attack. He will find out, and they will be held accountable. His phone chimed, he pulled it out of his pocket, thinking it was Emma, but it was Elder Michael.

I apologize Alpha, I have been in a meeting. I am just seeing your message. I will be there in a few hours.

Take your time. We are done with him for the day. He is hanging in my basement. Feel free to do what you need to do.

Will do, Alpha.

He closed the message from Michael and opened up a message to Emma.

Do you need anything from the kitchen, sweetheart?

I could use a glass of tea and some of Patricia's cookies if there is any left.

He looked around but didn't see any cookies, then remembered Patricia's favorite hiding spot. There they were.

Got the cookies and tea. Anything else?

No, thank you.

Be up in a minute.

He put his phone in his pocket, grabbed some cookies and a couple of glasses and filled them with tea, and headed upstairs.

Emma POV

Emma was bouncing up and down in the passenger seat, she was too excited to sit still. They had just left the pack hospital and the doctor said that she was officially off of bedrest. They were headed to Nathan and Morgan's house, Emma wanted to go see her since she couldn't go while she was in the hospital. Logan had told her everything that had happened and about the baby. She was glad that the baby was ok and that the heartbeat was back to normal.

But now it was Morgan's turn to be on bedrest. The doctor still wanted her to take it easy for a few more days. They pulled up and Emma all but jumped out of the car and ran to the door.

"Whoa there, take it easy sweetheart." Logan called after her, but she wasn't listening.

Emma knocked on the door and impatiently waited for someone to answer the door. Finally, the door opened and Nathan was standing on the other side, he smiled when he seen Emma.

"Looks like your finally released from your prison." Nathan said and winked at Emma.

"Yes I am." Emma said smiling.

"Well, don't just stand there, come in." Nathan moved to the side to let Emma and Logan in the house.

"Morgan is in the living room on the couch. She refuses to stay in the actual bed." Nathan told them.

"The doctor said I need to rest and be comfortable, he didn't say it necessarily had to be in the bed. The couch works just as well." Morgan called from the living room.

They all laughed. Why didn't I think of that? Emma thought to herself as she followed Nathan to the living room. Emma sat down on the couch beside Morgan and gave her a hug.

"Oh, I am so happy that you are ok. I nearly had a heart attack when Logan told me what happened."

Morgan glared at Logan. "He shouldn't have told you at all, and have you worrying like that."

"Alpha, I think maybe we should get these ladies something to drink." Nathan said.

Logan laughed, "I think you are right, especially since Morgan looks like she is ready to take my head off."

Logan and Nathan disappeared into the kitchen. Emma turned back to Morgan.

"How is the baby doing?" Emma asked.

"The baby is fine, heartbeat is nice and strong again." Morgan told her as she placed her hand on her belly. "Alexis is pretty upset with me though."

"Why?" Emma asked.

"Because I didn't tell her I was pregnant." Morgan looked like she was about to cry. Emma picked up Morgan's hand and held it in hers.

"We were going to tell everyone, but we decided to wait until after the risk of having a miscarriage had passed. I almost slipped up a few times and told her. I don't want her to think I didn't tell her because I don't love her, because I do, she is like my sister. I just wasn't ready to tell anyone yet." Morgan said.

"Have you told her that?"

"Yes, I did. She said she understands but I can tell she is still upset." she told Emma.

"She will be fine. I will talk to her."

"Oh, Emma, you don't have to do that."

"I know I don't, but I want to. You both have been so good to me ever since I have been here and honestly, I don't think I would have survived being on bedrest if it hadn't of been for you both." Emma told her.

"You are one of us now. We stick by each other through everything."

Emma gave her a big hug, she pulled back and kept holding Morgan's hand.

"What happened out there?" Emma asked.

"I don't know, it all happened so fast. I was driving back home and then all of a sudden, I was surrounded by wolves. I had to slam on my brakes to keep from hitting any of them. That's when I called Nathan. They just kept circling my car and every time I tried to go forward, one of them would jump on the hood of my car. It just stared at me, baring its teeth and growling. I was too scared to keep trying. Nathan said I should've just floored it and if I had run over any of them oh well. Cars can be replaced he told me, me and the baby can't. But I was too scared to do anything, and all I could think about was the baby and making sure nothing happened to it. They didn't even tell me that the baby's heartbeat dropped, said they couldn't risk my body being more stressed out. They didn't tell me until after its heartbeat was back to normal." Morgan was crying as she finished telling Emma everything that happened.

Emma squeezed her hand. "Well, all that matters now is that you both are ok."

"I just hope they find out what pack that was. And you better believe I will not be leaving the territory again." Morgan said.

"Damn right you won't be." Nathan said as he walked in the living room.

"Emma, sweetheart, we need to go. Your parents and brother are on their way here." Logan said.

"They are? Why?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. Alpha David didn't say, he just said he needed to talk to us." Logan said.

Emma nodded her head and turned back to Morgan. "Call me later, ok?"

"I will. Bye." Morgan said.