
Chapter Eleven: Scared

Marcus Smith

"So we are done for today..And less i forgot to tell you Marcus the AT entertainment invited you through me to come to there show"Leo said.

"Why would you do that Leo?"I asked him been surprised."I did it to help you bro"He replied.

"I don't really like the AT entertainment because they don't pay instantly."I said to him at the same time standing up from the chair I was sitting on.

"Well I guess if it's you they are gonna pay you instantly"He adviced but I scoffed.

"I don't trust them anyway"I rolled my eyes and was about to walk out of the room but he stopped me."what if the show you planned in Florida is been cancelled.what would you do?"Leo asked me.

"I don't know"I replied.

"You really need to know Marcus.you are about to reject a contract some people are dying to have."He said.

"You know you aren't the one who owns the contract so you can't tell me what to do""I said and was about to walk out but he still stopped me.

"You need to listen to me Leo, I'm your best friend and I'm advising like a good one"He said.

"Alright, I'm gonna accept the contract,, but if they don't pay me instantly you will definitely pay me"I said then left.

I walked through the stairs before getting to the sitting room,,the television was on which made me surprised because before I walked to the music it wasn't on,but why is it on?.

It was on a news channel which the newscaster was talking about the music competition which dad arranged without informing me,, I'm still angry with him for doing that anyway.

I took the remote then turned off the television.


Alexa Leonard

After supper I walked back to my room because I was feeling sleepy.i guess the few minutes I used in sleeping wasn't enough.

I began to yawn so loudly that even the birds outside could hear me,,gosh I just want to lay on my bed now.

I climbed the stairs and at the same time staggering and also I was having strange feeling in my tummy.

What could had mom put in the food?,I thought.

My room was now opposite me and I was about to open but I fell,I stood back on my feet then twisted the knob of the door before opening it.

Swiftly,I laid on my bed and at the same time holding my stomach.

Different thought came into my mind...I don't know what's wrong with me neither do I know whether I was poisoned by the food I ate.

But could mom had poison me?.. because I'm not sure she would harm her own child.

I yelled in pain and I also began to shed tears..the pain was really hurting me but nobody could hear me because I'm in my room.

I began to sweat profusely and at the same time coughing..my eyes were becoming heavy and blood was coming from my nostrils...I closed my eyes then finally passed out.

Owen Leonard

I began to pick on my food because I was already tired of eating it because it had a taste which I don't like.

"You don't like the food Owen?"Mom asked but I didn't answer.

"Don't you like the food?"She asked again."I love it mom it's just that there's an ingredient in it that I don't like"I managed to reply her.

"Well,I only spiced it up and nothing more but if you don't really like it you could drop it and take some cereals"She said and I was stunned.

Mom would never talk like this instead she would encourage me to eat more.i'm having this strange feeling that this isn't mom.

Because of recently she acts weird avd I know my real mom won't do that.

I'm really suspicious about this..or maybe someone acted like her.

I really need to talk to Alexa about this because it's making me more worried and confusing.

Leaving the food and climbing through the stairs was the next thing I did.i walked through it until I reached Alexa's room.

I knocked on the door but she didn't reply..I think maybe she's in her bathroom or the dressing room.

I continued to knock on the door several times but there was still no reply..so I decided to open the door but I was shocked to see her lying lifelessly on the floor next to her bed.

She was in a pool of blood and I'm sure is gonna be what she ate because the food was tasting in another way and because she ate everything that's why she's like this.

Without much thought I went to where she was then carried her.she wasn't as heavy as I thought so I took her out of the room then carried her through the stairs.

I'm definitely sure that isn't mom.

I got to the sitting room then checked the dinning room and my surprise mom wasn't there anymore.

"Mom"I called but there was no replied.i began to call her name severally and there was still no response.

I don't need a soothsayer to tell me that the person who i ate supper with isn't my mom.

I don't know what to do next,I was thinking of carrying her to the hospital but I can't drive.

But I think I can try my best in it.i carried her out if the house then walked to where her car was.

I was about to open the door of car but I remembered I wasn't with the key.

"Shit"I cursed beneath my breath then dropped her on the cold floor before entering back to the house.i climbed the stairs hurriedly then immediately I got to her room,,I opened the door then walked in.

I began to check her drawers and wardrobe until I saw the keys.i took it then hurried back to where I kept her.

I opened the door then kept her at the back seat..I closed the door and went to the driver's seat.i turned on the ignition before driving.

I just hope i'm able to drive her to the hospital before it's to late..



"Is the mission completed"Lucas the boss of the Mafias asked.

"Yes,I got to kill her first child but the second child noticed that I wasn't there mom then he took her to the hospital."Kyle answered.

"So you are trying to say that he went away?"Lucas asked.

"Yes sir"Kyle replied at the same time bending her head.

"I'm sending back to him and you must not come back till he is dead."Lucas said then stood up from his chair.

He walked out if the main room then we t to the dark room where he had kept Alexa's and Owen's mom.

He opened the door then saw her crying profusely.

"Why is the little baby crying??is it because of her children?.. let's say one is dead and the other would soon been gone."He said.

"You aren't gonna go away with this Lucas"She yelled bitterly.

"Let's see what's gonna happen.if Kyle doesn't come back with him dead you are gonna be killed but if he does you are gonna be spared."He said then laughed before walking out of the room.